Chapter 9

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Y/n's perspective

One year later...

Ai, Yuu, Ayumu, and I are in our third year of highschool and we'll be graduating in six months but today we're going to a diner to hang out and spend some time with Karin, who has been busy with modelling and college since graduation. Before I headed over to the diner to meet up with everyone, I first went to Ai's home to pick her up. Once I got there I rang the doorbell and Ai answered it.

"Hey Y/n, I was just getting ready to meet up at the diner. What are you doing here?"

"I thought that maybe we could walk over there together." I responded

Ai smiled "That sounds great. Come in and sit down while I finish getting ready then we'll go."

She brought me into the house and I sat at the table while she went back to her room to finish getting ready. While I waited I thought to myself about me and Ai's relationship and how it's made my life so much better. I've become pretty close to the girls in the idol club but I've also gotten a little better at talking to people in general. I've even made a couple friends of my own. Ai has helped me grow and change as a person and I'll always love her for it. As I thought about it Ai came out ready to go.

"You look as great as always Ai."

She gave me a kiss and held out her hand "Thanks! Now let's go."

I took her hand and we started heading to the diner.


Once we got there we saw that Karin was the only one that had got here yet.

She looked up and saw us. "Hey! How have you two been?"

"We've been good. It's nice to see you again Karin." I said

"It's nice to see you guys too."

"So Ayumu and Yuu haven't gotten here yet?" I asked. I knew the answer was probably yes but I wanted to be sure.

"Yeah but I got a text from Yuu a minute ago saying that they'll be here soon."

Five minutes later the two of them got here and we started to order food. Karin told us about what things are like at her college.According to Karin she's going to the same college as Kanata who is as sleepy as always but has also been working hard on her cooking as much as she has her studies.

The conversation continued when Karin asked me a question "Hey y/n, what are your plans for the future? I know what the others have in mind but what about you?"

"I don't know, I've never really thought about it. I'm planning on going to college but I don't know about anything else." I responded

Karin then said "You really should be thinking about it. You're graduating in six months after all."

"You're right. I'll give it some thought."

We all talked and spent some time together before we all needed to head home. I walked Ai home and then headed home myself.

On the way home I decided to think a bit on my future like Karin suggested. I tried to think about what I enjoy and what of it I could study in college and I was having trouble deciding.

"I know," I mumbled to myself "Maybe it'll be a bit easier if first I figure out what I already want for the future."

I knew that for sure that I wanted something that I would be able to get home from at a reasonable time but I couldn't think of what I wanted to do as a job beyond that but I'll figure it out with time.

I then thought to myself that the one thing that I for sure wanted was to stay with Ai forever and at that moment I decided something.

"I want to marry Ai"


A/n: And thus y/n comes to a revelation! But what will come of it? Find out in the Finale! All jokes aside the next chapter is the finale. I'm gonna need a bit more time than usual on it because I'm not the most knowledgeable about weddings and the like but it'll release Tuesday. And the first oneshot will come out the day after. By the way I'll add the song I'll be listening to when I write that because I've already decided on a song that will be fitting to the scene I'll be writing.

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