Chapter 13

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KyungMi's POV

After dance class I walked next to Jin toward the stairs. MiYoung zoomed past us seemingly in a hurry. "whats her problem?" JinHee asked. "I dont know~, I said, maybe she's got some where to be. Anyway how are you?" "Im great~, she said, its so great to be here." "I don't believe it either, I said, its incredible." I smiled and hugged her. Over her shoulder I saw a familiar face. He looked at me intensely and gave a come hither gesture. I put up a finger and pointed above me. He nodded and ascended the stairs. "Hey~ Jin, I said, I just remembered. I need to run upstairs and get something." "Okay I'll go with you~" she suggested. "No~!, I almost yelled, I'll get it and come back down. Just go in the cafe and get us a table. We can grab dinner later." I gave a nervous smile and averted my glance, not being able to look her in the eye as I lied to her. She stood there for a second then smiled. "okay~, she said, go ahead and hurry up. Im hungry." I watched as she walked down to the cafe and ran up the steps. I opened my room door to find Chen and MiYoung sitting opposite one another chatting quietly. "Hey~" I said as I closed the door. "Hey~" he said with a smile. MiYoung lookefd back and forth between us and stood up. "I'll leave you two alone, she said, I've got a date anyway." "A date?" I asked. Chen laughed. "You didn't tell your roommate you're seeing someone?" He asked. "No, she said with a frown, It's a bit of a long story. I'll explain everything later I promise." "Well~, I asked, do I at least get to know who it is?" "He's here" Chen said. I cocked my head to the side and looked at him. I was confused. The only one here was-- Just then there was a knock on our room door. Since I was closest to the door I answered it. "Hi KyungMi~, ChanYeol said, How are you?" "I'm great~, I replied, and you?" "Perfect~" he said. MiYoung kissed me on the cheek and waved at Chen before leaving with him. I smiled and closed the door behind them. "Wow~" I said while sitting on my bed across from Chen. "What?" He asked with a smirk. "Those two~, I said, I thought she liked Lay" "I thought so too, but I guess not, he said, I thought you liked KyungSoo too. " "What?!, I exclaimed, Can he hear us right now?" He shook his head. "I can block them out when I want to. We just don't usually do it. We like to keep the link open. Its funny actually." "Why?" I asked. "People think we're strange cause we'll sit together sometimes and never say a word outloud but we have these really deep conversations. Its comforting. We always know what each other is thinking and we're never alone." He said. "Do you ever just want to be alone sometimes?" I asked. "No~,He said, they're my brothers. I cant even imagine life without each other. I don't think any of us can. Finding the pack was probably the best thing that ever happened to any of us."

I smiled at him while thinking over what he said. It was beautiful that they had such a deep bond and connection with each other. "Does it ever get too loud in your head? With everyone talking at once?" I asked. "Sometimes, he said, if we're having a disagreement. But other than that its fun. Except for when BaekHyun and TaeYeon forget to lock us out before they start getting flirty with eachother. When that happens it is just awkward." He chuckled and I laughed with him. "Do you ever want a relationship like that?" I asked while looking at his face. He looked into my eyes thoughtfully. "I do, he said, one day when I find the right girl. Its hard though." I reached over and put my hand over his. "I understand, I said, It must be tough living a double life the way you do. How many people know about it?" "Just the pack members, he said, that includes TaeYeon because she's part of our family, and MiYoung, and you." "

"Why us?" I wondered out loud. He smiled. "Because... We felt that we could trust you. Somehow we knew that you two were special and that you would keep our secret. So we let you into our lives. I dont know if you noticed but we don't really have many friends at this school....we have admirers but no friends haha just family. " I smiled. "Since you say you guys have no friends... Does that mean that MiYoung and I are apart of your family?" He smiled. "Yes, not officially, but yes we consider you family." "Good. " I whispered.

We stared at each other silently for a moment before he spoke again. "Who was that girl that you were hugging earlier?" He asked. "Girl?, I asked before suddenly remembering that JinHee was downstairs waiting for me, OH MY GOSH! my friend is here waiting downstairs!" I jumped up and headed for the door but he grabbed me. "KyungMi, he said sternly while looming over me and staring into my eyes, I trust you but I don't know her. She can't know anything about any of us. Do you understand." I nodded while looking back at him. He smiled and brushed my cheek with his hand. "I'll see you later~" he said. "Do you want to walk downstairs with me?" I asked. "No its okay~, he said, I've got a ride"

He stepped back and closed his eyes the way he does when he's talking to his pack members and suddenly Kai appeared next to him. "Took you long enough" Chen muttered. "Shut up~, the younger wolf whispered, hey KyungMi, good to see you you. I'll see you around later gotta this idiot home." They both laughed and waved before disappearing into thin air. I stood there in disbelief for a moment before shakig my head. There was so much I had to learn about my new friends.

MiYoung's POV

I walked downstairs with ChanYeol and stopped at bottom of the steps. I looked up and down the hallway before grabbing his hand and running out of the front door. "What the heck?" He asked. "Let's get in the car then I'll explain." I said. He opened my door for me then got in the car on the drivers side. "What's going on, he asked, Is someone after you?" "No~, I said, I'm hiding you from someone." "From who?" He asked. "A friend of KyungMi and I just moved in here and I didn't want her to see you." "Why?" he asked. "Because~, I said matter of factly, she's going to want to hang around you guys with us if she knows about you and I want to help you guy's keep your secret." He nodded and smiled. "That's thoughtful of you, he said, let me tell the other guys to steer clear of her." I nodded and waiting for a second. He looked away for a moment and then looked back at me. "Everyone's got the message now, he said, are you ready?" "Yup~" I said with a smile. He started the car and we drove in town to a quite little restaurant on a dark street. "You definitely like dark things dont you?" I asked as he opened my car door for me and helped me out. "I like to be mysterious" he said with a smirk. We went into the restaurant and as it turned out it was a poetry place. It was dark and had candles and mood lighting everywhere. The hostess led us to a table in the back and gave us water while we listened to the performing poet speak about love. ChanYeol was definitely a romantic soul.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2015 ⏰

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