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"Over time, we commit acts with intentions, either good or bad, that require forgiveness."

"Cmon Harry hurry up!" My patience was wearing thin, this man took hours in the shower. Instead of going home to get changed I suggested him to get ready at the hotel instead. It was much quicker and easier and I was able to get staff to grab clothes for him to wear.

We hadn't decided were we wanted to go but we thought maybe somewhere casual would be perfect, but at the rate Harry was going we wouldn't get anywhere. I understand taking 10 to 15 minutes in the shower when you're in a rush but a whole half an hour? I'm ready to strangle him.

Before I could bang on the bathroom door again, I heard the sound of the lock sliding open. Finally.

"Thank goodness, you took for-" when my body spun to face him, he was topless with a towel barely hanging around his waist. His hair was slightly wet and his skin was glistening under the sun. I knew his body would be gorgeous underneath all them layers but I wasn't expecting all that. He had this massive butterfly tattoo in the middle of the stomach and two birds near his collar bones. But what caught my eyes in that brief second was how toned his arms were. I couldn't explain it if I tried but I was drooling. My mind was probably in frenzy and I felt my heart racing. My hands quickly covered my eyes and what did he do? Laugh at my reaction.

"I'm not naked underneath this towel Amelia, you can look. I was about to get dressed but then I realised my clothes are here." His words dragged like his movements. He was slowly walking towards me, I could feel the heat of his body and the smell of his aftershave radiating on me.

I don't know why but when he said I could look, my hands instantly left my face. Big mistake. When I moved them, the first thing I saw was those green eyes. Today they looked like a soft washed out green similar to one of my favourite hoodies that's been washed too many times.

Neither of us said anything but he kept edging nearer to me, but with every step he took I took one back. I needed to keep a distance between both of us. Did he gain some sort of pleasure by tantalising me? I thought my mind was chaotic in there but my body was much worse. I developed some sort of mania when I was in his presence.

I tried keeping my cool but when he was getting closer and closer my heart was racing much faster. If it went any faster I'll end up going into cardiac arrest. I watched from the corner of my eyes, one of his arm reaching to grab something. I felt his body lean onto mine as he reached for the clothes that were hanging on the wardrobe handle besides me. He had this smug face whilst I kept in my breath, trying to tame myself from doing anything stupid. He just walked back into the bathroom as if nothing happened.

I finally took a deep breath out now that there was no tension in room. I could breath and I started pacing in the room, shaking my hands occasionally to get myself back to normal. Fucking asshole had me on my toes, I was suffocating and he was thriving off it. Deep breaths Amelia, it's okay now he's gone now.

I barely had enough time to compose myself, he was already dressed and out the bathroom. Of course when I needed the space he just had to be much quicker than needed. But my anger faded quickly when he innocently lifted the hair dryer and brush in a way to ask me to help him style his hair. He just knows when he pulls that face not a single woman on this earth could say no to him. I gestured him to sit on the bed and I plugged the hair dryer to the socket and started brushing through his hair, holding the dryer in my other hand.

All I wanted to know is what goes through his head and what he gains from pushing all my buttons. He wasn't letting me style his hair and kept looking up towards me every time I tried to dry it. I would accidentally poke him in the eyes but I wasn't complaining it's the least he deserves for getting on my nerves.

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