chapter thirty-one | the one with the wake-up call

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tw: mention of panic attack.

C H A P T E R T H I R T Y - O N E

the one with
the wake-up call

             How could she not recognize Blake Ford?

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How could she not recognize Blake Ford?

"You okay?" Veronica's voice echoed in a whisper as they stood at the back of the elevator.

Danielle was not okay.

In fact, she was far from it.

She absently nodded as her eyes cut to the front where Blake stood facing the metal doors, her dog Jax sitting obediently by her feet and Allen absently caressed its head. Her entire ensemble was making Danielle squeamish, the temperature in the elevator skyrocketing to hundred degrees in the mere minutes she was confined in such proximity to her.

How could she not recognize Blake Ford!

In her defense, they didn't spend much time with Allen's family, but she had surely seen her on at least two occasions in the past.

Did Blake recognize her?

The metal doors slid open and both Allen and Blake didn't waste time. It was one o'clock in the morning and the question of why Blake would pay him a visit at such an ungodly hour was hanging among everyone present. The two siblings paced down the hallway to reach Allen's apartment, getting inside without another word.

Danielle felt like she could breathe now. She rushed to open their apartment door and pulled Veronica by the elbow, looking at her with wide panicked eyes. Veronica's eyes narrowed.

"I have half a mind to leave you like this."

"Oh c'mon I did nothing on purpose," she sputtered and her sentence left hanging when Chloe bypassed them like a ghost, mumbling under her breath and collapsing on the couch from exhaustion. Veronica's eyebrows shot up as if her point had just been proven.

Danielle rolled her eyes. "I didn't do it on purpose and you know it."

"How about letting me sit next to Allen for five hours?" Her glare hardened at the memory.

They had sat in complete silence after Chloe's panic attack had subdued. Their last conversation hung between them like a ticking bomb and Veronica had decided to break it:

"I don't want this to be weird," she had said.

Allen had untangled the earphones, offering an earpiece. "It's not weird," he had replied, a small smile on his lips, holding her gaze for mere seconds before turning back to the screen and choosing an episode of Friends for them to pass the time.

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