Chapter 6

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MiYoung's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night and pulled my phone from underneath my pillow. I was having a rough night. 'BaekHyun told me you were coming'. TaeYeon's words repeated in my head over and over again. I hit the lock button on the device and looked at the time,5:20am. I decided to get up and brush my teeth. When I got out of the bathroom I found KyungMi sitting up in bed. "Hey Mimi, she said sleepily, what are you doing up?" "I couldnt sleep, I whispered, I couldn't stop thinking about what Tae said earlier. It really freaked me out. I dont want to be freaked out Kyung. I like these guys." "Me too~, she said with a sigh, They're all really nice but have you noticed... The guys only talk to eachother and TaeYeon?" "You're right, I said having a small eureka moment, well except Tiffany... But that was when TaeYeon was there." "So why did they talk to us so easily?" She asked herself aloud. "I have no clue, I said, but it's giving me a headache. Wanna go with me for a run?" "Sure" she said. We took turns getting dressed in the bathroom and then snuck down the stairs. On the way down we bumped into Tiffany. "Oh my gosh!, she nearly screamed, you guys scared the hell out of me!" "Sorry~" KyungMi whispered. "Jeeeeesh! Where are you guys even going?!" Tiffany asked slightly annoyed. "Out for a run before classes, I said, are you JUST getting home?!" "Yeah~, she said, I'm so tired. I'll see you guys later." "Okay~" KyungMi and I said in unison.

We walked out the door and stretched outside the building. After about a minute we took off jogging away from the lights in town and found that there was a wooded trail not far from campus. We entered the opening of the train and ran for about 10 minutes in silence before taking a break. "What. The. Hell. Is. Wrong. With. That. Girl. Tiffany?" I asked in between taking breaths. "I. don't. know, KyungMi said while trying to catch her breath, it's like she's not serious about school at all" "oh well, I said while leaning up against a tree, we cant be worried about her." "You're right~" she said. Just then we heard something rustle in the woods behind us. I jumped over to Kyung and hugged her. "What was that?!" I shrieked frantically. "I-I-I don't know~!!" She stammered. We heard rustling again and the sounds of twigs snapping. I looked into the bushes and swore I saw a pair of eyes starring back at me. That was when I lost it. I threw a rock in it's direction and grabbed KyungMi's hand then took off back in the direction of school. Neither of us stopped until be burst through the front doors and bolted upstairs. KyungMi shuffled with the keys to our room while I grabbed my chest and struggled to breathe. "Dang it!,KyungMi exclaimed while still fumbling with the keys, I can't open the door!" I dropped to my knees still clutching my chest.

KyungMi's POV

I struggled with the keys while MiYoung fell to the ground struggling to breath. I tried to get the door open but my hands were shaking too badly. "Here! Let me do it!" A voice said. I looked down the hall to see TaeYeon coming towards me. She took the keys from me and unlocked the door. "Help her up!, she said, what's wrong with her?!" I grabbed MiYoung's arm and helped pull her inside. I got her onto her bed and riffled through her things to find her inhaler. "KyungMi!, TaeYeon asked frantically, what's happening to her?!....Is she going to alright?!" "She needs her medicine... He inhaler... I can't find it!" I said frantically with tears in my eyes. MiYoung tried to sit up and speak but her body wouldn't let her do it. She was too deprived of oxygen. "I'm alright guys, she whispered, just let me sleep." "No!, I shouted, TaeYeon keep her up don't let her fall asleep!" TaeYeon rushed over to her and started to shake her lightly. "Would you guys shut up?! Let me think!" She said aloud. "I found it!" I shrieked. I rushed over to MiYoung and tried to get her to take the medicine but she was already passed out. "Let's get her to a hospital" TaeYeon said while trying to pull her up. We got her into the car and sped off. As we were driving I listened to TaeYeon muttering to herself but decided not to say anything to her about if until we got MiYoung some help. Soon we arrived at the hospital and got MiYoung into the emergency room. A nurse took her around the back and told us to sit in the waiting room. I sat down in a chair while TaeYeon walked over to the window with an intense look on her face. She seemed to be focusing hard on something. I went over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "TaeYeon?, I asked, are you okay? It looks like theres something more on your mind." "Way more than you could possibly understand right now~" she said. She clutched at her neck. "Oww BaekHyun~, she whimpered, I'm sorry." "Why are you talking to BaekHyun, I asked, TaeYeon be honest... Is he hurting you?" She laughed. "No!,TaeYeon said almost defensively, No! Never! BaekHyun would never... He could never hurt me." "Okay~,I said, I believe you."

A nurse came over to us and told us that MiYoung was doing alright but needed her rest. She said that we should go home and that she would call when MiYoung was awake. TaeYeon and I drove back to school in silence. When we arrived I thanked her for her help and then ran up to my room to get ready for class. I took a quick shower, got my uniform on,then ran down to the Piano Room for my Piano 102 class. I slipped in the room right before the teacher closed the door. The only empty seat was between two of my new mysterious friends. I sat at the Keyboard between SeHun and XiuMin. I smiled at the two of them and stretched my fingers waiting for the instructor to begin. Just as she stood up to begin SeHun leaned over and whispered to me. "How's MiYoung?" He said. I looked over at him but his eyes were fixed on XiuMin who stared at him with almost pleading eyes. SeHun nodded and faced forward again. I wanted to ask him something but i decided to save it for after class.

When class ended I took my sheet music and slid it into my bag. By the time I looked up again they were both gone. I frowned and walked out of the classroom only to be ambushed by TaeYeon. "KyungMi~~!, she called as I walked down the hall, The guys and I are going to check on MiYoung at the hospital. Do you want to come?" "Sure, I said, I'm worried about her." "Yeah, she said, me too." I watched as she moved her hair to the other side of she shoulder as she spoke. The was a light pink scar on her neck. If I hadn't known any better I would have thought that they were bite marks.

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