Chapter 1

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KyungMi's POV

I woke up early as usual and stared at my ceiling. It was early summer and my room felt like a sauna. Why was it so hot? I was sweating and my air conditioner has decided that it was on vacation too. I was too uncomfortable to try and go back to sleep so I picked up my iPod and decided to message my friends MiYoung and JinHee. I unlocked the device and saw that there was already an unread message in our group chat box. It read: '김미영: when you guys wake up get in this mother freaking chat box ASAP! BIG news!'

I raised my eyebrow honestly intrigued by the message but decided to be coy about it. I responded with a simple question mark, then locked the device and slipped it back underneath the pillow. The light from the screen lit up and I saw the glow from underneath my pillow. I unlocked it again to see another message from MiYoung. 'Oh Kyung you're up!, it read, I should have expected this duh its Kyung but anyways... Should I wait for Jin or should I tell you now?" Before I could answer, another message came in. This time it was from JinHee. 'I'm here,it read, You guys woke me up with the spamming.' I sent back a frowning face and wrote 'Sorry Jin~!' 'It's okay~, JinHee wrote back, So what's up Mimi?' MiYoung sent a winking emoticon before initiating a group call. I reached for my earphones and then accepted the invitation to join the call. "Hey~~~" I said as I heard the others' voices come through my earphones.
"Hey Kyung~~~" they said in unison. "How are you guys?" I asked. "Mmm,JinHee said, I'm tired but I'm alright. What about you?" "I'm fine, I said, I just woke up and it's just really hot in my room." "Oh~~" JinHee said. "What about you Mimi?" I asked. "I thought you'd never ask~~, she squealed, I'm SOOOOOOO excited you guys will NOT believe this!!" "Well we'll never believe it of you don't tell us child" JinHee said with a laugh. "I checked my email, MiYoung began, I was looking for an email from my professor about giving me a recommendation for an internship I'm trying to get but what I found was WAY BETTER!" "What was it?" I asked. "Remember a few months ago when we did that application to that performing Arts School?" MiYoung asked.

I zoned out and thought back to when MiYoung messaged us with just as much excitement she had tonight when she found out that SM Academy of The Arts was accepting applications into their summer enrichment program. She had begged us to sign up with her and after a while we did. I wasn't sure if it was a good idea since the three of us had had a few ups and downs earlier. JinHee had left the group which made me and MiYoung a Duo. I didn't want anything to be awkward since I love them both. Still I decided to take the chance since it wasn't guaranteed and I didn't want to disappoint MiYoung either. I guess thats a beauty and a flaw about me, I care too much.

Just then I heard MiYoung in my ear again and snapped out of my reverie. "Kyung! Did you hear what I said? MiYoung asked eagerly. "No!, I admitted,Sorry I didn't. What was it?" "I got accepted!!!!!" She squealed. "Wait!, I asked, you mean to SMA?!" "YES!!!!!" MiYoung squealed again. "Wow Congrats Mimi!" JinHee said. "Thanks guys~, Mimi said, I'll talk to you guys later. Go back to bed or something sorry for waking you."

*Present Day*
MiYoung's POV

The day had finally come and I was SO READY although it was bitter sweet that I was going alone. I didn't expect JinHee to come either way since she had left the group a few months earlier and didn't seem very interested in applying at all,but KyungMi was my member and it made sense for her to go with me to the school of our dreams.

Either way, I was stoked as I boarded my plane. Before I knew it I'd be embarking on the journey of a lifetime.

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