Chapter 13

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Tony: ok but will wait for McGee to come out. Mcgee: um tony.
Ducky: nods before laying down to have a nap. Tony: yeah
Gibbs: lays back down*. Mcgee: I need a bucket* gags before throwing up. Tony hears a gag before a splash sound. Ducky: who threw up. Gibbs: McGee did
Ziva: I got it, Ducky, *goes and helps McGee*. Abby: cuddling Palmer. Gibbs goes to clean the mess up. Mcgee: sorry Gibbs. I tried to get a bucket. Tony, it's fine Gibbs bed. Gibbs: but I'm tired of not being able to help. You guys are my team and more importantly my family. I'm supposed to be taking care if you not be taken care of.
Mcgee*blushes*Tony: I don't need you pulling stitches. Gibbs: fine can I at least rub his back if I agree to sit. Tony: ok *helps Gibbs in a chair*. Gibbs: rubs McGee's back it's ok to get it all out. McGee: vomiting. Gibbs: rubs his back
Mcgee: starts coughing and choking. Gibbs pats his back. Tony: at least everyone else is looking better. Gibbs: nods
Mcgee: throws up before looking at Gibbs teary-eyed. Gibbs: I’m ok I’m here. Mcgee: Gibbs something not right. It hurts so damn much. *screams in pain before puking 6 times*.Gibbs: go get a doctor Tony. Tony: should I get ducky or someone else. Mcgee: duck plz. Ow, fuck* gets and pulls up his pants before screaming in pain and puking blood. Gibbs: Ducky!!!!! Ducky: runs in what's wrong... *looks at McGee before running over to him* tony grabs me a stretcher, please. Lifts up McGee shirts before sighing. I suspected it was this. Tony: on it *goes and grabs a stretcher*. Mcgee: sits up before vomiting, more blood. *screams in pain*
Ziva, Abby, and Palmer go to see what's going on before gasping
Ziva: MCGEE. runs over to him before rubbing his back
Abby: stares in shock before cry
Palmer: stares before pilling Abby close. Gibbs: Abbie it’s ok.
Abbie: Gibbs how is this ok. He can't even move without screaming in pain and the puking blood isn't exactly normal. Gibb: true. Ducky: abbs I'm gonna take good care of him. Where the hell is tony. Tony: right here *bring the stretcher in*.Ducky: ok tony gently puck him up and lay him on the stretcher.  Tony: carefully moves McGee to the bed*.Mcgee: screams before puking blood on tony, Ziva, Gibbs and ducky. Tony: tried to calm McGee down. Mcgee: I can't it hurt* screams in pain.
Gibbs: Ducky what the HELL is wrong with him. Gibbs: cuddling in bed to stay warm. Ducky: Gibbs while I'm preforming McGee's surgery a nurse will hook up your treatment. Gibbs: nods softly falling asleep*. Ziva: I think everyone should head home. Tony: I'm not leaving. Abbie: me either.Palmer: pukes before saying I feel much bigger now. Ziva: how about me Abbie and Palmer wait for McGee to come out and let the two of you have some alone time. Tony: that works. I'll see you guys later.
Nurse: hooks Gibbs up to the treatment. Palmer: ok. Abbie: are you sure.  Abbie: ok Tony. Gibbs: Tonton cold. Tony: curls up next to Gibbs avoiding all the wires. Gibbs: slowly falls asleep. Tony: falls asleep hoping Gibbs gets some rest before he pukes
Ducky: makes a small incision near McGee's belt. Gradually cutting out his appendix.
Mcgee: hearts slow before beating irregular.Gibbs: sleeping. Ducky: we gotta get that heartbeat, down
Tony: kisses Gibbs's lips I love you, Gibbs. Gibbs: sleeping
McGee Heart: beating fast*.Nurse: how do you suppose we do that
Ducky: push 5mg of atenolol. Nurse: does what Ducky said. Mcgee: heart still beating fast.Gibbs: shivers. Ducky: push 10mg of atenolol. Tony: pulls Gibbs closer. McGee: slows down to normal. Ducky: thank goodness I was hoping we wouldn't have to shock him. Closes up his incision. Ok, let's go back to Gibbs's room. Nurse: ok. Ducky: wheels him out into the hallway. Abbie: how’s he. Ducky: his appendix burst but we managed to stop it from doing any permanent damage. He'll be ok abbs. Ziva: I’ll stay with him in a different room. Abbie: Yeah I’m with Ziva. Ducky: ok I'll put him in the room next to Gibbs. Palmer: ill come to. Gibbs: just shivers in his sleep. McGee: sleeping. Tony: pulls a blanket over Gibbs
Ducky: wheels McGee into the room next to Gibb and lifts him onto the bed. Nurse: helps move McGee. Gibbs: gags. Tony: grabs the bucket and stuck it under his chin.Gibbs: vomiting. Tony: rubs Gibbs back. It's ok you've got this. Gibbs: sighs and lays down again. Tony: you ok now boss.Gibbs: shrugs. Tony: how about I keep the bin on your lap. Bc, I'm pretty sure the nurses are tired of cleaning up sick. Vance: calls tony. Tony: answers his phone* hello. Vance: hey tony jenny's looking for you. Tony: how about you bring her. Vance: ok be there in 10. Tony: ok. Gibbs: gagging. Tony: shoves the bucket under his chin. Gibbs: just dry heaves. Tony: rubs his back. Gibbs you gotta try and eat some food. Gibbs: no food. Tony: plz Gibbs even just a couple sips of soup. Gibbs: not right now.
Tony: I didn't say right now love. I know your stomach wouldn't handle it. How bout some water. Gibbs: nods. Tony: hands him some water. Here you go, love. Gibbs: goes to sit up a bit. Tony: puts the straw up to his mouth
Ziva: walks into the room* hey guys how are you doing. Gibbs takes a sip then lays back down. Tony covers him with a blanket. Hey, Ziva we're good. The effects of chemo are hitting now. Gibbs: already falling sleep*. Ziva: aw sorry. Tony: ya he threw up earlier. Can you go down to the cafe and grab him some soup for later. Ziva: yeah I’ll grab some crackers to you need anything else, Tony. Tony: a coffee plz oh and can you send ducky in. Ziva: yeah I can * go to tell ducky that Tony needs to talk to him then goes and gets soup crackers and a coffee*.

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