Chapter 8

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Y/n's Perspective

The next day...

Today I have my first date with Ai not to mention my first date ever. Last night I asked my Dad about some advice for dates and after he dealt with the shock of finding out his quiet son had a date. He gave me some advice but most of it, such as coming on time and bringing some extra money just felt like common sense. I put on a (Favorite color) shirt and some jeans then headed to the train station where me and Ai had agreed to meet up. Last night we talked over the phone and I agreed to go with her to Harajuku. I got to the station and I sat down on a bench to wait for her.

Five minutes later she arrived and I came up to her and said "Hey Ai, you look fantastic."

She gave me a hug and thanked me before we then headed to get our tickets and head over to Harajuku.


Once we got there I was blown away by how big the crowds were. I never really head out this way because I prefer to go to Akihabara or Jimbocho and I've never seen crowds this dense with people.

Ai excitedly said "Let's go to a bunch of places and have some fun!"

"Sure, where do you want to go first?"

She took my hands into hers and started walking somewhere "There is this one thrift store I always go to when I come here so let's head there first."

"I guess I could see what they have of men's clothes while we're there." I replied.


When we got there we looked at clothes for a bit before she headed to the changing room to try something on. A minute later she came back and said. "What do you think?"

She always looks stunning but the clothes she was trying made her look even better " You look gorgeous."

She said "Thanks." then headed back into the changing to change back. When she came back she had a smile on her face and said "I have an idea! How about I come up with an outfit for you?"

I agreed and a few minutes later she handed me some clothes. I headed into the changing room to swap to them when I saw that it was a black jacket, a grey V-neck shirt and some torn jeans.

I changed into them and when I came out I said "I know that this kind of outfit is what's fashionable right now but this just isn't my kind of outfit."

She looked at me then said "Yeah you're right."

I changed back and we looked at clothing a bit longer.


After we were done there we went to all sorts of stores and we had a lot of fun.

"Hey I'm getting pretty hungry." I said "How about we go get something to eat?"

"I know a pretty good cafe nearby. Why don't we head there?"

We headed there and got our seats. I ordered a slice of cheesecake and a coffee while Ai ordered a slice of chocolate cake and some tea.

We mostly ate and talked about nothing in particular until Ai held up her fork with a bit of cake on it said "Hey y/n, say ahh~"

While I blushed a little, I opened my mouth and said "Ahh~" She then fed me the bit of cake. I then smirked and said "Alright your turn now say ahh~" as I put a bit of cheesecake on my fork and held it up to her.

She started to blush a little herself and also opened her mouth and said "Ahh~" allowing me to feed it to her.


After we finished eating we went and looked at some more shops until it started getting late so we headed back to the train station.

"Hey, how about I walk you home?"

Ai smiled and said "I'd love that."

Once the train reached Odaiba we got off and we walked to her home while holding hands. Once we got in front of her home she gave me a kiss. This time I wasn't taken completely by surprise so I could actually enjoy the kiss.

"See you tomorrow y/n. I love you."

"I love you too Ai. See you then"


A/n: And that's the end of the chapter! The next chapter should be out sometime late Saturday or within an hour or two of the beginning of Sunday. I don't really have anything else to add so I'll just say thank you for reading.

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