Chapter 19

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{picture of Ace human and dog form}


"Okay so the game plan?" I asked and everyone looked at each other we were now sitting in the living room on the couch and love seats.

"We don't have one at the moment, we have to wait until Alice's birthday" Sam said and I frowned.

"How long will that be?" I asked looking at Alice who was biting her lip.

"A week" she said and I looked down at her.

"Is your birthday on a full moon this year?" Sam asked but Alice shrugged I nodded and they looked at me.

"It is, I'm guessing your birthday is next week on Friday?" I asked her and Alice nodded "then it's on a full moon" I said and Sam nodded.

"Alright then we wait until then to get a plan together" Sam said.

"The problem is, my family does a family run on full moons, and since Alice is family she should be there with us" I said and Tank looked at me, then Sam blinked.

"I don't see a problem with that, as long as we are there" Sam said but Ace raised his hand.

"Actually, there is" he said and everyone looked at him "if her fur changes silver other packs might be around to take her" Ace said and Sam sighed.

"We will be there with her Ace I see no reason to be worried" Tank said and I bit my lip.

"How do I know that you will protect her?" I asked and Sam laughed.

"We were trained to protect her since we were told that we will be protecting her" Sam said.

"And how long ago was that?" I asked and Jasper laughed.

"A couple of years" Jasper said and I raised an eyebrow. "Since we were 13" he said and I folded my arms.

"And how many years was that?" I asked and Jasper was thinking.

"17 years" Jasper said I blinked. "We are 30 years old" he added seeing confusion.

"And you have been friends with Alice for...?" I started to ask and Alice started counting on her hands.

"Since I was five, they were 11" Alice said and I closed my eyes thinking.

"I wanna see what you can do tomorrow morning" I said and they all nodded.

'i don't know Luke, they all have this power coming off them' Blake said, Cael and Apollyon nodded

'its really powerful too' Cael said.

'i still want to see what they can do' I replied and they nodded their heads. "For now I'll show you to your rooms and we can get something to eat" I said standing up, and everyone got up. "Follow me" I said and walked towards the stairs, everyone followed me as I walked upstairs, Alice next to me, Sam and Ace behind us, tank and Edward behind them and Jasper in the back alone. I walked to the second to last floor that no one uses but it's still clean.

"How big is this house??" Jasper asked and Ace sighed.

"Will there's 5 floors, we just remodeled the place, so this is your floor" I said and walked to a door "Jasper your in here" I said and opened the door, he walked in and nodded "Edward your here" I said opening the door next to Jasper, Edward grumbled.

"Why am I next to the pup" he said and walked into the room.

"Ace this one's you" I said opening the door across the room from Jasper and he walked in smiling. "Tank your next to ace" I said opening the door next to Ace, Tank nodded and walked in, Sam was the last one. "Sam follow me" I said and walked all the way to the end of the hallway "I thought you would like to have some space from them so this is your room" I said opening up the door and Sam walked in nodding.

"Thank you luke" he said and I turned on my heel and started to walk away "where are you and Alice located?" Sam asked and I looked at him.

"Upstairs, in fact we are right above you" I said and he nodded, then I walked away "dinner will be in 10" I said and held Alice's hand and walked away. We walked downstairs and into my office, I sat at my desk and pulled Alice into my lap, then my office door opened and in walked my parents.

"Luke moon! Why does it smell like dogs literally dog!?" My father's voiced boomed and Alice jumped then buried her face in my neck.

"Father-" I started to say but stopped.

"I want to know why you are yelling at our son!" My mother yelled at my father and I sighed.

"ENOUGH!" my voiced boomed and both my parents looked at me. "I can not give you any information about the dogs being here, it's not my place, they will be joining us for dinner, so ask them yourself" I said growling "now out of my office" I said and my parents hurried out of my office, I buried my face in Alice's hair to calm down. "I'm sorry if I scared you" I said.

"You didn't" she asked and she got up and pulled me up "let's get going to dinner" she said and pull me out of my office. I stopped in my tracks and pulled her into my chest, she looks up at me and I smile, then leaned down and was inches away from kissing her until someone cleared their throat. I sighed and we both looked at the person who cleared their throat.

"Sorry to interrupt your make out session but I don't want to see my best friend kiss someone" Sam said and frowned, I sighed and looked at Sam.

"I'm allowed to kiss my own mate" I said and Sam frowned.

"Not when there's one of her best friends standing next to you" Sam said and I frowned.

"Then don't stand next to us" I said and Alice sighed.

"Stop both of you" she said and kissed my check then start walking towards the dinning room, I followed after her along with Sam behind me. Alice sat down in a spot and I sat next to her at the head of the table. Then my family walked in and sat down, my father growled as he sat across Sam and I glared at him.

"Stop acting like a child Grey" my mother said, and my father sighed.

"If you don't mind me asking, why are you dogs here?" My father asked and Ace looked at Sam but Tank spoke up.

"We are friends of Alice's and her protector's" Tank said and looked at Alice who was biting the inside of her check.

"Uh?" She asked "oh yeah. I can't join you guys for the full moon run" she said and my mother raised her eyebrow. "It's my birthday, and umm" she started to say and looked at Sebastian who nodded his head. "Well" she said and her eyes turn silver, everyone gasps.

"What the hell?!" Eli said and I growled.

"Eli watch your mouth!" My mother hissed at him and he bowed his head.

"Sorry" he muttered and Alice's eyes went back to her brown.

"If I go out I can be killed" she said and everyone was silent.

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