Chapter 7

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Y/n's Perspective

The next day...

Class is going on and I keep my head in my textbook until I hear the teacher call my name.

"Y/n, could you come up to the board and solve this?" He said.

I just nodded and headed up to the board to do the question and solved it. I started to head back to my seat when I saw that familiar blonde hair and my heart ached. I try to ignore it and head back to my seat. Since I found out the truth I try to distance myself and forget about her but everytime I see her my heart aches. The first few days after I couldn't even work up the motivation to leave my room let alone go to school but now I just need to get over this. I know she'll be happier now that she doesn't have to worry about making me feel better about myself.

Class continued like normal until the bell rang for lunch. I have been keeping track of time so that I could get my stuff gathered to put in my bag immediately and head out of the room. I headed out of the building and headed past the track and sport fields and headed up a nearby hill. On that hill was a large tree that I went to the other side of and sat down against it. I found this spot my first week here at Nijigasaki and because I've never seen another person over her, it feels like my own personal haven that I can go to where nobody will find me.. I turned on my music and pulled out my book to read. The story was a part of a series I recently started reading in a medieval setting where the protagonist joins a group of men whose job is to preserve the law while having training in archery and stealth. It was really interesting and I was distracting myself when suddenly my sunlight was blocked. I looked up and I saw those familiar orange eyes looking at me.

"A-Ai!? What are you doing here?" I stuttered.

She looked around "So this is where you've been going? It's a decent distance from the main building so I guess it makes sense that nobody saw where you went after you left the building." Then she looked at me and said "Why have you been leaving class so quickly?"

"How about you answer me first? And how did you know about this place?" I retorted

"Oh that? I just had Ayumu keep an eye on my stuff so I could follow you."

It was something as simple as that? Then me going out here so that I didn't end so that she wouldn't end up running into me and having to pity me was pretty pointless. Well whatever. But I guess that if she was looking for me then I should just go ahead and tell her that she doesn't need to go out of her way and worry about me.

"Ai, it's fine" I said "You don't need to go out of your way for me anymore."

She looked at me and said "And what do you mean by that?"

"It means exactly what you think, you don't need to act like my friend anymore, I know you became friends with me because you felt bad for me."

"And where did you hear that?" Ai said.

"You said it yourself last Sunday. You said you talked to me because you thought I was lonely."

"That doesn't mean I became your friend because I felt bad for you!"

"Well why else would you? It's not like I'm good at talking to people or interesting when I do! And besides, after a while you should have realized I was just annoying so why did you keep me around? Was it just more pity?" I called out.

" No! It's because I love you!" She said as she grabbed me by the collar and pulled me closer into a kiss. Afterwards, as she pulled away she was blushing like crazy and said "Would I do that or fall in love with someone I only talked to out of pity?

It took me a second to process what just happened. She loved me? And she kissed me? Why? If anything I should have ruined any chances with the crap I just accused her of. Those thoughts swarmed my head but one thought was more prominent than the rest, that I loved her so much and I never expected this to happen but if this is all real then I need to come clean.

I grabbed Ai and pulled her into a hug "I love you too!"

We stayed like that for a while and we then sat down and talked for a while as she had me explain why I decided to do what I did. She gave me a bit of a lecture but I deserved it.

As we walked back to class she asked me a question "Since we both said that we love each other are we going to be boyfriend and girlfriend?"

I gave a smile and pulled her closer to me and said "Yeah, but let's make it celebrate and tomorrow go on an actual date."


A/n: And here is the end of the drama, I hope you liked it. I feel like I can do better so I'll polish this up sometime today. I say that there are 2-3 more chapters in the story but before I go any further I want to make a better version of the prologue now that I've gotten a little better and wording things and I have a bit more time. But before any of that I need to catch up on sleep because it's starting to hit me like a truck

Love Live! You and I (Ai Miyashita x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now