Update(Don't worry, it's good news)

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Hello! I'm sorry if this is annoying and that it's pointless since so few people have read this, but I want to try to keep the people who do read this and enjoy it in the loop. I've got some news on what is to come. I've got the general idea for the final three chapters and two of them, as well as the improved prologue,  will be out by the end of the Saturday.  The finale will take a bit longer because as the finale I want to make it big. The other reasons are because it's contents will be something I have little experience with, and because I'm bad at coming up with puns.

The other piece of news is that after I finish You and I, I'll try to write a book of love live x Male reader one shots. I feel like writing in that will help improve my writing and it will be my ideas that are in their current state too small to make into a full story but if in writing it I gain some ideas then I may at some point stop writing one shots to focus on making it into a full story.

I know my writing is not great but I'll keep on trying, so please keep enjoying my writing

Love Live! You and I (Ai Miyashita x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now