Chapter 25

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{picture of Sebastian}

(Alice's POV)

I growled at the person who reached their hand out, they pulled away and I stopped, then the kid tried and I growled at him and Sebastian stood in front of him.

"She doesn't like being touched by others she barely knows" Luke said putting a hand on my head and I leaned against his touch. "She's very picky" he said and I licked his hand, Luke looked at me then crouched down so he was leveled with me. I, of course, being a nice person I am, licked his check and pushed him over, Luke was then on the ground with me on top of him, licking his face. "Ah! Alice stop" he said laughing and I barked.

"Is the silver wolf-" Sebastian said and then corrected himself "Alice, is Alice by any chance your mate your highness?" Sebastian asked and Luke nodded.

"She is" he said and looked at me then I licked his face once more then got off him.

"I see, Alice, are you aware that the silver wolf is the moon goddess child?" Sebastian asked and I looked at him then Ace, Sam, Jasper, Tank, and Edward, then I dipped my head once.

'the moon goddess herself made my wolf, she is my mother, I obey her wishes' I said through a mind link to Luke.

"What did she say?" Cial asked and Luke petted me.

"The moon goddess is her mother and obeys her wishes" Luke said and Cial looked at Sebastian for clearfation.

"Like I obey your wishes Master" Sebastian said and Cial nodded. I turned and looked at my friends then ran with them following me.

"Alice!" Luke yelled after me but I kept running I stopped short and looked over my shoulder to Luke, Sebastian and Cial then continued to run.

(Luke's POV)


I watched Alice run into the woods with the weredogs behind her, I looked back at Sebastian and Cial who were watching her as well.

"What's your reason of wanting to see her?" I asked and Cial looked at Sebastian.

"Sebastian tell him" Cial said looking bored, Sebastian bowed and turned to me.

"Cial and I have been told to protect Alice" Sebastian said and I frowned.

"By who? Only I am aloud to tell you who to protect or make a contract with" I said.

"Apollyon told us to your highness" Sebastian said and I frowned.

'apollyon' I growled and Apollyon sighed.

'yes I told them to, remember only I can go down to the demon realm, I feel safer with them looking after Alice from affair' he said and I put my hand on my face.

"From affair, you are to keep your distance until she needs the protection. You are to stay out of sight until she need your help" I said Sebastian bowed.

"Of course your highness" he said.

"I do not want her knowing that you two are watching over her" I said as we walked back to the house.

"Yes your highness" Cial said and I nodded "don't you think we should wait for Alice?" Cial asked and I shook my head.

"No, she has her friends with her she's fine" I said and walked into the house with Cial and Sebastian on my heel. We walked into my office and I shut the door. "We are to say you are staying here to help me out with some issues with the rouges, we are going to have regularly meets once a week to talk about Alice and her safety, is that understand?" I asked and both of them bowed.

"Yes your highness" they said and I nodded.

"Good, Chloe!" I yelled and Chloe walked into my office. "Show Cial and Sebastian their rooms please" I said and waved her away, Chloe bowed and waited for Cial and Sebastian who followed her without a word. 'we are going to have a talk later about this Apollyon' I growled.

'why not now? There's nothing else to do' he said and I frowned.

'apollyon I don't think Luke was going to have a friendly type of talk' Blake said and Cael exhaled.

'and there might be throwing of things I would wait until Luke's at least calm' Cael added.

'just shut up all of you' I said and they went quite. I sat at my desk sighing as the door and Max's head popped in.

"Hey you busy?" He asked and I shook my head, standing up, and walked over to him "good follow me" he said and walked away I raised an eyebrow and followed him.

"Max what is this about?" I asked sighing as we walked.

"You will see" he said chuckling and kept walking. I sighed but continued to follow him. After what felt like 20 minutes later we stopped, we were in the middle of the woods and I frowned.

"You're lost aren't you?" I asked and Max looked at me.

"Uh no.... I'm asking Alice something" he answered and I frowned even more.

"Let me guess Alice set something up for me and her?" I asked and Max ignored me as he's eyes were closed then he opened them and kept walking.

"I can't tell you anything man sorry" he said and I followed him. We kept walking around the woods, until max stopped again and I sighed.

"Max" I said and he looked at me. "You are lost" I said but Max shook his head and pointing.

"That way follow the dogs" max said and turned to walk away.

"What d-" I started to say but then saw Ace sitting in front of me and I frowned. "She did, she set something up didn't she?" I asked Ace who turned around and started walking, I sighed and followed her. "Will no one tell me?" I asked as Sam took Ace's spot and we kept walking. This happened 5 times, going through each dog until I spotted Alice in the distance, Alice was sitting near a cliff watching the sky, I walked up to her and sat next to her. "Hey" I said and she turned to me and smiled.

"You made it" she said and I nodded she then looked back at the sky.

"What's going on?" I asked and she giggled.

"What do you think?" She asked and I shrugged "silly, I just wanted to spend time with you alone, you know being an alpha I rarely see you" she said and I looked at her.

"We see each other at night, and at meal times, and when I don't have any work" I said and she frowns at me.

"That's not enough time" she said and I chuckled, then kissed her forehead.

'luke I just got a call, your cousin is requesting your presences at the castle' Max said through a mind link and I frowned.

"Don't tell me" Alice said and she frowns.

'just me?' I asked and I looked at Alice.

'its the annual meeting your cousin puts on, alpha's, Luna's if they have one and their betas must come' Max said and I sighed.

'how long?' I asked and Max was silent for a few minutes.

'we leave in a days and stay for a week' he replied and I frowned.

"You have work don't you?" Alice asked and I shook my head.

"We have work" I said and we got up.

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