Chapter 7

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MiYoung's POV

I woke up in a brightly lit room in a not so comfortable bed. "Ugh, I groaned, what happened?" I asked myself aloud. I was surprised to head a voice reply to me. "You're in the hospital, a voice said, don't worry I'm here to help you." I looked across the room to find one of BaekHyun's friends standing in the doorway. "Hi~" I said. "Hi~" he replied with a shy smile. "Please, I said, come in, sit down, where's everyone else?" He walked into the room and sat down in a chair in the corner. "They're on their way." He said. "Oh, I said, how did you know I was here?" "She did, he replied, sorry I would have come last night but... I was busy and visiting hours were over. I'm sorry you got hurt." "No~, I said, I'm okay. I just got a little shaken up and stupid me went out without my inhaler." "You should keep it with you at all times" he said sternly. I smiled. I found it cute that he was concerned for me. "Come here, I said just noticing a scratch on his face, what happened to your face?" He touched his face and his eyes widened for a bit. When he moved his hand the scratch was gone. I blinked a few times and sat up in bed quickly. "How did you do that?!" I asked. "Do what?" He asked. "That thing!, I almost shouted, with your face!" I grabbed at my chest noticing that I was still in pain and struggling to breath. I coughed a few times and then laid back down. He smiled slightly then walked over and put his hand over mine. I stared at his face. His features were calm and his voice was sweet. He was almost angelic. His beauty put me at ease. He smiled down at me then gave my hand a squeeze. "Take care MiYoung,he said while leaving, see you at school." I sat up quickly and called after him. "Bye Lay!" I yelled. That's when I noticed I wasn't in pain anymore. It was almost as if the pain never existed.

KyungMi's POV

TaeYeon and I got to the hospital and walked through the doors. She went up to the desk to talk to the nurse while I looked at the chart on the wall listing patient names and room names. I looked for MiYoung's name while running my finger down the board. I felt a rush of air go past me. I sucked in my breath slightly frightened then hurriedly walked over to TaeYeon. "MiYoung is in room 210, she said as I approached her, lets go.... Are you alright?" "Yeah~, I said obviously still shaken up, let's go upstairs." We walked over to the elevators and went up to the second floor. When we got off the elevator I remembered that TaeYeon had said we would be having more visitors. "TaeYeon, I asked, I thought the guys were coming?" "They're here already~" she said with a smile. I turned around expecting to see them back at the elevator. To my surprise they were all standing in front of me. 'How the heck did they get up here so quickly?' I asked myself. We joined them standing in front of MiYoung's room. BaekHyun stepped out from the middle of the cluster and pulled TaeYeon into a tight hug. I smiled at them. They really were perfect for each other.

"Hi KyungMi~, SuHo said, how are you?" "Me?,I said, I'm fine. How are you?" "Great~" he said with a smile. He stared at me so much that it made me a bit uncomfortable. "Ahem~,Chen said with a sarcastic cough, we should probably go in." I flashed my eyes in his direction to thank him and walked into the room. I saw MiYoung sitting up in bed. "Hey Mimi, I said, how are you feeling?" "Great!" She said with a wide smile. "That's good~" I squealed. I walked over to her and hugged her. "The nurse said I can go home today, she said, soon as the doctor comes to sign the papers." "Awesome~!, I said, I'm so glad you feel better." "Me too, she said with a laugh, let's not go into the woods ever again" "You went into the woods?" SuHo asked in that stern voice. "Yeah~, I said, something scared the crap out of us and we ran. That's why MiYoung had the asthma attack." "Did you see anything in the woods?" TaeYeon asked. "I thought I heard an animal or something,MiYoung said, Whatever it was I threw a rock at it and ran off."

SuHo turned around and faced the other boys. They all dropped their heads. "Where is Lay?" He asked almost angrily. "Oh!, MiYoung said brightly, he was here earlier but he left. What happened to him? He had a really bad scratch on his face but then.... It disappeared." Her voice trailed off as she stared off into space. "He was here?!" ChanYeol snarled. Kai and KyungSoo each put a hand on his shoulder and he took a deep breath. For a second I could have sworn I'd seen flames in his eyes.

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