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This is for those fangirls who just want a ship to be happy. I feel you.

“Please, please, please-please, please!” Diana begged as Caine sat next to her. He had just come back to the lunch table with a full tray of food and had planned on enjoying it. He stared at Diana in disbelief.

“I cannot believe you are still asking.” He said. “I said no and I meant it. I am not going with you.”

Diana stared across the table and gave Drake her best puppy-dog pout, hoping he would help her out. Caine noticed and laughed at her. “You really think Drake is going to do anything? Why would he ever help you?”

She looked at Caine with all the sadness and innocence she could muster. “Because I thought someone at this table loved me.” She said, adding in some fake tears. “I guess no one does.”

Drake almost looked concerned, or at the very least confused as to why a sixteen year old girl was crying in a school cafeteria, but Caine saw through her act.

“Of course I love you.” He said, putting an arm around her shoulder.

She looked up at him with an excited expression. “Enough to go to prom with me?”

“Not that much.” He said with a finger under her chin.

She pushed him away and got up angrily. “Well I guess I’ll just have to find a better date.”

Drake laughed. “No guy will ever go with you. He’d be too scared that Caine would kill him, or that I would.”

Diana rolled her eyes and stormed away. She could hear Caine laughing in the distance, no doubt at her. She had no idea why she even fell for a guy like Caine. Sociopathic, stubborn, and power hungry were not words she ever would have used when describing her dream guy, but that was Caine, and he was her dream.

Diana went back to her dorm and laid face-down on her bed. She had been lucky enough to get a single room, so she and Caine never had to worry about unwelcome visitors. The two of them tended to spend most of their time in her room, since you could never be too careful around Drake. He had definitely softened up over the years, but he was still insane. Drake and Diana had become much closer, since she had started officially dating Caine. Diana wasn’t one to be nice, but she had tried very hard to make sure Drake never felt like a third wheel, mostly for her own safety, but she counted it as her one act of kindness.

Diana walked over to her closet and found her favorite dress. She had never worn it since she was saving it for prom, an event which seemed impossible now. It was a turquoise blue satin, a color which would bring out the cherry tones in her otherwise dark hair. It was long, but also tight, to accentuate all the parts Caine loved, not to mention the other boys. Just because Diana was in a committed relationship, it didn’t mean she couldn’t tease.

She heard the bell, signalling the end of lunch, and walked to her biology class, a class she shared with Caine. This would give her the perfect opportunity to guilt him into going to prom with her. Diana couldn’t quite understand why Caine refused to go. It was the social gathering of the year, and there was nothing Caine loved more than a chance to make everyone else feel inadequate. She supposed she would have to figure it out on her own, because she was fairly certain he wouldn’t tell her. Emotional vulnerability was the one thing Caine avoided like the plague.

“Hey.” Caine said to her as she walked into class.

She didn’t respond. She walked past him with her head held high and took her seat, which happened to be right next to his. She opened her textbook to a random page and pretended to read. It was something about cellular respiration, a concept they had covered in the first few months of the school year, but that didn’t matter, all that mattered was the effect it had on Caine.

Diana continued to stare at the page as she heard Drake enter and sit on the other side of her. “Hello, Drake.” She said cheerily. “How are you this afternoon?”

Drake raised his eyebrows and looked at Caine. “Yes, Caine.” He said. “I am now positive that she is still mad at you.”

Diana scoffed at him and turned her attention to the front of the class, where the professor was writing some words on the board that she didn’t understand. All the professors at Coates Academy had PhDs, so it was mandatory to call them “Doctor”.

“Oh, and by the way,” Dr. Claran was saying. “There will be a quiz on all this material tomorrow.” That earned a groan from the whole class.

“How about this.” Caine whispered to Diana. “If you get a higher mark than me on this quiz, I’ll go to prom with you.”

“No way in hell.” She replied without looking up from her book.

“Why not?” Caine asked, surprised at her rejection.

Diana looked at him now, her face mere inches from his. “Because I’ve seen your marks in school. I don’t know how you do it, since I have never seen you pick up a book, but you are smart as fuck. I am not going to make a bet I have no chance in winning.”

She was still scowling as he quickly closed the small gap between them and kissed her. She made a high pitched squeal which, although muffled by Caine’s mouth, grabbed the attention of most of the class, including Dr. Claran.

“Excuse me, Mr. Soren, Miss Ladris.” He said impatiently. “Am I interrupting you?”

Caine broke away for a moment to address the professor. “No, you can keep teaching, it wasn’t bothering us.”

The class giggled but Dr. Claran’s face was not amused. “Well you and Miss Ladris can spend the rest of my lesson with the headmistress. Please leave.”

Diana glared at Caine as she packed up her things.

“Worth it.” Caine whispered to her as they left.

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