Chapter 5

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KyungMi's POV

I woke up about three and a half hours later and sat up in my bed. I reached for my phone and saw that I had two Kakao messages. One was from MiYoung and the other was from JinHee. I opened the one from MiYoung first since I figured it might be urgent. It read '김밍영: Kyung~~ lunch with the gang get to the cafe by 12:00. They say they have a surprise for us ^.^' I messaged MiYoung back telling her I'd be there. It was only 11:30 so I had 30 minutes before I had to meet up with everyone at the cafe. I decided to open my message from JinHee. It read '김진희: Hey Kyung~ How are you? How are things at the school. Miss you." I wrote back telling her I was fine and that I missed her too then got up and brushed my teeth for the second time today. Suddenly I realized something. I slept for 3 and a half hours which means I missed my first day of my composition class. I was royally screwed. "Oh no~!, I said to myself, I just got here and I'm already screwing up. This is great... Just great.

MiYoung's POV

Before I knew it I was walking out of my composition class and into the cafe. As promised, I saw BaekHyun and TaeYeon sitting at a table with everyone from the other night. SeHun,Tao, and Chen were playing a game of what the koreans like to call Kai Bai Bo!, SuHo,XiuMin, ChanYeol and Lay were looking at a comic book together and KyungSoo was sitting at the end of the table trying to talk to a very irritated looking Kai. When ChanYeol saw me he beckoned to me. "Hey MiYoung!, he said, Over here!" I smiled and walked over to him. He pulled out a chair for me and I sat next to him. "Gentleman~, I said, lovely to see you all again." "Believe me, ChanYeol said, the pleasure is all mine. I laughed. SuHo rolled his eyes and kicked him underneath the table. "What HE meant to say is WE are happy to see you again." He said. "Well thank you~, I said with a smile, I'm feeling very welcomed." "So, XiuMin asked, where is your friend? KyungMi I think her name was." "Oh~,I said, she should be here any second. Oh look there she is now!" I saw KyungMi approaching our table from the corner of my eye. "Watch closely boys,SuHo muttered, here comes my future wife."

KyungMi's POV

I walked into the cafeteria and found all the guys from last night sitting with MiYoung. "Hey guys~" I said. "Hi KyungMi~!" They all said. Well all of them but Kai who sat at the end of the table seething and KyungSoo who was trying to comfort him. I walked past the group and over to them. "Hey Kai are you doin' alright?" I asked with a concerned tone. He looked up at me from his seat with weary eyes. "Would you believe me if I said I was fine?" He asked with sadness evident in his voice. "No, I said softly, I wouldn't. Do you want to talk about it?" "Su---" he began to say before KyungSoo put his hand over his. Kai looked at him and cocked his head to the side and they stared at each other intently. It was almost as if they were having a conversation no one else could hear. I waited for a second starring at them when SuHo came up behind me. "Hey KyungMi" he said with base in his voice. He was speaking to me but looking at KyungSoo and Kai. The two looked up at him with slightly fearful expressions. "KyungSoo, he said, let them talk. I want you to help me get ready for tonight." His face was almost expressionless. I watched as KyungSoo obediently stood up and left the table. "Sit down~" Kai said feigning a smile. I blinked at him a few times then obliged. "So, I said while letting out a deep breath, what's wrong?" "It's my girlfriend Sunny, he began, she and I are fighting." "Why?" I asked. "Because she won't break up with her girlfriend Jessica. She says she loves me but she loves her too. I think she's just using me." He said. I heard someone snicker and turned to see Chen looking in our direction. I raised an eyebrow then turned back to Kai who was glaring at Chen. The older boy smirked and flashed his teeth then looked away. I looked back at Kai who looked agitated. "Using you for what?" I asked trying to bring his attention back to me. He looked back at me and smirked. "For sex~" he whispered. The other guys at the table burst into laughter. MiYoung and I shared a confused glance while TaeYeon just shook her head. Suddenly all the boys stopped laughing and stood up. One by one they filed out of the cafe and out of the front door. "Okay~,MiYoung said, what the hell was that?" TaeYeon laughed. "Don't worry, she said, they do that sometimes. I'm guessing someone needed help with something. The guys are very close.... Like brothers. A pack even. You'll get used to it. You're part of the family now."

MiYoung and I stared at eachother for a moment. We both got up and sat closer to TaeYeon. "I'm going to disregard that little statement you just made Tae cause otherwise I really like you guys and I don't want to think you're all batshit crazy." MiYoung said. TaeYeon laughed. "It's alright, she said, I was exactly the same way at first. I thought they were crazy too but Baek won me over and now we're inseparable." "TaeYeon, I asked, what are you talking about?! Honestly!"

"I can't say, she said, just trust me." MiYoung raised an eyebrow then shook it off. "Fine by me,MiYoung said, I've got Music Theory now anyway." She stood up to walk away but I stopped her. "Oh!,I said, that class is cancelled today!" "Oh cool~,she said while sitting back down, So~ what were you and Kai talking about?" "Something personal,I said, I don't think he'd like it if I spread his business around." She nodded. "Fine~ no problem, she said, I can respect that. So TaeYeon~ how DID you and BaekHyun get together?"

She smiled. "It happened kinda the same way you met them, she said, I arrived at the school for a campus visit because I wanted to transfer here from my old school and I ran into BaekHyun in the hallway. He invited me over to SuHo's house for a get together. What I didn't know is that the get together was a test to see if the other guys would like me too. I guess that they did because we've been together ever since." "Awww that's sweet that they're so close, MiYoung said, did the guys all meet here at the school?" "Most of them knew each other since middle school and some of them just joined their little club a few years ago, TaeYeon said, I was surprised that they've been so open with you two at first but then I remembered BaekHyun told me you were coming." "Told you we were coming?, I asked, how could they have known that?" TaeYeon's eyes widened and suddenly she grabbed her neck. She winced as if she was in pain then got up and started to walk away. "I need to go~, she said quickly, I'll see you girls later." She flashed out of the room and disappeared down the hall. "What the heck was that?" I asked MiYoung. "I have no clue,MiYoung said, this place is insane but I'll see you later I need to take a nap. "Later MiMi~" I said as she gave my hand a squeeze and left the cafe. I sat at the table alone for a while going over everything TaeYeon had just said. What did MiYoung and I get ourselves into by coming here?

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