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Gibbs involuntarily pulled out his gun and held it in place. His heart raced.
Whose blood was it? He slowly stepped into the kitchen. As quietly as possible, he peeked around the corner. His attackers were not to notice him. With a jerk he turned around the corner.
The kitchen was empty. Jethro was about to make his way up when he spotted drops of blood on the basement stairs. Wood creaked. 

Step by step he ran down the stairs. Who was in his house? He would catch this guy, no matter what. Secretly, Gibbs hoped it would be Dean, because then he could arrest him for trespassing. Only four more steps. Three. Two. One. Someone was lying on the floor in the basement. This person was seriously injured. Jethro put his gun back in its holster because he knew he would not need it anymore. 

Very slowly, he walked towards the person.
It was a woman. Gibbs slowly bent down and turned her over. It was Sloane.
Worried, he felt her pulse. She was still alive, but her pulse was very weak. Gibbs tried to locate the spot where she bled, but there was no incision or anything. Whose blood was on his floor then? Jethro had been so focused on Jack that he did not notice the steps behind him.
He turned jerkily and saw a man in a red mask. The man drew his gun and when Gibbs feared he would be shot, a hard blow hit him on his head. Everything went black.

When he woke up Sloane was gone.
There was no blood anywhere. Everything was clean and tidy. She was here. He had seen her with his own eyes. He didn't faint just like that. What the hell is going on here?
Gibbs got up and he got dizzy again immediately. Very slowly he ran up the stairs into the living room. There was not a drop of blood anywhere to be seen. The Invisible Ones' had clearly used chlorine bleach.

When Jethro had made sure that no one else was in the house, he called forensics.
Within 45 minutes everyone was here, even though it was after midnight. Gibbs was secretly shocked at how long he was unconscious. Actually, it was impossible.
Where had he been during those six hours and why did he not remember?
Forensics examined every corner of the house to find even the smallest piece of evidence.
After two hours the leader came up to Jethro and looked at him pitifully.

"There are no traces of blood or bleach anywhere," he said, "No one has broken in here. Only your DNA is everywhere, Mr. Gibbs."

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