Chapter 12

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KyungMi's POV

I sat in my vocal 2 class and spaced out. Someone was singing but I just couldn't pay attention. It had been about a week since we found out about the guy's secret and we haven't seen any of them. MiYoung had told me about what happened to their former pack numbers and I just felt horrible for all of them. Even though we didnt know them well I missed them. I missed Chen. When class was over I saw MiYoung in the hall. "Hey mimi, I said, you feeling okay?" "Yeah~" she said with a sigh. "Well~ we have a break now. We can go into town and watch a movie or something. If you want." She smiled. "Good idea~, she said, lets go". We walked out of the door and down the street. We got on the train and got off near the mall. It was huge and had stores for everything. We went inside and went up to the movie counter. The woman at the ticket booth told us that the next movie would be starting in about half an hour. We thanked her and decided to walk around the mall to pass the time. We went into a clothing store and played around trying on sunglasses and accessories. "Im hungry~" I said. " Oh my gosh~ you too?!" We both laughed and headed out of the store to the food court. We got some jajangmyeon and sat down to eat. While we were eating I looked around the room and spotted a familiar face. "Oh look Mimi,I said, there's Tiffany." MiYoung looked behind her and saw Tiffany walking with a guy. "Oh~ so that must be her boyfriend~,she said, he's cute but not cute enough for her to be cutting class over." I laughed. "You know , I said, she's supposed to be in my vocal 2 class?" "She is?" MiYoung asked. "Yeah~" I said. We both shook our heads and finished eating. When we were done we went back to the movie theatre and watched a movie about a girl and a guy who fall in live and live happily ever after. BAD CHOICE.

After the movie we started to leave the mall to go back to school but MiYoung stopped again. "Look Kyung~" she said with a devious grin. We had stopped in front of a rental car service. "What are you doing?!" I asked MiYoung with widened eyes. "Nothing, she said, wait here." 20 minutes later she lead me out to the parking lot. "Mimi~~, I said, what are we doing?" She showed me a pair of car keys and we walked over to a dark blue Hyundai Sonata. "get in~" she said. I got in and put my seatbelt on. "Now hush Kyung~, she said, I know my driving is a little rusty but I wont kill us." We pulled out of the parking lot and drove through the town. I sat back and tried to relax me but something told me my friend was up to something. "Mimi~, I said, we just passed the school. "I know~"she smirked. I soon figured out where we were going when we entered the wooded trail. After a few minutes we came to the front of the cabin and stopped. "Come on~" she said as she got out. Sunny might be insane for not accepting that Jessica was dead and still post humorously carrying on their relationship all while treating Kai like a door mat, but she wasn't the only crazy one. I got out of the car and followed MiYoung into the house. I saw Chen at the top of their stairs and went up to talk to him. "Hi~,he said as I reached the top of the steps, how are you?" "I'm alright~, I said, how are you?" "better, he said with a smile, come sit in my room so we can chat~" I smiled back at him and walked to his room.

MiYoung's POV

"Hey, ChanYeol said appearing in the doorway behind me, what's up?" He was sweaty and smelled good to me. "I came to see you~" I said. "You did?" He asked. "Yeah~". I walked over to him, pressed my body against his, and kissed him. I knew it was wrong but if the only way I could stay in YiXing's life was to be with ChanYeol it was what I would do. I would learn to love him. After all he wasn't a bad guy and I did like him first so it shouldn't be a problem. "Ahem~" I heard a voice say. It was SeHun. "You know, he said, you might want to get out of the doorway. The others are coming back and it might be a little awkward with you two making out right here." "Oh~ sorry" I said. He nodded and went upstairs.

KyungMi and I stayed at the house for about an hour then left to go return the car to the mall. I drove back to the mall then returned the keys then took the train with KyungMi back to campus. When we got back to school we went up the stairs and ran into none other than Tiffany. She was sitting on the stairs crying. "Hey Tiffany, KyungMi said, what's wrong?" "I-I-I-I've been expelled~" she cried. "Expelled?!,I asked, why?!" "Attendance" she said. I wanted to laugh. KyungMi and I knew that this would happen eventually. "Can they get the decision reversed? Maybe you can talk to them?" KyungMi suggested. "No~, she whimpered, they've already given someone else my spot. She's downstairs in the office now and to make matters worse.... I'm pregnant." My eyes widened. "Oh my gosh~!" KyungMi said. "I don't know what I'm going to do, she said with teary eyes, I just got back and they've moved all my stuff out already. I'm just waiting on Nickhun to come pick me up now." Her phone vibrated and the three of us looked down at it. She picked it up and glanced at it for a second. "He's here now~ I have to go" she said. "Okay~, KyungMi said while giving her a hug, Take care Tiffany." I gave her a hug too and wished her well. "Bye Tiffany~ take care." I said. "Thanks~" she said. She waved and walked out of the front door. "Come on~,KyungMi said, we have to get ready for dance." We went upstairs and got dressed for class then headed to the dance room. We got in there just as the instructor was about to close the door. We apologized and bowed then sat on the floor while the instructor rambled about what we were going to do in class today. Just then there was a knock at the door. The teacher stepped out for a a minute then came back in. "Class, she said, we have a last minute addition that will be joining us for the remainder of the semester." "It's probably the girl that took Tiffany's spot~" I said to Kyung with a chuckle. "Everyone, the teacher said while opening the door, please welcome Kim JinHee~" the class clapped while KyungMi and I screamed. "JIN?!?" We yelled. "Hey guys~" she said.

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