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Jimmy grabbed the phone stormy when he saw the results on the computer screen. 

"Tim, he's alive! There were no human remains in the car." 

"I knew it!" it was ringing off the hook. 

"Thanks Jimmy, you're the best."

"Bishop, Torres, he's alive!" cried McGee after he hung up. 

You could literally see a load off Ellie's mind. Nick flashed a little smile.

"Top priority from now on is to find Gibbs."

 What do they want from him? Everyone was confused, but scared, too.

"We have to start our search all over again."


Sloane simply could not stand by and watch them torture him. They entered a large, dark room. All that was inside was a chair and two metal chains hanging from the ceiling. What did they want to do with them? Jack was roughly tied to a chair and the metal chains were attached to Jethro's wrists.

One of the two men took out a long knife, almost a sword. Sloane flinched in horror. 

"No!," she shouted, but Gibbs interrupted her: "Tell them nothing. I can handle this."

The man placed the knife against Jethro's stomach and pulled it along. Gibbs distorted his face in pain and groaned. His gray shirt was immediately soaked with blood where the cut was made.
Tears came to Jack's eyes. The man lifted his knife again, this time applying more pressure to Jethro's stomach. This suppressed a cry of pain and focused on anything but the pain. He looked at Sloane. Her eyes, her hair, her tears streaming down her cheeks.

She had to stay strong. She had to be strong for both of them. Jack closed the door and started screaming and started to fight back against the shackles. The chair wobbled more and more until it suddenly fell over and she hit her head hard on the floor.


"I think I have something," Ellie shouted through the office. 

"This warehouse shows certain abnormalities and it is located near the scene of the accident." 

"What are we waiting for?" interrupted Nick her and took out his keys and his gun. McGee also prepared.

"Guys, I'm not sure they're there. There were just anomalies."

"Ellie, listen, I trust you and your instincts," said Torres and smiled affectionately at her.


Jack slowly opened his eyes. Her head thundered as she opened her eyes. She was still lying on her side tilted to the ground. Gibbs was hanging from the ceiling chains and looking pretty beat up. The blood on his shirt was now rusty brown and dried. She was about to whisper something to him when the two men entered the room again.

"She is of no use to us. We should kill them both." 

Sloane suddenly became aware that they would die soon if something didn't happen.
The taller of the two men pulled a gun from his holster and pointed it at Jack.
She heard a loud crack because someone had kicked the door in. A shot was fired and the masked man fell to the ground, but that didn't stop him from shoot by himself.
Sloane felt a sharp pain in her shoulder and then everything went black.

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