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The ambulance arrived less than five minutes later. Gibbs put his hand on Sloane's stomach to stop the bleeding. As the paramedics kneeled down, they literally had to push him away from her. 

He would not let her go. Not in any way. As soon as the ambulance took off, Gibbs jumped into his car and drove after it. He hoped that he would not hit anyone on the way.
The drive to the hospital felt like an eternity. Jethro parked the car somewhere semi-legally, hoping it would not be towed away. 

He ran into the lobby of the hospital and inquired where and by when jack would be operated on. She was operated on the third floor and the operation was expected to take 5 hours because of injuries to vital organs. Gibbs did not know whether to call the team because it was only a quarter past five in the morning. 

But they were told what had happened to Sloane. He decided that he would call the team at 5:30 a.m. so they could take down the son of a bitch who planted the bomb.
Gibbs deepened up and down in the waiting room. When he called his team members, he could barely stop them from rushing to the hospital. 

"Jack is still in surgery. There is nothing you can do for her here. Get to work!" 

Ellie seemed a little offended, but she understood what was at stake. Torres and McGee seemed angry, and so was Gibbs, but he wanted to stay in the hospital to see how Sloane was doing. The shift changed at seven so Gibbs could be informed by a doctor. 

"It doesn't look good," said the surgeon. "She'll probably survive, but she'll have serious injuries."

Gibbs was beside himself with worry, but he had to stay positive. She was not dead yet and would probably survive. He knew that she was a fighter and would not give up so easily. 

"Please, Jack. For me," Gibbs thought desperately. She simply could not die.
He loved her too much to let her go. He would not survive losing another loved one. He was at the end of his rope and lowered himself sadly onto a chair.

nside he gave himself a head slap for thinking so negatively, but that didn't make the situation any better. It just reminded him that Tony and Ziva were gone. He didn't want to admit it, but he missed that jerk terribly. And Ziva his 'daughter'.

At least they now lived in Paris and were happy together. Gibbs continued to pursue his troubled thoughts, when suddenly a familiar voice brought him back to reality. It was Ellie who offered him a coffee.

Before he could say anything, she said, "I just wanted to keep you informed and you turned off your phone." 

"The bomb was built by someone with a lot of experience. It was tiny and consisted only of a motion detector, which served as a detonator, and a very small amount of c4, because the gasoline, as you see, did the rest."

 "How did the perpetrator know that the bomb was going to hit us," Gibbs thought aloud. 

"To be honest, who else would walk past your house at 4:30 in the morning, Gibbs," said Ellie.

"Yeah, you're right" he confess. 

"How is she?" Bishop asked compassionately. 

"Could be better," Gibbs replied. "But her chances of survival have increased since I checked with the doctor earlier." 

Ellie sighed in relief and said good-bye so she could continue working.

Gibbs prayed internally that the operation would go well. He flinched when the doctor told him that the surgery had gone well and that he could now go to Jack. Gibbs was afraid that there was a good chance that she had amnesia and might have forgotten what happened before the stroke. He quietly opened the door to her room and sat down on the chair next to her bed. He gently took her hand and tried not to wake her. She needed rest. 

"Please don't leave me", he whispered softly. "I can't handle again loosing someone I love."

After a short time Gibbs also fell asleep, because he was very tired. The nurse who walked by the room smiled amusedly when she saw how calm Gibbs had become since he was with Sloane. When Jack woke up she did not know what time it was. She slowly turned her head and saw Gibbs sitting in the visitor's chair holding her hand. She watched him sleep peacefully. He slowly opened his eyes and smiled at her. 

"Good morning. Up already?" she asked jokingly. 

"Well, someone had to watch over you all night," he replied. 

She laughed a little, but stopped again immediately when a stabbing pain passed through her. Gibbs immediately jumped up worried. 

"I'm fine. I just wasn't prepared for this," she tried to calm him down. Jethro reluctantly sat back down in the chair and took her hand again. 

"Gibbs, I have something to tell you," Sloane hesitantly began. "I think I know who planted the bomb."

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