Chapter 8

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MiYoung's POV

I woke up at 10:00am. It felt so good to wake up late. It was Saturday and I had no plans to get out of bed. I had come home from the hospital 2 days ago and although I felt fine I was exhausted from trying to catch up for the one day of classes I missed. This school was just crazy. I looked over to see that KyungMi wasn't in bed. She never was the 'stay in bed all day' type of the person. I got up and went into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. When I was done i decided to take my shower. When I got out of the shower I opened the bathroom door just as KyungMi was coming into the room. "Hey Mimi, she said, I brought you breakfast." "Oh thanks!, I said while toweling off, was he down there?" "Yup~, she said with a laugh, and he was looking for you." "Oh gosh~!" I groaned. ChanYeol had been following me around since I got out of the hospital.I put my clothes on and hung my towel on the door. "ChanYeol won't leave me alone and Lay wont talk to me, I sighed, what did I do to him?" "I dont think you did anything, she said, you just need to talk to him." "But how?" I asked while biting into the breakfast sandwich she brought me. "What if I talk to TaeYeon and convince her to ask BaekHyun to get him up here to talk to you?" She suggested. " That could work, I said,but it might be awkward." "You're right~" she said.

Just then there was a knock at the door. I got up to answer it. When I opened it I saw TaeYeon on the other side. "Uhh Hey~,I said, what's up?" "Would you guys like to come to an event tonight?" she asked. "An event?" KyungMi asked while getting up to join me at the door. "yeah~, she said with a smile, the guys are having another get together tonight and I wanted to know if you would come. Kai's girlfriend is going to be there. She's my friend,but they don't like her much so she may leave early I want you guys there to keep me company." "Sure~,KyungMi chimed, We would love to." "Bu--" I tried to interject before KyungMi stopped me with a sharp pinch on the arm. "Great~, TaeYeon said cheerfully, I'll pick you guys up later." She waved goodbye and went down the hallway.

"KyungMi!, I yelled, what the hell! I don't want to go!" "Yes you do~,she said with a smile, you want to see Lay right? Here's your opportunity." She watched my face as I thought it over for a second. "KyungMi~ you sly devil you. You're so smart." I said with a smirk.
She chucked. "I try~"

KyungMi's POV

A few hours later MiYoung and I got ready to go to the get together with TaeYeon. I came out of the bathroom to find MiYoung dressed in a red shirt with black jeans and black ankle boots. She was taking the curl formers out of her hair and scrunching her curls to give them her signature look. "Well well well missy, I said, where are you going?" she turned around and smiled. "Do I look okay~, she asked while putting on lipgloss, it's okay to lie just this once if I don't." "Relax~, I said, you look great." "Thanks, she said with a sigh of relief, by the way I'm stealing that dress you sexy thang you~" I laughed out loud. MiYoung always did have a way with words. "You like it?" I asked. "I love it~, she said, you look good in blue. Its definitely your color." Soon there was a knock on the door. MiYoung opened it while I grabbed my purse. "Hey girls~, TaeYeon said, are you ready?" "Yup~!" I said while walking up to the door. "Lets go~" she said.

We went down the steps and out to TaeYeon's car. I looked out of the window as all the beautiful lights turned into scenic images. We drove away from town. The sunsetting behind the trees was breath taking. "I thought we were going to SuHo's house?" MiYoung asked with a slightly worried tone. "I didn't say that, TaeYeon said, we're going to the cave tonight." "The cave?" I asked. MiYoung and I both liked TaeYeon and the boys very much but we couldn't hide the fact that we were afraid of them right about now. I heard MiYoung gulp and she reached for my hand. I shot her a worried look and said a silent prayer. I hope we weren't on our way to our deaths right now.

After a few more minutes TaeYeon pulled up to what looked like huge abandoned cabin in a wooded area. She turned off the car and looked at us through her rearview mirror. "Come on guys, she said, get out."

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