chapter 1

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As Gibbs was driving to the hospital to see Jenny with Tony he started to sweat a bit and sniffles as well. Tony looked over at his lover and frowned. You ok boss you look a bit pale asks Tony. Gibbs: I'm fine hun it's nothing to worry about. Are you sure love. You seem really pale says, Tony. Once they got to the hospital they went up to Jenny's room. Tony grabs Gibb's hand and pulls him towards the nurse. Were here to see Jenny. Nurse: yes she's up and begging to see you guys again we were actually about to call you cause she won't eat unless she sees you. Give me the food ill bring it to her for you says Tony and he smiles at Gibbs.
Gibbs: smiles leaning against the wall sleepily and pale
Nurse: ok here, hands Tony the tray. Are you ok Gibbs
Gibbs: Yeah I'm fine just sleepy.
Tony looks at Gibbs and frowns. Were going to see Jenny for a bit and then we're going home. You need rest you've barely had any.
Gibbs: I'm fine sweetie we can spend the whole day with Jenny and if it'll make you happy I'll take a rest on the couch in her room. Ok, I guess that will do. Grabs his hand and pulls him into her room. Places a kiss on his cheek. Gibbs: smiles, Jenny what's with you not wanting to eat if you want to leave this place you have to eat. Tony smiles and sits by the bed handing Jenny the food. Here cutie you have to eat at least half ok. Jenny: dada what's wrong with papa? starts eating the pudding ignoring all the other food
Gibbs: papa's fine now pudding after you eat at least half of your food, takes the pudding cup away.
Papas just tired sweetie glares at Gibbs go lay down love. Do you need any help cutting your food princess? Jenny: yes, please
Gibbs: kind of asleep against the wall. Helps her cut the food before chuckling at his love. Walks over to Gibbs and leads him to the couch. Sleep love. Gibbs: kicks his shoes off and goes right to sleep on the couch curled up to stay warm. Pulls my hoodie off and lays it on him. Kissing his forehead and frowns.
Jenny: dada when can I go home. I miss home. Tony: I'm not sure sweetie will just have to ask when a doctor or nurse comes in today ok. Gibbs: cuddles the hoodie close liking the scent.Tony: now eat before dada eats your pudding. Nurse: hello Jenny how are you today. Looks around the room and lands on Gibbs. Is he ok he looks really pale? Tony: nope but he's being a stubborn Marine
Jenny: I'm good.Nurse: arent they all stubborn. I bet your just itching to go home. So let me go get the doctor to see about getting you discharged. Jenny: ok
Gibbs: sleeping soundly. The nurse heads out and returns shortly after with the doctor.
Doctor: hey guys looks at Gibbs. Do you want me to have a look at him after I check on Jenny? Tony: sure, goes and carefully takes Gibbs knife out of the ankle holster and the one that looks like a belt buckle. There he's safe now to have you look him over
Jenny: home. Doctor: nods on let's have a look-see. Looks over Jenny before nodding, you should be able to go home. Once I look over Gibbs.Jenny: yay
Gibbs: wakes up once he feels hands that aren't Tony's or Jenny's hands. Gibbs: goes in defence mood. Tony jumps up and runs over laying his hand I Gibbs shoulder. Love it's ok he just going to check you over.Gibbs: nods and lays back down going to sleep again holding Tony's hand.Jenny: I don't have clothes to go home in. Doctor: puts on gloves and starts to check out Gibbs
Gibbs: groans before turning slightly green.Gibbs: groans the puffs out his cheeks feeling like he needs to vomit.
Doctor: nurse we need a bin and fast, please.
Gibbs: heaves and throws up in his hand before making a bigger mess. Sorry.Tony: it's ok honey your not well.
Jenny: dada what's wrong with papa
Gibbs: *heaves before vomiting again* I'm gonna be sick again. Tony: just get it out your system, Papa not well it's probably from the lack of sleep from me being in the hospital.Jenny: I wanna help. Can I help
Gibbs: nods can you get me some water Princess*waits till she leaves before heaving again.Tony: rubs your back still.
Gibbs: looks at the doctor before blushing. I'm sorry about your clothes.
Jenny: here papa*hands him the water*.
Tony: I'm sure he comes across worse then you vomiting on him and thank you sweetie for getting papa water *takes the cup of water and holds it for Gibbs tell he's ready*.Gibbs: thanks love. Do you have a bin tho? Takes a sip of water.
Tony: the nurse is getting one, so are you going be a good Marine and tell me your sick or do I have to find another Marine to get it out of you. Gibbs: I would love to see you find another Marine who would agree to do that.Tony: I can call your grandfather.
Gibbs: eyes widen. You wouldn't.
Jenny: giggles at papa's face
Tony pulls out his phone*.
Gibbs: is silent
Jenny: dada who are you calling.
Gibbs shakes his head I'm not sick I just ate something that didn't agree with me. I feel fine now
Tony: papa's grandfather, Gibbs your sweating bullets and looks pale plus tired. Gibbs: of course I'm tired and pale I've gotten maybe 24 hours of sleep in almost a week. Tony: who's fault is that now.
Gibbs: hey I was taking care of someone who doesn't worry about themselves much.Tony: you could have slept while we were here.Gibbs: I was too worried to sleep. You were so sick. *grabs the bucket and heaves violently into it.
Tony: rubs Gibbs back as he calls grandfather*
Gibbs: back arches under Tony's hand. Spits into the bucket before taking a sip of water.

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