"ignore my mother, she has never approved of any girl I've dated."
he finally musters after the awkward silence between us. his comforting voice makes my skin crawl more than his large hand placed on my face as his thumb moves side to side gently a...
"My Mother wrote: "Always question where your loyalties lie. The people you trust will expect it, your greatest enemies will desire it, and those you treasure the most, will, without fail, abuse it."
Once I ran out the building in a very nonchalant way, I made my way back home and unlocked my door, watching my surroundings to see if anyone was watching me. once I unlocked the door I quickly closed it behind me and ran towards the sofa to grab a briefcase behind my wooden box in the air vent. I opened the suitcase and there it was. My laptop. I connected my phone to the laptop and my little port sensor in my bag.
The smile plastered on my face was massive as I witnessed what was right in front of me. I did it. Right in front of me was full access to the Styles camera. The little port in my bag was a mast piece, it managed to download all the details for their security footage and microchips. Thank you Zaptech. Without your funds I wouldn't have been able to get the funds to access the security company the Styles family trust so much. Now I can watch every little movement. My eyes wandered at a specific section. Camera 2, the hallway.
There he was, his tall hench figure, leaning against what is quite obvious his family's study room door as he makes small conversation with Maya. So that's where he appeared from when he ruined my original plan. I mean, it technically worked out much better. As I continued to watch them interact, curiosity got the better of me and I put the volume up to try and hear what they have to say.
"So erm who's the girl?" He looks at Maya and crosses both his arms, I noticed his white shirt hugging his arms very well. He looked really good in smarter clothing than his jogging clothes. Actually he looks absolutely gorgeous in both clothing.
"Why, are you interested Harry?" I watch as she teases him and a smile appears on his face.
"No I'm just curious. I bumped into her this morning at the park actually." Maya looked astonished by our earlier encounter. Isn't fate so funny, I have come here for one thing and one thing only and I just happened to bump into him. Over 6 million people live in this state and it had to be the one and only Harry Styles, son of Anne and Desmond Styles.
"Maybe it's fate." Maya continues to tease as she heads out to continue her work but stops in her track, her back facing him.
"She will be at tomorrow's auction, she even donated $13,000 to the cause, I would dress to impress." The teasing in her voice becoming more clear as she walks away. I monitor his body language and he watched her leave as a small smile creeps onto his face again and he shakes his head.
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Maybe I have him just were I want him, this was much easier than I expected.
"I just want to see her. Please let me see my mother." I beg the officers but to no avail. They continued to hold me hostage.
"Please let me see my mother!" I beg and beg but no one cared. No one wanted to listen to the 8 year old who was ripped away from her mother. I felt lost and confused at what was going on.
"Your mother doesn't want to see you. Your mother is a monster Blaire don't you get it!" An FBI screeched at the top of his lungs, his patience was clearly wearing thin with me. But those words he muttered had left me speechless. No my mother couldn't be. My mother would never become a monster. She's too gentle and soft to even hurt a fly, how could she be a monster.
"My mother is no monster. The real monster is you. Let me see my mum!" I continued to scream. I was acting irrational but how does a traumatised 8 year old behave. I wasn't told anything besides insult towards my best friend.
Next thing I know my body was being dragged by one of the FBI as I tried grabbing onto the table.
"Let go of me, please." I cried but I wasn't winning. He was much more forceful and stronger than me. I watched as the people in the room with me become more distant as I left the room.
"MOTHER." I shot up from my bed, reaching my hands out. Another bad dream. Again my body was drenched in sweat by my old memories. I shook my head to get rid of it so I can focus on my plan. I took off my bed sheets and put new ones on, at this rate I'll need to buy more bed sheets with the way this is going. They're all getting dirty and I won't have enough.
After I had cleaned my room, I headed for the showers to clear my mind. The hot water pattering on my skin as I wash my hair. Once I am out the shower and completely fresh I look at the time, 11am. I have exactly an hour to get ready.
I blow dry my hair and curl it, I wanted to look simple and sophisticated. I needed to make an impression. Once my hair and make up was finished I slipped on a simple body con red dress to make the elegant look. Red should catch a few eyes, hopefully.
I leave my bedroom satisfied with the way I look and walk out my house and to the event. Once I arrive I realised the event was taking place at a beach. Everything was decorated so elegantly, the marquee was huge. Probably the biggest I had seen, nothing amazed me when it came to the Styles family. As I walk in, there was a huge sign with the words;
"Styles foundation presents our annual charity auction." Anything to gloat and gain sympathy. My face was clearly filled with disgust but immediately changed as I spotted Maya.
"Amelia! I've been waiting for you. I wanted to show you around and give you a heads up of everyone at this party. And by heads up, exactly who to avoid." She nudged me with her elbow and a wink then proceeded to interlock our arms together as she walked me to the beach.
"Here you have Camilla Harding. Anne Styles best friend and a total bitch. She's the woman who you actually bought your house from." I looked at Maya in an interesting 'no way' look to seem less suspicious. Of course I knew who she was.
Her eyes scanned for more guests trying to look for the most appealing people.
"Oh you see the guy in the black suit drinking orange juice? That's James Windsor. He's Styles corporations lawyer and fun fact he was the lawyer who put the suspect for the causing of one-one to jail. He's seen as America's greatest hero." I nodded my head my eyes also wondered and it landed on on someone quite familiar.
"That's CEO of Zaptech aka trillionaire Zayn Malik. Whenever there is a party, he's always there." He takes a sip of the alcohol in his hand and his eyes wander, looking directly at me and walking towards us.
"Oh god here he com- Hi Zayn." The annoyance very much clear and shown in her voice, but he ignores it.
"And who's this friend you have right here." His eyes again wanders and examines my face.
"Amelia Ellison."
"Zayn Malik." We were just about to shake hands but Maya interrupts us and drags me clearly away from Zayn.
"He can be such a pest sometimes. Speaking of pest, you see the guy over there in the grey suit speaking to those two guys? That's Mr.Styles also knows as New York's finest frat boy Harry Styles. Although the has calmed down ever since returning home. He's actually someone I can tolerate and have a laugh with in the Styles Manor. I think you'll get on great." She winks as we both continue to walk around the beach.