Chapter 15

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Jenny: ok. Ziva: cause you still need rest but we can do a date. Mcgee: ok it's settled then.Ziva: can't wait. Gibbs: slowly wakes up and tries to sit up. Tony: careful hun* helps him sit up. Gibbs: thanks, so what's my baby girl doing here I thought you were with Vance. Jenny: papa I've been with you for a while now. I missed you. Gibbs: so your the source of heat when dada left me to check on the team. Jenny: yep papa. Gibbs: well then I like that then. Jenny*smiles* climbs up next to Papa and lays down. Tony: helps Jenny as to not pull on the wires. Jenny: dada I got it. Jenny: ok papa. Tony: comfy. Gibbs: cold.Vance: I got some more PJs bottoms and gym shorts for you guys instead of blue jeans and scrubs. Gibbs: thanks.Tony: ducky already got us clothes but thanks. Vance: ok just some extra if anything happens, so how's the treatment going I heard you started it. Gibbs: falling asleep talking*.Jenny: smiles and snuggles Papa. Tony' ya we did it's already made him sick sadly. Tony: don't worry we won't do anything to taint it too much* smirks* laughs. Vance: you do the both of you will be in Abby's lab and being watched by her. Tony: I was kidding. Sorry but I prefer to be doing that stuff in our bedroom. Vance: ok.Gibbs: coughing a lot. Tony: you ok boss.Gibbs: coughing hard. Tony: puts the bucket under his chin and pats his back just breath Gibbs. Gibbs: vomits then sighs. Tony: I'm sorry Gibbs. Vance: you ok now Gibbs.Gibbs: nods and goes to lay down but just gets a blank stare on his face. Jenny: Papa you ok.Tony: Gibbs you ok. Jenny: Papa. Gibbs:*blank stare*. Tony: waves my hand in front of his face. GIBBS!!!!!!!!! Gibbs: falls to the bed tensing up*. Tony picks up Jenny before she gets hurt and hands her to Vance before laying Gibbs in the recovery position. Gibbs: tensing up still.Jenny: Papa.
Tony: he's seizing go get the DOCTOR.Gibbs: choking on saliva
Vance: goes and gets a doctor. Tony: sticks my hands down his throat and removes it. Gibbs: seizing. Vance: stays outside the room with Jenny. Jenny: Papa I want Papa.Tony: it's the ok boss I got you. The team's walk into the room to see Gibbs seizing
Vance: I know Jenny but you need to stay out of the way or you could get hurt.
Ziva: what's happening
Abby: just looks in fear
Palmer: watching Gibbs Seizing
McGee: Gibbs
Ducky: waits for the doc.
Tony: I DONT KNOW OK. I DONT KNOW. He just started seizing. Ducky do something, please. Ducky: takes Tony out of the room*. Tony: no I have to be with*goes to walk back into the room*.Ducky: no you're staying out here your upset *takes ahold of Tony's shirt*. Tony: ducky please he needs me. I NEED HIM. Ducky, please help him I need him I always have even when he wasn't mine. Just being friends with him was enough. If he died I won't go on without him. I'll kill myself duck I can't like without him. Plz, save him GIBBS DON'T LEAVE ME. *STARTS SOBBING*. Mcgee, Ziva, Abby and Palmer look at him in shock. Team: hugs Tony* the doctor is helping him
Gibbs: finally stops seizing after a strong dose of a seizure med to help stop them* ok he's asleep now and he's going be kind of out of for the rest of the day. Tony: sits by Gibbs's bed for the rest of the night waiting for him to wake up. Gibbs: cuddle TonTon. Team: has gone home for a day or two
Jenny: sleeping on the couch in the room wanting to be with dada and papa. Tony: *is asleep* having a nightmare about Gibbs heart stopping due to the seizure*Tony: collapse in a fit if tears*i I wouldn't be able to like without him. God, please don't take him from me.*is hysterical* NO Gibbs don't leave me please. Don't leave me on this earth alone please, screams NOOO DONT LEAVE ME GIBBS in his sleep NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gibbs: wakes up hearing Tony* Ton *tries to get to Tony even if he feels uneasy* TONY. Tony*still dreaming* NOO GIBBS COME BACK. I can't like without you. Gibbs if you leave im COMING WITH YOU. GIBBS NOOOOOOOO. COME BACK PLEASE GIBBS I NEED YOU*is hysterical * GIBBSSS!!!!!!!!!!!! Gibbs: Tony I'm here. Jenny: sleeping. Tony:*still dreaming* no doctor try again plz I need him * GIBBS pl* whispers plz come back to me I need you* GIBBS NOOOOOOOOOO! IM COMING TO YOU GIBBS* Jumps off a roof in his dream* wakes up* Gibbs *is hysterical * Gibbs no plz it can't be true. GIBBS NOOO!!!!! Gibbs: shakes Tony a bit. *is too hysterical to realize who it is *starts thrashing around * Gibbs Gibbs Gibbs come back to me please. Gibbs: I'm here sweetie I'm right here. Tony* g g gi..*starts convulsing *. Gibbs: Tony what's wrong. Tony: still * seizing*.Gibbs: presses the button on the remote and tries to help Tony. Ducky: walks in and gasps before running to tony. What happened. Gibbs: I don't know.Ducky: whats happened before this. Gibbs: I think it was a nightmare of me leaving. Ducky: oh he had a breakdown yesterday.  You had a seizure and he was terrified.  I think he had a nightmare of you dieing and it caused him to have a seizure from stress. I have a feeling he might have epilepsy. Gibbs: yeah he's had a few blank stares at work. Ducky: well it should stop soon. Tony: stops seizing before jerking up. Gibbs: hey hon you ok. Tony: looks at Gibbs before launching myself at him*cries*.  Gibbs: hey it's ok it ok I got you. Tony: looks at Gibbs before launching myself at him*cries*. What happened. Gibbs: looks at Ducky *yawns*.Ducky: you had a seizure
Tony: damn it not again.

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