Prank War [2]

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    "And this is your room," Caden said, stopping in front of a brown door with '207' marked in gold.

    I stared at it.

    "Are you sure?" I asked, too lazy to take out my papers and check.

    "Just take the key," he gave me a small smile. I was very aware of the mood change after what I said about him not having a girlfriend, "I should go get Bree; show her where the auditorium is."

    You'd rather show Bree than me; was my first thought. I pushed it aside. Whatever.

    Caden handed me a small metal key. He watched me silently as I stuck it into the doorknob and opened the door.

    I turned my attention back on him, and saw that he was still watching me. We just stared at each other for a few seconds. Caden raised an eyebrow, like he knew I was going to ask him something and was just waiting for me to speak.

    "Uh, where exactly is the auditorium?" I felt my voice say.

    "From your room, go right, turn left at the first intersection, and you should see a big crowd of people," he answered with a smile.

    Then I watched him slowly let his smile drop, and turn around to walk away.

    I stared after him until his athletic figure disappeared around the corner.

    I walked into the room.

    There was just a simple bed against the wall facing the door. On the other side was a desk and chair. There was nothing else, and the room looked amazingly dull with the grey paint.

    Seriously, was grey paint necessary? It seemed more like a prison cell then a room.

    I dragged my luggage inside and set it on my bed. Then I walked back out to the hallway, closing the door shut behind me.

    Wait, did Caden say left or right?

    I stared down the hallway, trying to decide which way to go. I murmured 'eenie meenie miney mo', and got left.

    So it was probably right. I started walking down the hallway, and turned left at the first intersection. A crowd of people was going into what I figured was the auditorium.

    I totally rock at guessing. It comes from years of practice, guessing the wrong answer.

    Following the crowd, I walked into the auditorium. Almost the whole student body seemed to be there.

    I felt a tug on my left sleeve, and turned to find Mackenzie smiling at me.

    "Come on."

    I followed her and we sat down in two empty seats.

    "So what's this for?" I asked, making random gestures that didn't even make sense to me. Yeah, I did that a lot.

    "We're starting the annual prank war. You're lucky you came here right on time. It's really fun, trust me," Mackenzie replied, looking around, as if searching for someone. I wondered if Caden was here yet.

    Just then, the whole room seemed to go silent, like in those dramatic movies. Almost every pair of eyes were looking towards the entrance, and I turned around to see what the big deal was.

    Standing there was a pretty black haired girl. I didn't know much about clothing brands, but the clothes she was wearing were clearly expensive.

    Oh great. She was one of those stereotyped popular girls. I was never a fan of those people.

    Sure, some people would argue that not all popular people were snobs. True, they may not be snobs all the time, but no one was nice 24/7.

     "That's Kristen," Mackenzie told me as I looked away from her and glanced around the room. I spotted Caden sitting in the third to last row and noticed that Bree wasn't next to him.

    Caden was staring straight ahead, unlike everyone else, who had their eyes glue on Kristen.

    Not literally, of course. Cause that would be weird. And awkward. And gross. You get the point.

    "I bet you noticed that she's miss popular," Mackenzie said as I turned to face her again.

     "Yeah," I answered absent-mindedly. My eyes fell on Kristen again. A bunch of desperate people were calling out 'Hey Kristen!' to her, probably hoping for a reply. She barely gave them a glance, but stopped in front of the end of the third to last row. Where Caden was sitting.

    Caden turned to look at her, and they stared at each other for a few seconds. The crowd was silent again.

    At least Caden didn't seem too happy to see her.

    Then I saw Kristen gave him a flirty wave and then made her way to a crowd of people that were probably her friends.

     "What's with her and Caden?" My voice asked Mackenzie without my permission. Great, now Mackenzie probably thought I liked Caden or something. Which I don't.

     "So you noticed?" Mackenzie said, giving a quick glance at her brother, "He probably doesn't want me to tell you, but, he's already taken my credit card and my phone, so there's nothing at stake."

    "He took your credit card and phone?" I interrupted, raising an eyebrow.

    "Yeah," she rolled her eyes, "Since he's four minutes older than me, my parents put him in charge. Which means he gets to boss me around. Stupid four minutes."

    "You guys are twins?" I was amazed at all the things I still didn't know.

    "Can't you see the resemblance? We practically look identical," Mackenzie joked, "Anyways, what were we talking about?"

    "You were gonna say something about Caden and Kristen."

    "Oh right, anyways, long story short. Caden, believe it or not, actually used to be really popular. He was all jockey and stuff. They were also going out. Kristen and Caden, I mean. But then, you know the drill; she got caught cheating, they broke up, and Caden, well Caden just snapped. Now, as you can see, his only care is school, studying, getting good grades, and being all nerdy."

    I replayed her words in my head. That was probably why Caden was so stiff when he hears anything that has to do with relationships.

    "And now," Mackenzie continued, "He's shut himself completely from the female gender. He still has to talk to me, of course, since I'm his baby sister. I was pretty surprise that he got along so well with you."

    "Not really," I murmured, turning around to glance at Caden. He was looking down, probably with a textbook in his lap or something.

    "Really, I think you could be the answer to my wish," Mackenzie smirked.

    "Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm really not interested in a boyfriend."

    "It's ok. I understand. One step at a time. Could you just ask him for my phone back? I'm dying without it."

    "And what makes you think I can get it back for you?" I asked.

    "Just promise me you'll ask him," she told me.

    "Fine," I replied. No harm in that, right? Then she looked around again, and pointed to a crowd near the front of the stage.

    "See that dirty blonde haired guy in the center? That's Max. He's always been the winner for the past few years. Watch out for him if you want to stay in the game."

    Oh yeah. Mackenzie had said something about a prank war? It must be a code for something. I mean, really, what kind of school has a prank war?

    I was just about to ask Mackenzie when an elderly lady walked up to the stage. And for the third time, the whole room fell silent. Everyone sat down in their seat, looking excited.

    I felt like I was in a movie, were everyone knew exactly when to go silent and all that.

    It was pretty creepy, if you asked me.

    But of course, you didn't ask me. So how does that sentence even make sense?

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