Chapter 3

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MiYoung's POV

I was relaxing in my room reading some of the brochures that came with my welcome package that Ms. Yang gave me in the front office along with my room assignment earlier. It explained that the reason why the students wear uniforms is to keep us focused more on our studies than on trying to outdo each other with our fashions. The school only has 150 students at a time and the programs are very extensive. Suddenly I heard a knock at my door. I got up to open it and found BaekHyun and TaeYeon standing on the other side. "Hey! Are you ready to go?" BaekHyun asked. "Uhhh sure~, I said, just let me get changed very quickly." He nodded and TaeYeon smiled at me while I closed the door and dug through my clothes. I put on a pair of black jeans with a white camisole,purple cardigan and my favorite sneaker boots. After checking my hair in the mirror quickly I opened the door to find BaekYeon (as they were known around school) fully engrossed in a make out session. I cleared my throat and BaekHyun put up a finger before breaking the kiss. TaeYeon blushed and apologized. I shook my head and stepped outside.

I walked behind the couple down the steps and out the door to a silver car waiting in front of the building. "Get in~" TaeYeon said. I climbed in the back seat and put my seatbelt on while waiting for the couple to get settled in. After TaeYeon started the car and pulled off I spoke up. "So~ BaekHyun. What's your friend's name?" I asked. "His name is JunMyeon, he said, but everyone just calls him SuHo." I nodded. "So who's going to be at this party?" I asked. BaekHyun laughed. " Well the 3 of us, SuHo, and 8 other friends....make that 9 my friend Kai just told me he's bringing someone." "Ohh~ okay~, I said, cool." "Don't worry, he said with a chuckle, we're all friendly and we don't bite. Unless you like that sort of thing. TaeYeon does." TaeYeon nudged him and rolled the car to a stop. "We're here~" she said.

We got out of the car and went up to SuHo's apartment. It was in a luxury building that even had a doorman. BaekHyun knocked on the door and we heard shuffling on the other side then another handsome asian guy opened it. "Hey!" He said as he welcomed us inside. When we stepped inside my heart nearly stopped. I had never seen a group of such handsome men before. "Everyone~!,TaeYeon said, this is my new friend MiYoung! She's new at the academy she's here for summer enrichment. Let's all make her feel welcome." "Hi MiYoung!" The boys all chimed in unison. I smiled and waved back at them. BaekHyun smiled. "MiYoung this is SuHo, MinSeok, but you can call him XiuMin, ZiTao, but you can call him Tao, JongDae, but you can call him Chen, KyungSoo, but you can cal him D.O, ChanYeol, YiXing, but you can call him Lay, and SeHun... Kai is coming later." BaekHyun said. "Nice to meet you all~" I said. They all smiled at me. "MiYoung~, SuHo said, why don't you sit down next to ChanYeol and Lay?" "Uhh~ sure" I said while sitting down on the couch in between the two men. As I got comfortable the guys all turned to me. "So MiYoung, the one named Chen asked, where are you from?" "I'm from New York..." I said. I told them all about my hometown and my friends that I had there and they listened intently while TaeYeon passed around beers and snacks. The boys were hanging onto my every word so much that I felt bad to tell them that nature was calling so I excused myself and asked TaeYeon where the bathroom was. She pointed down the hall and I hustled in to handle my business. While I was in the bathroom I heard the door bell ring. I flushed and washed my hands then dried them on the hand towel hanging next to the sink. I opened the door and listened as the group was deep in conversation. I walked into the living room to see a new guy standing by the door taking off his shoes. "Oh MiYoung!, SuHo said, this is JongIn! You can call him Kai." I smiled at him as he held the door open for someone. "Hi I'm MiYoung. Nice to meet you Kai... KYUNG?!"

KyungMi's POV

I just arrived at the party my new friend Kai invited me to. He and I had met at the airport. I arrived in Korea a few hours ago to surprise my bandmate MiYoung with the fact that I had also been accepted to SMA. In fact, I had received my acceptance letter only the day after she told us about hers. I decided that I did actually want to go and it took me a while to get ready. When I had gotten off the plane I met Kai in the terminal. He recognized the school logo on the letter I was carrying and introduced himself to me. We ended up spending the day together and then he invited me to a get together at his friend SuHo's apartment to introduce me to some of his friends from the academy.

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