The Cowboys Lullaby

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The wind whisked in my hair and the sand flew beneath the hooves of my Black and White overo Quarter horse. I grabbed the horn as we made a sharp turn around the blue barrel and I let out a small clicking sound, repeating it over and over getting my horse to run as fast as her spirit could take her.

My legs squeezed her until my thighs burned, my heels pushing down so far it stretched my calves and my thighs. Once we made it back to the start, I pulled back. She instantly slowed down to a smooth, steady stop and the announcer yelled, "15.297 New Arena Record!" And I cheered.

"Good job Spartan!" I said patting my mares neck in excitement. My best time, and it felt damn good. I quickly got off my horse and walked to the tie up area. I pulled of her bridle and put on her show-halter. Soon, I found myself start to hum sweet melodies to her as I untied her girth and waited for team roping.

The Boys team roping was next and it's one of my favorite events. I just loved watchin' everyone's dedication and focus while roping. It was truly inspirational. Now the bull riders on the other hand.. I don't like them to much. They all have ego to match the size of their horse. Otherwise known as HUGE. But they all got this tiny ol' butt. But anyways, back to my point.

I unsaddled my mare and sat the saddle on the metal poles and climbed up on the corrals to watch. Right now it was the bull riders and I saw a boy bout my age on him and he flew off in 7.2 seconds. He flew like a bird without wings. Horribly. Is it bad that I laughed?

I watched the kid jump over the shoots so he was hidden from the mad bull chasin' him as the announcers announced the next riders. I must've missed my brother. Dang it. Now I feel bad.

"Up next, Fallen Champion '10 Tyler Harvey! This fellow is back home for a while and let's see if he matches up to his Daddy!" They announced and I cheered. I like to cheer for the fun of it sometimes. Fallen Champion was an award they gave to the winners in the 13-15 division. Which meant he was eighteen now. They only give this award to young riders who stayed on through the full ride but had a hard fall but still came out in first. It's really hard to get I hear. It's not a big award like nationals or world by any means but it was a heck of an honor If you're from around these parts. It was made up by My father in '01.

I waited patiently as they tried to round up the poor bull so Tyler could get out there but they couldn't. But after him, there were a few more to go. It was taken a while so I turned around and jumped of the Bars, turning to brush down Spartan. Good thing I did to because she was one sweaty fella. By the time I was done brushing and cooling off ol' Spartan, the boys were ready.

"Mike and Reece Hayes with Dakota and Bliss." The announcer called and the two boys with the massive sized bay and Black horses ran after the calf and Mike caught the head but Ty, He got both the legs roped and I jumped up, "GO BOYS!" I screamed at my best friend. "With a time of 9.16! That puts the boys in first!" What a great run! I mean, the arena sizing was a little bit tight but they managed.

"Yeah! That's my boy!" I cheered running over to them jumping on Mike's back.

"You did awesome!" I yelled at him and he chuckled.

"Thanks Skinny-Minnie!" He exclaimed and I laughed.

"Why do you call me that? It's not even relatively close to my name." I questioned laughing, ruffling his hair.

"Ay! Don't do that!" He said, swatting my hand away.

"Why? You already have hat hair. Now, ain't no avoiding my question. Answer." I demanded.

"I've told you, it's just something I picked up over the years for you. Duh. Probably skinny cause well, you're skinny and Minnie because you're small." He shrugged walking his horse past me with his buddies.

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