Chapter 4

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Y/n's Perspective

A few weeks later...

Ever since Ai's live happened the seats have been changed again but I still regularly talk to Ai. When Ai, Yuu and I went to eat I ended up talking to Yuu a decent amount. I told her about how me and Ai became friends and she told me about how the Idol club became what it is and what she does for it. Much to my surprise, she creates all nine girls' songs, sets up lives for them, and keeps notes and records on what the girls are doing. We even ended up on a first name basis. The next day in class Yuu came up to me during lunch with Ayumu. I talked to them for a bit and ended up complementing Ayumu for her performance before heading out to eat. Since then Yuu and Ayumu have come by and talked to me for a bit. I'm still not good at talking to people but now I know some people that I have an easier time talking to.

However after class one day, when I was in the halls to leave the school, I got a tap to the shoulder. I turned around to see Ai and Rina in front of me.

I was confused because they should be off to their club but instead they are here with me. "Hey Ai. Hey Rina. Shouldn't you two be practicing in Idol Club right now?"

Ai nodded and said "Yeah, but we were wondering if you wanted to watch us?"

I was surprised and stumbled out "B-but there's ten people there right? I'm not sure I would be able to say anything to anything that many people without constantly fumbling!"

Ai smiled and said "I know you would have a hard time with the whole club but quite a few people won't be here today."

"Then who'll be there?" I asked.

"Me, Rina, Ayumu, Prez, also one junior and one senior I don't think you know." Ai responded.

I guess that's not too bad, I know most of them, I'll only not now two of them. I think I can handle that. But I wonder why four of them couldn't make it. I suppose when I get there I'll ask you since she'll probably knows the most.

"Sure, I'll watch you guys for a little while, just lead the way" I said with a smile.

Rina flipped her board to a happy face and said"Alright! Rina-chan board says "Let's go!"


Once we got there I saw Ayumu and Yuu were already there talking to a shorter girl with greyish-brown hair and a student with red hair who looked like she was a foreigner.

Ai went up to them and said "We're here and we invited y/n to come watch us practice."

Yuu, Ayumu, and the other two both looked over this direction and I waved and said "Hey."

The foreign girl faced me and said "Good afternoon, I'm Emma Verde. It's nice to meet you."

The shorter girl then said "So you're y/n huh? I'm everyone's idol Kasumi Nakasu! It's nice to meet you l/n-senpai!"

"It's nice to meet you too. Um excuse me, Nakasu what did you mean by that first bit?"

Emma giggled "Yuu and Ayumu talk about you sometimes but especially Ai."

I didn't think that they would talk about me to their friends but I guess it doesn't matter. Besides, from the way Nakasu and Verde talked to me I don't think they said anything that would make them think bad of me.

Yuu clapped her hands and said to the girls" Alright guys, go get ready for practice, y/n and I will meet you in the dance studio." The girls nodded and headed to change.

I looked over to Yuu and said"I never knew our school had a dance studio"

She giggled "Come on I'll show you the way."

We headed out to the hall and I followed her and asked "So how come there's only six of you today?" I knew it probably wasn't any of my concern but I was curious.

Yuu then looked over to me "They had something come up. One of our members helps the drama club and they are busy getting ready for a play that's starting soon."

So one of their members is an actress? I guess acting could help with putting emotion into her singing and subtle movements for her dancing.

"Another one of our members has a part-time job as a model and she has a photoshoot today."She continued "Another is a part of the student council and they are currently flooded with work."

"That sounds rough. What about the last member?"

"Her sister got sick and she headed straight home so that she could nurse her."

As she finished explaining the last member's reason we got to the dance studio. I looked inside and sure enough, it looks like the dance studio from a show I saw a while back. I went and found a spot to sit out of the way and sat down. The girls got there and they started practicing. It was amazing to see them work and to see Yuu come up to them and give them her thoughts and advice with such certainty. However, no matter how great they were all doing my eyes always returned to Ai. She was just too amazing. She's enthusiastic, energetic, and gorgeous. All I could think about was that I love her.

Wait. I love her?

I never even thought about it until that moment but it suddenly hit me that I was in love with Ai Miyashita. She brought me out of my loneliness and brought a position where I had people I could talk to and be friends with. I decided that I wanted to become a closer friend to her, then I'd tell her my feelings.


A/N: Sorry for a chapter where y/n visits the Idol club that four of them aren't there. After a bit of trial and error I realized that at my current level of skill level that writing dialogue between 11 people was too much for me. Because of this, I came up with reasons why four of them wouldn't be there and the first four I came up with wouldn't be in the chapter. The drama will start to pick up after this so hopefully you'll enjoy it

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