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"Dear Gemma,
Between all the shit that's went down before our sentence with ATF and the IRA and also the Russians attacking Jax here in prison, I don't feel too comfortable leaving you and Tara alone in Charming. I understand Chibs, Opie and the Prospects are around, but I have someone in mind to not only handle the clubs loose ends, but also assist you and Tara in motherly business and this seems like the perfect time to bring this person around.

My "niece", Katalina "Kat" Cruz, is the girl I have in mind, yes girl. Niece in quotes due to the fact that we are in no way related, as you can tell by the last name; however, I've kept her under my wing since she was 14. You may or may not remember my shadow that was somewhat Juice's color, but prettier with curly hair, that would follow me around. She's not too far off from Jax's age and they may or may not remember each other. She's watched me interact with the club and even been on a ride along or two.

She's very tough and I have this idea to patch her in. She's not 'Old Lady' material Gem because she can handle problems better than most men I've seen. What you and the crew didn't know was that she'd been a prospect in the San Bernardino Charter and fortunately they've been able to keep it on the down low and away from other charters and members. She's the only female I would ever dare to let into the Club.

Kat has actually been around the MC life for the past few years, but in this most recent one was when I allowed her to be a prospect. She had actually been affiliated with The Mayans due to her Hispanic background and a messed up relationship and somehow has had contact with the Grim Bastards before, but even with her background, I trust her. She'd be a great fit for the MC.

I know you're probably wondering how I know all of this, but I had wrote to her when we first arrived in prison to see if she was up to the job and of course it took a while for the response, but she's ready. Chibs and Opie received word just about the same time she did so they know of her arrival and don't have any objection to it; however, it will still need to be a club call on whether or not we patch her in or strip her of the prospect cut. I shouldn't have a struggle getting Jax on board, but we'll see about the others. I know many of them will raise the question on why I would ever allow a woman to be part of the MC and why she couldn't just be an Old Lady, but this is my call either way.

I love you Gemma, so when Kat does come in town, if she's not already there, don't kill her. Teach her how you deal with all the shit that blows up around you. She actually has a temper just like yours so she is a force to reckon with. Again, I love you Gemma, and I'll see you soon baby.
Gemma sat in the kitchen of Jax and Tara's house fumbling the letter around in her hands.
"Hey Tara."
Tara came around the corner to find Gemma sitting at the dining table with the letter in her hand.
"Read this. I got it from Clay a couple days ago, I just didn't know how to approach it." She said handing Tara the letter.
Gemma looked over as Tara finished reading.

"So what does this mean?" She asked.

"To tell you the truth, I really don't know. He almost made it sound like he had a kid, but I do remember the girl. Beautiful little Hispanic with gorgeous hair. She's like Juice but prettier." Gemma smirked.

Tara hesitated, "Does Jax know her?"

"Well I'm not sure they'll remember each other. They may have met once or twice, but I believe she met Clay and even John before Jax."

"How was her demeanor then?"

"Oh she's head-strong, confident, and tough. Clay told me she wasn't "Old Lady" material and he ain't lying."

"And what's "Old Lady" material?" Tara questioned.

"Relax sweetheart, he just means she's willing to take on dangerous tasks in the MC, like selling guns."
"Gemma, you gave me a gun." Tara pointed out.

"Exactly, GAVE, not sold. And it was a small hand gun, not a semi-automatic weapon like a KG-9."

Tara huffed and planted in the chair at the table. Gemma gave her a crooked look, "You think she's gonna be a threat don't you?"

"Pft. N-not at all, I-I'm just thinking about how the rest of the club will react to this. Yes Chibs and Ope know, but they didn't know she was allowed to be a prospect in the San Bernardino charter. Shouldn't that have been a club call too?"

"Relax Tara. You never know, she may actually turn out to be useful here in Charming."

"And if she's not?"

"Then she'll go right back to wherever the hell she came from."

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