"ignore my mother, she has never approved of any girl I've dated."
he finally musters after the awkward silence between us. his comforting voice makes my skin crawl more than his large hand placed on my face as his thumb moves side to side gently a...
"Some say that to believe in destiny is to dismiss the role of free will. That self-determination cannot prevail in the presence of fate. When the truth is, the only part of destiny we can control is the fate we choose for another."
"So what is it you really enjoy? The hobby that if you could, you would turn it into a full time job?" I asked and Harry looked sharply up as he took my hands into his. His hands were warm in mine and he brought them up to his lips, my nerves tingling at the smooth comfort of contact.
"Singing. I've always enjoyed it as a little boy, I would sing anything and everything. I still do but I knew I couldn't make a career out of it, I had to study business. But I think I'm okay with that, now I can open my own business for potential singers." His stare was on our intertwined hands, playing with each finger but still firming his grip and I kept my stare on our legs and how they fit so perfectly together like a missing puzzle piece.
Why did everything feel so different with Harry, was it because I hated him? Harry is a part of my mission but why was it I wanted to focus more on his side than anything else. I had set in motion take down 2 but I was delaying it to spend every minute with him and if could I would do anything to extend our morning to avoid all our responsibilities or in this instance my revengenda
"Oh great the boy can sing, can you tell me something you're terrible at? I'm struggling to find a single flaw." His head rolled back at my annoyed reaction, the same soothing melody escaping his lips. However I started pouting, huffing in anger and let go of our intertwined hands and traced the details of the birds barely seeping through his white shirt.
"I was not expecting that reaction." He managed to say between his fit of laughter.
"I wasn't expecting that answer. Thought youd say something like football or soccer as they call it here, not singing. I already know you're great at sports, you're very athletic so it made sense in my head. But singing? That's another talent to add to my list of the many things great about you."
"You have a list?" His stare was now on me and I could feel it burning my face, my cheeks slightly pink. I noticed from the corner of my eyes he was sucking in both his bottom and top lip, trying to hold a big grin from forming. His strong arm pushed me closer against his body and his hand travelling up my shirt to rest itself on my mid back to trace little drawings on it.
"At first it was more of a mental list but the pros were getting bigger and bigger I had to start writing it down on my notes. It's sounds stupid but it helps me make my decisions - well I say that but even if your cons outweighed the pros I'd definitely ignore it." I sheepishly admit the faint pink tint on my cheeks are now becoming more apparent and brighter on my golden skin. I nudged my head slightly hoping to use my hair to cover my face and as if he knew, his hand left my back to tuck it behind my ear, lifting my chin so our eyes interlocked.
"And what are my cons?" When I looked into those green eyes I wasn't sure if it was serious or not; especially after yesterday's incident with Anne.
"Are you sure you want to know the answer?" one of my brows were raised but he nodded his head, preparing himself. My fingers slowly travelled its way from his chest to his cheek then to his messy brown curls. The curls that were covering half his cheek were now between each finger.
"Well the first and biggest con was the fact that you were insulting my jokes and didn't find them funny." Before the laughter came, the anticipation flipped his expression. As soon as he processed the words, a loud shriek escaped his wet licked lips, followed by his hand clamping his mouth shut and the creases under his eyes more evident as he squinted them.
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