Chapter 2

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MiYoung's POV
After several hours I woke up to the voice of the pilot announcing that we'd arrived at our destination. Seoul, South Korea. I smiled to myself while unbuckling my seatbelt and waiting for the plane to pull up to the gate. Soon I was grabbing my carryon bag and walking out into the terminal. A blast of new sights and smells surrounded me. "Wow~" I said aloud. I walked around aimlessly for a while staring up at the signs. All of a sudden I bumped into someone. "Oh! 미안해! I'm so sorry excuse me!" I said almost all at once. "It's alright~" I heard a voice say. I looked up to find a very beautiful asian girl staring back at me. "Where are you from?" She asked curiously. "New York" I said timidly. "Oh! I love New York!" She exclaimed. "Really? That's awesome, I said, Could you point me to the luggage collection?" Suddenly a man started to shout at her in Korean. She looked scared for a second then shouted something back to him. "I have to go now!, she said, but go that way I hope you find your bags nice meeting you! Bye!" She waved and ran off. "Bye!!!" I shouted after her.

A few minutes later I found my bags and wandered outside the terminal. After looking around for about a minute I found a man with a sign that had my name written on it. I went over to him and said hello. "안녕하세요! 미영 임나다~!" I said. He blinked at me for a few seconds then opened the door to the car and took my bags from me. I got inside and waited until he finished putting my bags in the car then got back into the drivers seat. I was about to speak but he raised his hand to silence me. I frowned then pulled my phone out and gave my mother a call letting her know that I arrived and was on my way to the school.

After about 20 minutes we arrived in front of a building and the driver let me and my bags out before speeding off down the road. "Oookay~?!" I said to myself before picking up my bags and walking into the buildings foyer. The inside resembled an Elizabethan castle which was strange for a modern university building in the middle of a major city. I stared in awe as students shuffled about all dressed in their uniforms. "Do you need help?" I heard a voice say. I turned around to find yet another beautiful asian girl staring at me. 'What is this place full of models?!' I thought to myself. "Yes please" I said with a smile. "Here let me show you to the main office. I think they can get you all set up in there" she said while smiling back. I followed her to a large well decorated room and sat in a chair near the door. "I'll be in the cafeteria. When you're done you can have lunch with me if you like." She said. I smiled and nodded. Just then an older asian woman beckoned to me. I stood up and walked over to her. She spoke quickly and before I knew it I was on my way up to check out the dorm room I was assigned to. I walked upstairs,found room 12D, and opened the door. Inside were two beds and two desks. The room didn't have any personal effects in it so I figured I didn't have a roommate yet. On one of the beds were 5 neatly pressed white buttoned down shirts, plaid skirts, knee high socks, 2 blazers and a neck tie. There was also a pair of black shoes underneath the bed.

I found it a bit odd that a university required it's students to wear uniforms but It made no difference to me anyway. I was just glad to be there. I changed my clothes and unpacked a bit before going back downstairs. I wandered through the halls curiously, then I found the "cafeteria". It was unlike any other school cafeteria i had ever been in. It looked like a large luxury dining room and was very cozy. There was even a fireplace in it although i doubted anyone would actually use it until December. I looked around and saw an empty table in the corner. I went over to it, sat down, and pulled out my phone and called my mom letting her know I was all settled in at school. After getting off the phone I decided to check my KakaoTalk messages. There was nothing new so I decided to send one. "Hey Guys I'm all settled in here. What's up with you guys?" I sent. I put my phone on the table and rested my head on my hand while I waited. "Hey! You!" I heard. I looked up to find the girl that I met when I first walked in waving at me. I smiled and grabbed my phone before walking over to her. "I see you're all settled in" she said as I got close enough to hear her. "Yeah. I did thanks for your help." "No problem, she said, whats your name?" "MiYoung~" I said. She laughed out loud. "What?" I asked with a curious smile. "That's my name too~, she said, well it's my Korean name but everyone just calls me Tiffany." "Oh wow hahaha, I said, nice to meet you 'Tiffany'" We sat and chatted for a while until I heard someone call Tiffany from across the room. I looked over to see the girl from the airport walking over to us. "Oh wow, she said, It's you~" "Yeah it is!" I said with a laugh. Tiffany raised an eyebrow and looked back and forth between the both of us. "You guys know eachother?" She asked. " we met briefly at the airport. She told me where to pick up my luggage. But I never caught her name." I said. "I'm TaeYeon~,she said, and you are?" "I'm MiYoung" I said. "Nice to meet you MiYoung. I didn't know you were a student here" TaeYeon said. "Likewise TaeYeon. Why were you at the airport earlier if you're back so soon? I asked. She laughed. "I was picking up my boyfriend, she said while looking towards the door, here he comes now. "

I looked to the door and saw a very handsome asian guy walked towards with a mischievous fun loving smile. He stood next to TaeYeon and placed a hand on her waist lovingly. She smiled. "BaekHyun, she said, this is MiYoung... MiYoung this is BaekHyun." BaekHyun smiled at me. "Its nice to meet you MiYoung, BaekHyun said, would you like to come to a little get together at my friend's apartment later tonight?" "Uh sure~" I said. "Great, he said with a smile, Are you coming Tiffany?" "No thanks, she said, I'm going over to see Nickhun tonight since we'll be really busy with summer classes starting tomorrow." "Ahh okay~" TaeYeon said. "Well we'll see you there MiYoung, BaekHyun said, TaeYeon and I will pick you up later." I smiled at them as they walked away together with Baekhyun slipping his hand inside the waistband at the back of TaeYeon's skirt. "Wow~,I said to myself with a chuckle,I didn't know things at this school were so hot and heavy.

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