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"For some commitment is like faith, a chosen devotion to another person or an intangible ideal. But for me commitment has a shadow side a darker drive that consistently asks the question, how far am I willing to go?"

This time it was much easier to step into the Styles Manor, the security had recognised me. Once I reached the door, my hand was just about the knock on the door but it flung wide open.

"Amelia?" He looked at me a little surprised by my presence.

"Apologies for the intrusion. I just came to return something." A smile was on both our faces when I held up his brand new dry cleaned blazer.

I noticed his hair was styled much differently to yesterday

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I noticed his hair was styled much differently to yesterday. It looked more, free. No chemicals holding it back, his curls were free but they were still pushed back, but I think it's naturally put its self in that position. Gosh he looks gorgeous without trying. A simple white shirt and black skinny jeans, a very basic outfit but he looked stunning. For someone who is the son of a CEO of one of the biggest companies globally, alongside Zaptech he did dress humbly. I always pictured him to be drenched in expensive outfits.

Don't even get me started on his physical features, it's beautiful. His eyes twinkle, heck I didn't even need to look at stars no more. And those plump lips, how are they even that colour. How is that even possible? Meanwhile my lips is just coloured in pigmentation and cracked skin. My mind snapped out of this hypnosis when I felt our fingers touch for that split second when he took his blazer from me and passed it to one of his staff.

"Thank you Amelia, you seriously didn't have to." Why couldn't he just be an ignorant little bastard it would make it much easier, but I just shrugged off his politeness.

"Erm I know this is very sudden but I've got an errand to run for Maya, would you care to join me? I mean not just for the errand we can grab something to eat or even a coffee, just anything. Of course if you're busy I would understand." The verbal diarrhoea comes out of his mouth, while he scratches the back of his neck awkwardly. It was adorable to watch him feel nervous, at least I know I had some power over him. I'm getting there.

I get ready to put on that Oscar performance Amelia.

"I would love to. I haven't had any chance to explore New York, I feel like you know all the great spots." I wiggle my brows and chuckle, trying to ease the tension for him. He let out a sigh of relief and we were both smiling like idiots. Just from the corner of my eyes I noticed a little figure. Clearly not happy to see me interacting with her son. Her lips were pressed together and I could sense the bitterness in her eyes and worry for her son.

I would worry Anne Styles because I will be the hurricane you never expected.


We were both sat outside a small cute little cafe. He managed to get us nice seats with a good view of the busy streets of New York while we took spoonfuls of our sundae.

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