Chapter 4

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MiYoung's POV

I woke up to the sound of KyungMi in shower. I sat up in my bed and scratched my hair. I didn't feel drunk last night but I certainly felt hung over this morning. This was absolutely perfect for the first day of classes at a prestigious performing arts academy. I sighed and knocked on the bathroom door once before letting myself in. "Hey MiMi" KyungMi said while peeking out of the shower. "Hey Kyung~, I said with a yawn, you hungover too?" She laughed. "I have aspirin in my purse,she said, finish getting ready. We're going to be late." She got out of the shower and went into our room. I shook my head and picked up my toothbrush. As I brushed my teeth I tried to calm my worried. Without a doubt i was nervous. Last night our new friends showed us videos of what they could do and to he frank I wondered if KyungMi and I could stand a chance. I wanted to talk to Kyung about it but I figured that she would tell me not to worry about it. I decided to cut the middle man out and get ready for class instead. In about half an hour KyungMi and I were headed out the door. I went downstairs where We ran into Tiffany. "Hey Tiffany~" I said. "Hey~!, she said, what's your first class? I'll show you where it is." "It's Piano 101, I said, Oh and this is my best friend KyungMi." "Oh nice to meet you~,Tiffany said, whats your first class KyungMi?" "It's Music History" she said. "Oh!, Tiffany said, Thats all the way past the cafeteria go through the glass doors. You may get surprised but don't worry you're still in the same building. Sorry I have to go Nickhun is waiting for me!" "But wait? Don't you have classes too?!" I asked. "Screw em!" she said while running off. "Wow~~" KyungMi and I said in unison. We turned and walked down the hall to the glass doors. I took a deep breath and pushed them open. There was a long hallway that was brightly lit and filled with classrooms. "Ohhh~ so this is the actual school~~~" I wondered aloud. "Yeah~, KyungMi said, I like how the living area looks like a castle almost then the actual school is hidden away and looks so modern." "Yeah its like two buildings in one~" I added. "What classroom are you in?" KyungMi asked. "102" I said. "Oh I'm in 103" she replied. It's right here, I said while walking down the hall and stopping in front of a classroom. She walked over and stood next to me. "We'd better get inside. We don't want to be late on our first day." She said. "You're right~, I said, see you later Kyung." "Later" she said before walking into her class. I waved goodbye to her and then slipped into my classroom. There was a group of girls sitting in the corner giggling about something. I decided to stay just sit down at one of the keyboards set up in the room and wait for class to start. After about a minute a guy that looked slightly familiar walked in the classroom. He looked over at the group of girls and rolled his eyes. I smiled. At least someone else here shared my sentiments about gossiping. He came and sat at the keyboard next to mine. "Hey~,he said, weren't you at SuHo's party last night?" "Yeah~, I replied, I was." He smiled. "It was MiYoung right?, he asked, I'm ChanYeol. Sorry I didnt get to talk to you much last night." "It's no problem~, I said with a slightly flirtatious tone, we're both here now right?" "Right~" he said.

KyungMi's POV

I walked into my Music History class and to my surprise there was almost no one there yet. I looked over at the clock on the wall. It read 8:00 am. 'Where was everyone'? I thought to myself. After about a minute I checked my schedule again. "Hmm~ I'm in the right room according to this paper. So am I just here l too early?" I asked myself aloud. "Who are you talking to?" A voice asked. I turned around to see that guy KyungSoo from last night. "Oh~, I said with a chuckle, no one. I was just wondering why no one was here." "Oh, he said, well good luck! I've got to run but hey, you and MiYoung should come sit with us at lunch today." "Sure" I said. He smiled at me and waved before running off down the hall. I walked over to the doorway and watched him go. He was really handsome and his lips seemed to draw my attention to them. He was definitely someone I wouldn't mind seeing more of. "I see you and D.O are getting really acquainted already huh KyungMi?." I heard a voice say. I turned around to see another guy from last night behind me. I felt suddenly flustered seeing his striking good looks up close. His brown curly hair framed his face well and his long eyelashes swept across his face ever so lightly. He seemed friendly although his lips were pressed into a hard line. "Oh no~, I stuttered, I was trying to figure out why no one was here yet. There's nothing going on between me and KyungSoo." I smiled trying to cover the nervousness in my voice. The corners of his lips curled upward ever so slightly. "You didnt have to explain yourself to me, he said while bringing his hand towards my face then suddenly ripping a paper off the door and handing it to me, oh and by the way... your class is canceled today." He flashed a quick smile then turned on his heels and walked away. "Thanks?" I called after him. He didnt turn back. He just put up a peace sign and when on his way. I decided to go back up to my room and take a nap. 'Who did that guy think he was anyway?, I thought to myself, he's such a jerk.... But what was his name?' I shook my head and took out my key to open my door. Suddenly I heard a commotion. I looked down the hall and saw my friend Kai arguing with a girl. I caught a snippet of their conversation although my Korean isn't that good. I opened my door and slipped inside my room. "Did he just tell her that she had to tell her GIRLFRIEND about him?"
What was going on at this school?

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