Chapter 10

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KyungMi POV

"You can who'se what?" I asked. "The guys, she said, the wolves. I hear their thoughts." "Excuse me?,I asked while rubbing my eyes, I MUST be dreaming." "It's true,BaekHyun said while walking up behind TaeYeon, we're wolves." "So you're a wolf too?" I asked while looking at TaeYeon. "Not exactly~" she said. "Come on~, BaekHyun said, SuHo can explain better." Against my better judgement I walked back into the living room. I saw MiYoung staring off into space as if she was truly speechless. "Thank You for coming back, SuHo said, Let me sum it up for you. When I was 13 I started to go through changes... Not your normal everyday teenaged boy changes but drastic changes. My body was gaining muscle, I ate way more, I constantly had a fever, and I started to hear things." "What kinds of things?" MiYoung asked suddenly. I looked over at her as she stared at his face intensely. "I didn't know at first, he said, but I hid it for a while. When I went to school the next year I noticed the voices were getting louder and louder and one day I walked into a class and I soon recognized those voices. That was how I met ChanYeol, Lay, XiuMin and BaekHyun, he continued, we realized that we were hearing eachother's voices. We started coming out into the woods and experimenting. Thats how we found this place. We fixed it up and now its like our headquarters. About a year later we found KyungSoo and Kai, then a week after that we met Tao, LuHan, and Kris." "Who's LuHan and Kris?" I asked. BaekHyun dropped his head and SuHo looked as if he was getting teary eyed. "We don't talk about them anymore, he said, we NEVER talk about them. "Okay~, I said, I'm sorry."

"So, MiYoung asked, how were you hearing eachothers thoughts and more importantly.. How can TAEYEON hear them if she's not a wolf?" "We have a sort of psychic link that allows us to communicate in both forms." SuHo said. MiYoung perked up. "So, she asked, how does a non wolf get access you this exclusive radio channel?" "Well first, BaekHyun chimed in with a chuckle, you have to become a wolf's mate and then you have to 'receive' his wolf. " "Receive his wolf?, I asked, how do you do that?" TaeYeon blushed." Theres some other things you have to do but the basic part of it is you have to bite each other hard enough to draw blood." "Hmm well that doesn't seem too complicated~" MiYoung wondered aloud. BaekHyun cracked a smile and stared at her. "Oh~ baek thats horrible don't ask her that?!" TaeYeon exclaimed. "What?!,MiYoung asked, what did he say?" BaekHyun burst into laughter. "So, he said with a chuckle, who's wolf do you want to receive cause You defiantly have your pick of the pack. Except our leader here"

MiYoung's POV

"Oh~! Shut up baekhyun~, I said, you're exaggerating." He laughed harder. "Yeah~, he said, whatever you say~" I shook my head. "Where's Lay~?" I asked. "Upstairs~" SuHo said. I opened my mouth to ask them a question but decided against it. "Where's ChanYeol?" I asked. "Out in the woods running with the others" SuHo said. I nodded. I stared out of the window for a moment then looked back at the group. "TaeYeon, I said, can I talk to you alone for a second?" "Sure~" she said. She patted her boyfriend on the hand and got up. We walked out to the front of the house. "What is it? She asked. "Wait, I said, can they hear us?" "If we go out a little farther out in the woods they wont hear us talking." she said. "What about your thoughts?" I asked. "Well, she said, I can make it so the other's wont hear them but BaekHyun will." "You can't shut him out?" I asked. "No, she said, I havent learned how to and I dont want to either. We share everything." "okay, I said, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked you that." "Its okay~" she said with a sigh. "How about them, I asked, If you shut them out can you still hear them?" "Yeah, she said, I think so~" "Okay~, I said, well do it." She looked away for a second and then looked back at me. "Okay, she said with a smile, go ahead. Only baek can hear now" "How is Lay doing?, I asked, Is it okay to go and see him? What is he thinking?" "He's...sad" she said. Hearing that made my heart hurt and I ran past her and through the door. "Wait! MiYoung!, she shouted, don't go up there!!" I didnt listen and bolted up the steps. I opened each door as I went past it and after 3 tries I found him. He was laying on the bed in the dark while KyungSoo sat at the foot of the bed. They were silent but I could tell that they were probably talking to eachother. When KyungSoo saw me his eyes widened. "'MiYoung~, he said, please don't. We can't take another tragedy." "What tragedy?" I asked him. YiXing sat up and sighed. "KyungSoo... You go, he said, I'll tell her."

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