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Y/n's perspective

It was a typical morning and I was sleeping until I heard down the hall my mother saying "Y/n! It's time to get up for school!"

I slowly got out of bed and while grumbling I changed into my school uniform. Then headed to the bathroom. While I brushed my teeth I decided to check to see if there was any interesting news or updates on anything online only to see that after mom woke me up I had dozed back to sleep for another ten minutes and thanks to not noticing, I've been meandering. I needed to hurry up and get out the door quickly or else I would be late.

I rushed downstairs, grabbed my lunch, and said "Hey Mom, I don't have time for breakfast. Now I gotta go, I'll see you tonight." I then ran out the door leaving my family staring at their eldest child rushing out the door.


 I rushed to the school and I arrived at Nijigasaki High School, a school that aims to teach future world-class specialists in a ton of different fields. The school is absolutely gigantic and has more than a thousand students in the first years alone. I got onto the campus on time, sure, but it's still up in the air whether or not I'll get to class on time. I moved through the halls and saw other people rushing to class so I'm glad that I'm not the only one but I still would rather not be in this position.

I got to class with a few minutes to spare and sat down in my seat and pulled out my book and began to read so that I don't waste time before class. Once class started, the teacher went up to the front of the room and told us to pick up our stuff because he was swapping our seats. There were a couple complaining about this because the were sitting by their friends but that was the minority of students since most people didn't care or it wasn't a big deal to them. The teacher went seat to seat saying who sat where and I was starting to doze off until he said my name. I took my new seat which was pretty close to the exit to the class.

After everyone got to their seats the teacher gave us a moment to get our stuff out then he started the lesson. The subject was math which I'm normally pretty good at but today I kept getting distracted. The bell for the end of the period rang and so we had a few moments to ourselves as we waited for the next teacher to arrive. I then saw that the person in the seat in front of me was that gyaru-looking girl who has a ton of friends. I think her name was Miyashita right? Well it didn't matter to me anyway since she probably won't talk to me. People don't talk to me too often since I don't talk much. I have trouble entering conversations with people and so I don't try to and because of this, people assume I just don't like talking to people so give me space and don't try starting conversations with me. My understanding about why I have so much trouble is because I worry that I'll just be annoying or in the way and that I have trouble articulating my thoughts into words.

"Hey you're y/n right? Nice to meet you!



A/n: Hello! As you can see the updated prologue is now out. I wanted to make a new one because I feel like that one is a poor quality and I can do better. I'm keeping up the original because I want the first chapter I published to stay published. I was planning to write a little bit of text alluding to what book he was reading, but I felt like I couldn't fit it in without it feeling forced.

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