Chapter 11

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KyungMi's POV

I sat on the couch awkwardly watching TaeYeon and BaekHyun fondle eachother. It was as if they couldnt keep their hands off of eachother. I smiled and excused myself. I decided to go and look for MiYoung. I climbed the stairs while looking at the pictures of the guys when they were younger. They were so cute and looked like they were having fun. At the top of the stairs there were a lot of rooms. I walked down the hall and found some of the doors open. I peeked inside one of them. No one was inside it but it was well kept. It surprised me that the boys were so cleanly. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped and shrieked. "What are you doing going into KyungSoo's room?" Chen asked. "No- nothing--,I said flustered, I was just looking for MiYoung~" "Right~~, he said with a smirk, well she's in Lay's room talking to him." "Oh~" he said. He walked down the hall a bit then made a 'come hither' motion with his finger. I walked over to him and he opened a door. "This is my room~, he said, come in." I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "I'm not going to try and give you my wolf or anything so relax" he said with a scoff. I laughed and walked into the room. He offered me to have a seat at his desk and laid down on his bed. I sat down and looked at him as he laid there with his eyes closed. He was so beautiful. "Say something, he said, I can't just read your mind like with the others its weird to be actually silent in silence." I laughed. "Okay~, I said, can I ask you something?" "Sure~" he said while turning his head towards me and smiling. My heart fluttered a little and he raised his eyebrow a bit and chuckled. "Did you hear when TaeYeon told me that there were two wolves that had their eyes on me?" I asked. He stopped smiling and his jaw hardened. "Yeah~" he said dryly. "Do you know who she was talking about?" "No idea~" he said while getting up and going over to the open window. "Oh c'mon~, I wined, I know you know. You can hear each other's thoughts for crying out loud." He looked back at me and snarled. "Don't push it KyungMi~" he said. "Why~~?" I asked. Suddenly a flash of lightning struck the sky. It startled me. "What the heck?, I said jumping from my seat and pulling him away from the window, move from the window JongDae it's dangerous." He looked down at my face and then smirked "how is there lightning, I asked myself out loud in disbelief, it's not even raining~." Not even 5 seconds after I said it started pouring outside. "what kind of weather is this?!" I exclaimed. He closed the window and put his arm around me. "There's a storm coming~"

MiYoung's POV

KyungSoo walked past me and out of the room. I closed it behind him and turned back to Lay. He sighed and laid back on his bed. "Come here~" he said. I walked over to him and sat on the foot of the bed. "Do you remember when TaeYeon told you that we knew you were coming?" "Yeah~" I said. "Well, he said, we knew because sometimes when a female mates with and receives a wolf she'll develop special abilities." "What do you mean by special abilities?" "Gifts, he said, special powers. We all have them, and the girl I'm referring to became a psychic. She foresaw you and KyungMi's arrival." My mouth dropped. "Where is she now?" I asked. His face drained of color and his lip began to tremble. "Her name was Jessica~,he said, she's dead now. " My eyes widened. "What happened to her?" He sniffled and tears began to fall down his cheeks. "You met Kai's girlfriend right?, he asked, I know TaeYeon told you we aren't very fond of her but did she explain why?" "No~" I said. He sat up in bed and looked into my eyes. "She and Jessica used to be in a relationship before we met them, he continued, but then They both fell for her....." His voice trailed off as he choked back tears. "Who's they?" I asked while getting teary eyed myself. "LuHan and Kris, he whispered, they both fell for her so they both chose her." "So why didn't she just pick one?" I asked. "Thats's the problem, he said, she didn't choose. She mated with both of them. A human cant handle having two wolves inside her. Their spirits will attack each other and it will destroy her body. That's how she died." I gasped. "So, I asked, if thats how she died what happened to them?" He averted his glance and looked away from me. "The grief overtook them both and they blamed each other. They fought and ended up killing each other. Kris died in the fight and LuHan died from Kris ripping a piece of his neck off about an hour after. His injury was too severe for me to heal him. I haven't tried to heal anyone or anything since....well... Not until I met you." I couldn't say anything. I just started to cry. I crawled over to him and tried to hug him. He grabbed me by the shoulders and held me at arms length. "Do you understand now?, he asked while staring into my eyes, do you understand why I can't be with you?" I shook my head. "No, I whispered, I don't" I lunged forward and kissed him. He pushed me away and snarled. "MiYoung, he said, please don't make this harder for me." I sighed. "I wont, I said, I promise... I won't." I wiped my eyes, got off the bed, walked over to the door, and opened it. "Goodbye YiXing~" I said.

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