Make a man out of you

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As I was walking towards the amphitheater I was looking at my phone because why would someone look in front of themselves when they were walking? I mean that is totally unnecessary. Out of nowhere, I bumped into someone, the force of the impact sending me down to the ground. I landed on my butt and yelped a bit out of surprise. 

"Oh my goodness, Chrisy, I am so sorry I knocked you down like that," Lonnie's voice said frantically from over me as she bends down to help me up. 

"Oh, no, it's okay, I should've been looking where I was going," I dismissed it with a wave of my hand and a laugh. No damage has been done anyway. 

"You sure you're okay?" Lonnie asked looking me over. Why is everyone so worried about me? I am not made of glass or something. 

"I am 100% sure I will live," I assured her brushing a bit of dust from my leggings. 

"Alright, I'm glad. Where were you going anyway? I thought Evie had you for fitting your dress? Did you run off?" Lonnie gasped at the last sentence her eyes widening. Her expression was just so funny that I had to laugh. 

"No, no, calm down. She was already finished with me. I am just going to pick up Carlos' jacket from the amphitheater's locker rooms. He seemed to forget it there when he and Jay were checking over the kits." I laughed a little at my boyfriend's forgetfulness. Strange is that he never forgets when he is supposed to meet up with me. 

" have the keys there?" Lonnie asked surprised her eyes widening. 

"Um...yeah, you see I am one of the best friends of the team captain and a girlfriend of his right-hand man also Maddox is part of the team and he is my brother. I am also a new captain of the yeah. I have the keys," It sounds really awkward when I say it like that doesn't it? It is not much to have the keys from the smelly locker rooms but it seemed to faze Lonnie more than necessary. 

"Oh my gosh really? That's amazing!" Lonnie blurted out at me suddenly somehow hyped. The abrupt change of enthusiasm made me take a step back. 

"What is so great about that?" I asked unsurely as I started to step around her to walk again. If I will take too long with that jacket Carlos might freak out again. Lonnie followed with me while explaining. 

"I have a favor to ask."

"Oh really? Couldn't tell," I said sarcastically with an eye roll which earned me a whack in the arm from Lonnie. That girl does have some strength. 

"Stop with the sarcasm this is serious," Lonnie said suddenly acting all serious. 

"Alright, fine what do you need?" I asked when we were just outside the amphitheater.

"I need you to let me in the boys' locker room." Pulling off a face I looked at her. 

"You know it smells really bad in there right? Even Carlos needs to take an immediate shower after each practice before he can as much as touch me. I mean it can be my sensitive animal senses but it is severe in my opinion."

"I don't care, I need one of their uniforms to blend in like a man." I stopped at the strange answer. We were just climbing up the stairs towards the doors when she said that and it almost made me lose my balance. 

"I am not sure if I understand you correctly." 

"You know my mom's story," Lonnie said tugging on my arm so we could continue walking again. Who doesn't know Mulan for hat's sake? She is like one of the coolest female heroes I know. 

"Of course I do, I am a huge fan!" Lonnie chuckled lightly at my answer. 

"I am too, which is why I want to be like her." I am not sure if I understand what she is trying to say. She wants to be like her dressing up as a man. Am I the only one confused here or what? She probably saw the confused look on my face and decided to elaborate a bit. "I want to be part of the team. But if they would see me there looking like a girl they wouldn't even try to test me. So I want to go there disguised as a man so they would at least give me a chance." Lonnie's words were resonating in my mind. She was taking initiative for what she wanted to achieve and from my personal experience I know she is more than capable of making the team. 

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