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"Catch my bag" I whisper-yelled from the bottom of his window as Yoongi stood there extending his arms. I threw my bag towards him and he caught it effortlessly. Soon after, I grabbed on to the water pipeline and started climbing up towards his room on the second storey. As I was near his window, Yoongi grabbed my hands and pulled me in.

"Are you ready?" he asked with a sly smirk, knowing very well what my real feelings were. I made a frowny face at his enquiry.

"No I'm not. I don't wanna go" I whined to which, Yoongi started laughing. I got angry and smacked him hard on the back of his head.

"How dare you laugh at my misery? And how are you so relaxed?" I asked while plopping myself on his comfy bed. I never knew that sleeping on soft mattresses could be so comfortable. Back in the camp, we just had wooden beds and thin sheets to rest our butts on.

"Come on, how bad can it be. It's just school" Yoongi exclaimed as he lied down beside me.

"I asked Jackson. He already goes to school and he said it's bad. The faculty their scolds you for tiniest things. What if I get scolded on my very frirst day?" Since we received our long awaited freedom after Daniel's demise, we started living a normal life like everyone else. And our parents also made sure that we received proper education by going to school. But I didn't want that. I didn't want to study some text books for six hours a day! Why can't I just hold my sword and behead some bad guys!?

"Don't talk to him. He is a dork. And anyways, I'll be there with you. We are in the same class. I'll protect you from the dangerous, blood thirsty teachers" Yoongi spoke up while flexing his biseps.

"Yeah, like you saved me from Daniel" I scoffed sarcastically.

"Technically I did save you. I took a bullet for you."

"And that is why I owe you my life, baby" I went on my elbows and placed a small kiss on his lips.

"Anyways, I think you should put a shirt on those biscuits or I might do something very wrong with you" I noticed a slight blush creep up to his cheeks as I said that. But his facial expression soon morphed into a smug one.

"I won't mind that you know" Yoongi smirked as he turned himself around and got on top of me, pinning my hands beside my head.

"I never thought this view would be so tempting" he declared, as his eyes traced  my face and further down. Heat Rose up to my cheeks involuntarily and I could tell that my face changed colours. No matter how much of a strong facade I put up, Yoongi was always successful in making me weak.

"Yah, you hormone crazed kid" I lifted my leg up and pushed him off of me. He landed on the other side of the bed and without wasting a single second I got on top of him, straddling his waist.

"Who are you referring to as a kid? I am older than you" Yoongi scoffed, displaying a fake sorrow.

"Yah, 10 months. Big deal" I lowered my head down and placed some wet kisses along his neck and jaw line. I traced my way to his collar bone and a satisfactory moan escaped his lips. I couldn't help but smirk.

"See, I am dominant here" my smirk grew bigger and so did his.

"Is that so babe? Wait let me show y–"

"Yoongi?" a manly voice coming from downstairs interrupted him and it was accompanied by footsteps approaching the room.

"Babe, why do you sound like my dad?"

"Because it is your dad!" Yoongi's eyes widened in realisation and I rapidly got off of him.

"Shit! What should I do now?" I started panicking.

"Quick, get in the closet" Yoongi advised as he hurriedly put on a shirt. I did as he said and hid myself completely behind the pile of his clothes. Soon I heard the room door being opened. I wish I could see what was happening outside.

"Who were you talking to?" uncle Min asked Yoongi. Confusion was evident in his voice.

"No one. I was just revising some lessons for school today. I want my first day to be perfect" Yoongi tried to save the scenario.

"Oh okay. It's already 6 am. Get ready and come down for breakfast" it felt like uncle was about to leave but judging by the sound of footsteps, it seemed like he stopped.

"And bring Jackie as well" I got goosebumps as soon as he said that. Did he know I was hiding in here?

"Should I call her and tell her to have breakfast with us?" Yoongi tried hard to fake it.

"Or you might just open your closet" uncle exclaimed nonchalantly and left.


As soon as the coast was clear, Yoongi gave me a signal and I exited the damn closet. Seemed like a lot of scolding was coming to embrace me today. I was lost in my thoughts when I felt a pair of protective hands drape around my frame.

"Don't worry babe. Dad won't scold you. I know my father, I bet he did same stuffs with Mom when they were young" he said while kissing my neck. Immediately the feeling of being at home enveloped me. Yoongi was my home.

I placed my hands on his as I said, "a few months younger Jackie would have never imagined you to be so close to her. But today's Jackie can't imagine her life without you."

"You know babe, I even forgot why I strated hating you in the first place. All I now feel for you is true love. I love you so much Jackie Blue."

"I love you more Min Yoongi!"

We entwined our hands together as we made our way towards our new, free life.



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