chapter twenty | the one with the joyeux noel

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the one with
the joyeux noel: christmas flashback pt.2

December 18, 2015

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December 18, 2015

Veronica could easily feel her heart pulsating from her skull to the very tip of her toes.

She had spent her entire day wishing the party would coincide on Christmas Eve so she wouldn't have to spend it with her family, but right this moment, she couldn't believe she'd much rather keep up with her parents getting on each one of her nerves, than face Allen. She was dreading it.

His mothers organized a farewell Christmas party since they were all leaving for France in the upcoming days. She felt oddly heartbroken over the fact he was leaving for good. She knew he'd stay in touch with Ethan, but for her, it was an additional note on her list as to why she couldn't be with Allen Ford. She knew he couldn't ever be hers, but she felt like the opportunity now had vanished for good.

They were going to see him again on New Year's, but this Christmas party felt like a goodbye.

She wasn't looking forward to tonight at all. She'd left having fought with her mom over her outfit; something so silly and irrelevant but her mother being a drama queen had felt the urge to bash at her with insults. Usually, Veronica would nod and move on. But today, she had already been in a low mood, and she argued back.

Her mother had started calling her names one wouldn't have heard before. But Veronica had. In fact, she grouped them into categories: synonyms for stupid, synonyms for ugly, synonyms for ungrateful, synonyms for selfish, synonyms for useless-she felt like she was missing something...

'-makes you look like a spaghetti stick-'

Right. Synonyms for sticks. A very recurrent category. Any chance to remind her just how flat-chested she was.

All because she refused to wear heels and her mom's fur coat.

The funniest part was - her mother claimed to forget saying any of it.

To get her to shut up, she did just as she was told. But right when her mother wasn't around, she hid her pair of flats under the passenger seat. The moment they were out of sight, she threw the fur coat in the back and switched her shoes. She was tempted to burn the items just for the Hell of it but knew it would bring infinitely more problems that she wasn't sure she could handle.

"You're gonna be cold," Ethan scowled. "It's freezing, Veronica. Just wear the damn thing."

"Kiss my ass."

They parked before Chloe and Danielle's house and were confused to find only Danielle got in.

"She's going with Aiden," the latter told them with an edge to her tone.

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