"You were supposed to die, just like your stupid father."
"If it wasn't for my father, you people would've been long gone, and I mean dead!"
Jackie, a normal 18 years old teenage girl doesn't have a normal teenage...
My lower jaw dropped down in awe as we stepped our feet in the city. It was the first time we came out of the camp and I was already thrilled.
Unlike our camp, there were cemented roads on which several vehicles ran. Tall buildings lined up by the side of the streets. Several people were walking along the pavements. The place didn't seem scary at all.
The more we entered the city, the more crowded it got. We had already put on our suits and Adonis started communicating with us.
"Okay trainees, your mission starts tomorrow. Till then you'll be residing in a cottage with an old lady. You are supposed to pretend to be her grandchildren. I'll now lead you to your destination.
Go straight and take the fourth left turn. Keep on walking untill you reach a kid's playground. You'll see a crossroad there. Take the left one more time and keep walking untill you reach a small hut in the middle of a garden. That'll be your humble residence for the three days. Over."
We did as said. We walked through the roads as if it was a regular thing we did. After walking for a while, we reached the cottage. The door was unlocked.
"Children, you are home!" an old lady walked out of the supposed bedroom.
"Did you have any trouble coming here?" she asked with a smile.
"No, grandma?" "Good. Now come eat, I've made pancakes for you all" she exclaimed while walking into the kitchen.
Things were getting very weird. We didn't even know this woman but we had to act as if she was our grandma. We didn't know what we should do next.
It was evening and we all were sitting on the couch and chatting about several things. We got to know that the name of the old lady was Erma. We all got acquainted with her and she was very nice. I wished I had a grandmother like her.
"Jackie" she called me and I immediately responded with a nod.
"I think you should go search for Min Yoongi. You are the leader and you should take care of these things. You guys need to do preparations for tomorrow" she said making me annoyed. I didn't want to fight with him right now.
Yoongi went somewhere right after lunch and it was already 8.30 in the evening but he didn't return.
I obeyed Erma's order and went in search of that brat. After searching for a few minutes I saw a figure standing by the side of a nearby lake. I walked closer and realized that it was Yoongi.
"You are supposed to be in the cottage" I declared as I stood behind him. He released a sarcastic chuckle without even turning towards me.
"And who are you to decide that?" he asked. As he spoke up, a thick layer of smoke filled the air. He was smoking!
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"What do you think you are doing!? You are not supposed to buy anything from here dumbass" I yelled at him. He was working on my last nerve.
He turned towards me with an emotion less facade and released a smoke cloud right on my face. The smell of tobacco was disgusting.
"Shut up bitch. I don't care what I'm supposed to do" he said nonchalantly as he took a breath full of smoke in.
"As your leader I order you to drop that object and return to the cottage right now."
He partly obeyed me as he dropped his cigarette but he grabbed my neck instead and started putting pressure on my throat. I was suffocating as he reached my trachea but I wasn't going to let that show. I placed my palm on his hand and tried to loosen his grip.
"You are not the boss of me. So don't try to act like one" Yoongi spat through his greeted teeth. His face was inches away from mine and the smell of nicotine was making me wanna barf. I harshly pushed him away and he stumbled behind.
"For your information, I currently am the boss of you. I am the leader of this freaking mission" I snapped back at him.
He once again came forward and started pushing me.
"You stole that from me."
"You stole my position."
"You stole my father."
"You stole my happiness."
With each sentence he pushed me further and further back untill I was at the edge of the lake.
"You stole my life."
He gave one last push and I closed my eyes shut, expecting to fall into the lake but surprisingly I didn't. I opened my eyes and saw that Yoongi was holding my wrist firmly thereby preventing my fall.
As much as I did not want to fall into the waters, I also didn't want to take any kind of assistance from Min Yoongi. So I said,
"As you wish leader"
He left my hand and I fell into the freezing cold water with a loud splash. I swam my way up to the surface and ran to the cottage as fast as I could.
"Woah, did you decide to take a bath in the lake" Chris started laughing at my shivering self.
"Shut up" I scoffed.
"No seriously what happened?" he asked.
"I slipped and fell into the lake."
This story sounded so good in my head when I first thought about it but now as I'm writing it, it seems like a disaster. I don't even know if I should continue with the plot. 😔