Dress fitting

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Hi, welcome back to the little bit series. This book is based on the second movie of Descendants. So you can get ready for Harry and Uma to make their appearance here. If you haven't yet read the first book I suggest you do so before reading this one, you know it just can get a bit confusing if you don't...but it's up to you. Okay, enough of me ranting here, enjoy the story. 

3rd. person...

The atmosphere at the Auradon Prep is a tad bit stressed out at the moment. Everyone is fussing about the upcoming cotillion. Most asked questions being what to wear or with who to go. Mal had all these questions sorted out. Her dress was being made by her best friend. She just needed to get fitted for it and she was going to attend the cotillion with her boyfriend, Ben, who asked her right away. He didn't even have to ask but he asked her anyway. This whole cotillion was just an official way of Mal becoming the lady of the court. 

The one who was having problems who to go with and what to wear was Christeen. Yes, she does have a boyfriend. Carlos is truly amazing, bit overprotective but she can manage. But she would still like to be asked to the cotillion, by him. Even if it would be just in between the conversation. At least she would have something else to think about than Jane's constant requests. Her friend was now in the position of the main organizer. Taking it deadly serious. She saw this as a way to repay everyone for her wrongdoing 6 months ago.

And when the said friend had trouble finding a suitable band she went totally out of it. Almost breaking down in tears. It took a few days for Christeen to calm her down completely. One unfortunate day Jane ran in on Christeen singing in the small music room that Ben had provided for her so she can express herself without people staring at her.

To say the least, Jane loved Christeen's voice and persuaded the girl to sing at the cotillion. Christeen wasn't very thrilled about the idea. She has major stage fright and stupidly thinks her voice isn't good enough. 

But try to say no to Jane who had already set her mind onto something. Christeen had no chance and so for the past few weeks, she's been mostly stuck in her little hidden music room, writing songs and practicing. Sometimes she had to be forced out of there because she wouldn't go to sleep voluntarily. 

After some missed out cheerleader meetings Jane has decided to check in on her every once in a while and she would personally come to fetch her for the meetings. The captain of the cheerleaders can't possibly be missing out on meetings, right?

And that brings us here again. Christeen sitting in her chair strumming the cords of her guitar. She was completely lost in her own world that she didn't notice someone standing in the door. 


I can be anything I dream
Live a life that's made for me
I'll light up the whole world
I'll be shining bright

Anything is possible
When I look into my heart
Oh, oh, oh
I'm a shooting star

When I'm down, feeling scared
I know I should take a chance
The world is sitting right here
In the palm of my hand

I'm flying higher than before
Giving up is not a choice
Push the doubt aside
And step into the spotlight

"You really are beautiful when you sing," A voice from the doorway said when she finished playing to write something down in the journal with her songs. Her head shot up startled only to see Carlos there leaning against the wall. 

"You startled me," She said shaking her head and putting the guitar away next to her chair. "Weren't you supposed to be in class still?" She asked confused walking over to him. 

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