chapter twenty-three | the one where no one was okay

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C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - T H R E E

the one where
no one was okay

the one whereno one was okay

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New Year was in two days.

Ethan invited Bilal over to spend the entire day to celebrate his birthday like they did every year since they won't see each other on his actual birthday (1).

It was early in the morning when they got inside the girls' apartment, only to find Veronica swinging on the stool as she peacefully ate her breakfast.

Ethan frowned and stared at his watch. 9:30. His eyes narrowed. "On a break, you get up no problem, but if you have classes, one has to drag you out of bed?"

"Yeeeep. Yep. Yep. Yep."

He rolled his eyes, moving to the coffee machine. "Chloe moved out?"

"I don't know." Veronica shrugged. "I just woke up... although it does sound suspicious." She looked in the direction of Chloe's bedroom door sealed. She had always thought that if the day came and Chloe did move out, she'd leave them with nothing but the Rules and Regulation paper taped to the fridge as a mocking farewell.

Bilal sat down and served himself cereal without anything more of a nod as a hello to which Veronica reciprocated with a slow blink.

"Where's Allen?" She tried to sound casual.

"He pulled an all-nighter working. He's out cold, most likely."

"Don't you guys get a break?" She frowned. "Why aren't you working?"

"Is that a serious question?" Ethan arched an eyebrow as he poured himself coffee and Bilal rolled his eyes. He opened his mouth to snap something, but it evaporated at the sight of a complete stranger emerging from the hallways.

All three pairs of eyes shot to him. Veronica's content of her spoon almost spilled on her shirt, Ethan may have overpoured coffee and it now dripped on his shoes, while Bilal's chewing slowed as his eyes narrowed skeptically.

"Good morning." The man smiled. His cheeks were flushed and if it weren't for the state of shock she was in, Veronica would find him adorable. "I'm Todd. Sorry for intruding... I was just leaving."

"Oh, don't worry about it." Veronica's heart stuttered and she flashed him a smile. Damn. He was cute.

Ethan seemed to have blinked back into reality. "If you were with Dan, I gotta ask, how were you able to do it with millions of eyes watching you." Ethan smiled tightly and Bilal chuckled.

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