Chapter 9

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MiYoung's POV

"C'mon girls~, TaeYeon said, get out. Everyone is waiting for us." I made an audible gulp and reached for the car door handle. I gave KyungMi's hand one more squeeze with my opposite hand and got out of the car. KyungMi got out too. We followed TaeYeon up to the door slowly. I tried to convince myself not to be afraid. "They're our friends, I thought to myself, they wont hurt us." She knocked on the door and it seemed to open by itself. I looked back at KyungMi who looked as if she wanted to cry. TaeYeon pushed the door and went inside. "C'mon~, she said, quit acting so scared."

I walked into the cabin behind TaeYeon and was surprised by its interior. It looked like a cozy roomy house with an upstairs and a downstairs. We followed TaeYeon into the living room that had two large sofas and a few lounge chairs all around a large flat screen television. "The Cave" was a total man cave. The guys were sitting around the room talking amongst themselves when we walked in. "Hey everybody~" KyungMi,TaeYeon, and I said together. The boys all said hello to us. BaekHyun jumped up and ran over to his girlfriend. He picked her up and hugged her then carried her back over to where he was sitting. I smiled at them then looked at KyungMi who dramatically let out a sigh of relief. I laughed and playfully punched her in the arm. SuHo got up and walked over to KyungMi. I heard him ask to speak in private and watched them walk into another room together. I raised an eyebrow but decided to leave it alone and walked over to the group instead. "Hey MiYoung~"I heard Kai say. I turned to him sitting with a girl. "Hey Kai how are you?" I said. "I'm great, he said, this is my girlfriend Sunny." "Nice to meet you Sunny" I said. She gave a half smile and nodded. "So, I began, Sunny~ what year are you in at school?" She blinked at me then whispered something to Kai and got up. He let out a nervous laugh suddenly afraid to look me in the eye. "Uh MiYoung~,he said, I have to go... I'll see you around." "No problem" I said with a smile and gave him a hug. I don't know why I gave him a hug but I felt like I should. He smiled and then headed out with her. I sat on the couch and scanned the room. SeHun, Tao, XiuMin,and KyungSoo were watching a movie. BaekHyun and TaeYeon were making out, Lay and Chen were missing,and ChanYeol staring at me. I waved and smiled awkwardly at him. He smiled back and I felt the urge to get out of his view suddenly feeling very warm and thirsty.

I got up and went in search of the kitchen. I found it down the hall and even better Lay was hiding away inside it. "What are you doing?" I asked startling him. He turned around then saw me and tried to bolt out of the kitchen. "Stop!" I said. He froze in his tracks. "Turn around" I ordered. He turned. "What's wrong with you?" I asked. "I can't talk to you." He said in a low tone. "why not?, I asked while opening the fridge to cover my hurt expression and sudden teary eyes, Did I do something to you?" I wiped my eyes with my hand then took a soda from the fridge before closing it. He was still standing in the doorway silently. "Well?" I asked. He shook his head and then dropped it. "Then what is it?" I asked sounding more desperate than I wanted to come across. I quickly opened the soda and took a drink to try and save face. "It's the rules..., he muttered, You belong to someone else."
I tried to talk while having the soda can pressed against my lips still. I ended up slicing my lip on the sharp edge of the can's opening. "Oww~!" I shouted while licking at the wound. I blinked and Lay was in front of me. He put his hand on my face and brushed his thumb across my lip ever so lightly. Suddenly the pain stopped. I licked at the cut to find that it wasnt there anymore. "You did it again~" I whispered. He smiled shyly and then dropped his head. I raised his head with my hand and looked into his eyes. "YiXing~,I said softly, what is it?" His eyes bore into mine and I thought my heart would jump out of my chest. "MiYoung~, he breathed, Theres something about me that you don't know. Something about all of us...." His voice trailed off and his eyes widened as if he were frightened. "YiXing?, I asked in a concerned tone, What is it? What's wrong?" My eyes searched his face for answers but he just stood there blank.That was when I heard a deep growl that sounded as if there was a rabid dog in the room. I looked past him to see ChanYeol standing in the doorway. I cleared my throat. "ChanYeol~! I didn't know you were there. How are you? Do you need something?" I said trying to make the situation less awkward. He didn't budge, he just stood there glaring at Lay. "If looks could kill~" I thought to myself. The tension in the room was thick and I found myself squaring up and standing in front of Lay instinctively. "MiYoung...Move" ChanYeol said through gritted teeth. I shook my head and he took a step forward. Suddenly Tao XiuMin and SeHun appeared behind him and dragged him out of the house with much protesting from ChanYeol. I turned back to Lay and shook him but it seemed as if he was frozen. "YiXing?!" I yelled as I tapped him on the face lightly. "He's okay~, a voice behind me said, here~ I'll take him up to his room. He just needs to lay down." I turned around to find KyungSoo walking towards us. His presence put me at ease and I let him take Lay upstairs. I wandered out into the hall and back into the living room still a bit visibly shaken by what just happened. I sat down across the room from BaekHyun and TaeYeon who sat on the couch quietly. "You two care to tell me what the hell just happened?" I asked. "I think that's my job, SuHo said while appearing in the door way with KyungMi, you should sit too KyungMi."

KyungMi's POV

I walked across the room and sat down next to MiYoung on the couch. She looked frightened and I had no idea what had just happened. SuHo and I were talking and then we suddenly heard a loud ruckus and the guys were dragging out of the house. Whatever it was I hope everyone was okay. "Listen, SuHo said, There's something you should know about us. You're going to think this insane but it will explain what just happened. The reason why ChanYeol acted the way he did is because he's chosen MiYoung and he forbade any of the other guys to talk to her,Especially Lay." "Chosen me?.MiYoung asked, chosen me for what?" "For a mate~" SuHo said with a shy smile. "A mate?!, MiYoung spat, I'm not anyone's 'mate' and that word is just so dirty~ it sounds like you're animals or something." I watched her cross her arms and roll her eyes. SuHo sighed. "We are~" he said with a sigh. "Wait~~You're what?" I asked suddenly confused. "We're animals, SuHo explained, we're wolves and according to our customs, once a wolf chooses a mate...She's off limits to everyone in the pack... Including the pack leader." MiYoung stared at him wide eyed. I got up and ran for the front door. "You people are insane!" I yelled. TaeYeon came running after me. "KyungMi wait!, she shouted, just give me a chance to explain." "No way~, I said while trying to open the door, this is just crazy." She grabbed my arm and spun me around. "Please~~" she said with pleading eyes. "Fine, I said, you have five minutes." "Well, she said, let me say your situation isn't THAT far off from MiYoung's" "what do you mean?" I asked. "One of the wolves has claimed you but theres another with his sights set on you." "How do you know that?" I asked her. She smiled. "I can hear their thoughts."

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