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"Clarence Darrow, one of history's greatest lawyers, once noted "There is no such thing as justice, in or out of court." Perhaps because justice is a flawed concept that ultimately comes down to the decision of twelve people. People with their own experiences, prejudices, feelings about what defines right and wrong. Which is why, when the system fails us, we must go out and seek our own justice."

I could feel her intense stare on me, she was clearly not happy that I was present at this event and sitting on a table with her family members.

"As you all know, today marks our 105th anniversary since Styles Corporation landed its first and biggest deal which has put us to where we are today. One of the biggest finance companies. My father in law started this company when he was a young boy as did my husband and we cannot wait until our son takes over. He will make an excellent CEO." She beams in front of the guest but now focuses her attention towards her son.

"As you know every year we like to play a video of all our achievements we have done at Styles corporation, a little trip down memory lane." Anne gestures to the projector behind her and walks off the podium and nods her head to the camera man.

It started rolling and I had to mask the smirk of what was to come.

as the video rolled, it showed a few pictures of Desmond with his staff and in a meeting. He looked so smug and proud. Then rolled a couple of pictures of Harry with his Dad at a couple of their social events. Instantly my head turned to face him but he was already looking at me, I smiled and mouthed,

"hey look it's you." he faked a shocked face and gasped in a exaggerated manor

"What? No way I didn't know that."

When he titled his head slight, a strand of hair started moving a bit closer to his face and I could feel flutters

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When he titled his head slight, a strand of hair started moving a bit closer to his face and I could feel flutters. I didn't think it was possible to look THAT good with hair in front of his face as well, it even complimented his features more. Yes that stupid smile and dimples were out and on display, is this how he sweeps ladies off their feet? His eyes shut for a split second and let out a low laugh and both our attention was back to the video.

There was a distorted noise and a little bit of screeching, till the words "the real truth about Styles Corporation: James Windsor." In bold and red letters. Let the games begin Styles.

There were little chatters between everyone and small gasps and the video started to play. I furrowed my brows in confusion and looked over at Harry and his family. Desmond didn't look pleased. I could see from the corner of my eyes, James was not happy either and took a large gulp of his wine. He even loosened the bowtie around his neck.

"What is this? Turn it off!" Anne hissed but the poor I.T technician had no idea how to stop it.

And there it was out and displayed. The evidence of James attacking and abusing the victims of his case. Threatening that if they didn't pull out the case it would be over for them and their family. His evil laughter filled the rooms and the audience gasped. Everyone's head turned to James, a few still watching all the evidence.

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