Awakening of the Shadow

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warnings: character death

a/n: i hope you enjoy! the bold/italicized words belong to a certain character, and if you read ahead, you'll find out!!


It was time.

The thundering sound of synchronized footsteps echoed through Ahsoka's montrals. Through the darkness and fog, there was tension pulled taut as if the Force itself was holding its breath. 

Kneeling in front of Ahsoka was Krell, who was on his knees with his four arms cuffed behind him. He chuckled occasionally as he glanced around the room. Clone troopers surrounded him before his eyes landed on the togruta, a cruel smile pulling at his mouth. Ahsoka's nose wrinkled in revulsion as he laughed louder and held back a snarl as she kept her stance. Nothing was said, but it was clear that no one in the room pitied the fallen Jedi.

As the footsteps stopped, Ahsoka looked around to see that the soldiers had their weapons at the ready. She ignited her lightsaber, her weapon casting a greenish glow around the room and lighting Krell's face in a malicious light. Her grip tightened as she stepped forward, the click of her boots shattering the silence. 

She didn't need any more deaths occurring today.

"Why did you do it?"

Ahsoka had known that the General was a renowned Jedi from the whispers that traveled through the Jedi Temple. It seemed however, that the praises proved to be false. She couldn't understand how he could do something barbaric.

"Do what?" The besalisk's head turned slightly, holding eye contact with her. She could already see his eyes rimmed in gold, just as oily as his now exposed presence. She shuddered.

"Don't play dumb. Why did you order your troops against one another?"

Krell shifted forward, his arms tugging at his restraints as he spit out his response. "Why not? Your clones are worthless, and they couldn't even see their deaths before it was too late. So tell me, youngling—"

Ahsoka bared her teeth, an inhumane growl ripping itself from her throat as she tilted her lightsaber towards his neck. Beside her, she could sense Rex's deep anger, and her heart ached for the brothers they've lost. "Answer the question!"

She relished the tint of fear in his eyes as Krell gulped, before it was covered up quickly in his hate. Something strange coursed through her at the sight, prowling and waiting to be released. She didn't know what it was, but it felt familiar. Like an old friend.

"Because I wanted to. My new Master would be so proud, seeing what I've done," Krell answered simply. "There's so much more to do, so many more clones to wipe out."

Some of her fury bled through right then and there. Ahsoka had to breathe in deeply before she could gather enough sense to talk. Lashing out was unbecoming of a Jedi.

(But at the same time, she wanted to let loose. To give in to whatever thing was running through her blood.)

"You betrayed the Order. So a Sith," she hissed, her disgust clear. Krell only laughed.

"Youngling, you don't even know what the dark feels like. You're too weak."

Her arms tensed, still holding back. She couldn't give in to the whispers now drumming through her head. She couldn't have revenge. This was for her soldiers. Her vode. If anyone deserved to bring him to justice, it was them.

You can do so much if you just give in.

Memories flashed before her eyes. Of being the Son's puppet. Of the rage and power flowing through her as she fought her Masters, unable to overcome it.

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