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Ellie stood close to the door and heard a soft whisper. 

"B, you really shouldn't listen. You know they have a thing and you should give them their privacy," Torres said. 

Bishop turned her head jerkily but noticed too late how close their faces were now.
She looked at Nick and he seemed to think the same thing. He leaned a little bit more toward her, but then she noticed that McGee was still in the room and quickly took a big step back and cleared her throat embarrassed. 

Nick looked a little confused and hurt, but then he realized and smiled despicably. Ellie had to giggle. Tim slowly turned around and looked at them knowingly. Before an unpleasant conversation could start, Gibbs came out of the room.

"Sloane knows why she was kidnapped. She will testify to all the evidence she has against this organization and then we will have to see what happens next. I'm sure she can't just go on working as if nothing happened." 

Everyone nodded sadly. What was the team without Sloane? They needed her. Not just as a team member, but as a friend, someone who was always there for you.

A shrill scream tore everyone from their dark thoughts. The three turned hesitated in the direction of the door and ran off. The scream had come from outside. They practically flew down the stairs. As they hastily pushed open the big entrance door, they looked shocked at the parking lot. There Lydia lay with her throat slit and her clothes torn to pieces. It looked as if someone had spontaneously attacked her. But why?

Gibbs suddenly realized, "Jack!"

Tim, Nick and Ellie looked at him confused, but he had stormed off again. Just as he reached the corridor where Sloane was stationed, a frightening beeping sound was heard.
Jethro just looked into the void. When the others arrived and realised the situation, Ellie burst into tears.

"No, no, please don't." Nick held  her tight in his arms. His cheeks were covered in tears as well. McGee's eyes were filled with tears, but he wanted to look after Gibbs, but he just stared emotionlessly at the wall.

"Jaqueline," he whispered softly. The doctors came out of the room and looked pitifully at the agents.

"There was nothing more we could do. She had a heart attack for unknown reasons." 

Gibbs just nodded and stormed out into the open.

Ellie clawed desperately at Nick's shirt. She was crying so loudly that all the people around her turned to her, she didn't care about that right now. McGee had left the hospital shortly after Gibbs. Probably to seek comfort with Delilah and his children. However, Ellie had no one here but Nick. But what more did she want? 

She loved him. Nick noticed that Ellie's attitude had changed. What was wrong with her?
Of course, she was very sad that Jack was dead, all of them, but Ellie stood there stiff and barely breathing. 

"Hey Ell," whispered Nick, not really knowing what he was about to say. Things like "what's up" or "how are you?" were totally inappropriate. She looked at him sadly.

"I, I don't know how, but I realized today that we are all going to die sometime. We are agents. It might as well have been me in that bed."

"Hey, don't say that," she interrupted Nick.

"I mean, I just want to tell you that I love you and I don't know how I'm going to live without you." 

She looked at him and he was silent. She started sobbing again. 

"Sh, sh, I love you too, and I couldn't imagine a world without you." She wrapped her arms around him and cried on his shoulder. Half in joy, half in sorrow.

Gibbs stood in the darkness staring into space. He was so sure, but why was no one here.
Quiet steps approached. He turned his head with a jerk. Tears of joy shot into his eyes. He dropped everything he had held in his hands and ran off. When he saw them, he spread his arms and embraced them. 

"I knew you were alive. I'm so glad you aren't dead. I love you Jack."

Tears rolled down her cheeks.

"I didn't know if you understood where I was waiting for you. I'm so happy you found me." 

"How could I forget where we were at Christmas?" Gibbs smiled affectionately at her and put his arms around her again.


Jethro nailed the last plank to his boat. 

"Ja- Miranda!" Called Gibbs through their house. "I am done." 

Jack's name had been Miranda Reys for a little over a month. Although it was strange to call her by another name, he had to get used to it, because calling her Jack could have dangerous consequences. He heard footsteps on the basement steps and turned around happily 

"We can finally go." 

They had been planning a boat trip across the Atlantic for a long time, but now the time had finally come. The boat just didn't have to be brought out of the cellar somehow.

 "Trust me, I've already taken care of it", he interpretendedJack's look correctly. 

"Always," she replied.

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