Chapter 11

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McGee: *groans*. Ok, thanks. *Walks into the girl's bathroom and gasps.* Damn it Ziva why do you hide this stuff. *Leans down and picks her up before walking into Gibbs with her passed out in my arms.* Found her. Gibbs: thanks *vomits hard onto the floor*.Ducky: rubs his back it's ok Gibbs. Mcgee: um guys what do I do about Ziva. Looks down at the unconscious women. Ziva turns and throws upon McGee. Tony: looks like a yoyoing well. McGee: grimaces before looking down at Ziva in concern. Ziva: vomits again on McGee And herself. McGee: Did anyone bring some extra clothes I can put Ziva into. Mcgee: Tony can you look for me, please. Ziva: groans before fart wetly. Mcgee: ill be back. Runs into the bathroom and sets her on the toilet. Before blushes. Ducky comes here for a minute. Ducky: yeah McGee. Mcgee: I think she'll be more comfortable with a doctor helping. I can help her if you busy. Also, I need those clothes. Ducky: I'll get a doctor for you. Mcgee: I was talking about you. You know how shell react if a random stranger undresses her. I'll do it. Ducky: ok *looks Ziva over*, yeah she has the flu. Tony: here are the clothes, McGee. Mcgee: thanks tony. Changes Ziva and then change me. Gibb: sleeping. Teddy: don't feel good. Tony: are you going to be sick. Teddy: no not now just feel cold and hot. Tony: do you want cuddles.Teddy: a blanket.Tony: you sure you don't wanna cuddle Gibbs. Teddy: not really *looks over to a spread-out Gibbs*
Gibbs: fully spread out on the bed.
Ziva: Ducky tired.Ziva: ok. Mcgee: um you're farted while I was holding you. Ziva: gags. Mcgee: shoves a bin under her chin. Ziva throws up. Gibbs: snoring. Teddy: yawns.
Mcgee: I hope you don't mind but I had to change you. Ducky was busy and I figured you didn't want a random stranger too. Ziva: nods. Mcgee: ok *blushes:* think oh boy I think I love her*. Ziva: help me then can we cuddle. Mcgee: did I say them out loud* blushes* pulls her close. Ziva: say what out loud. Mcgee: nothing* blushes hard*.Ziva: help, please

Teddy: Tony how's Jenny. Mcgee: what do you need help with. Are you gonna be sick or do you need the bathroom? Tony: she's with Vance. I figured it would be better for us to not have to worry about her for a couple of days. Bc of how sick Gibbs is. Ziva: help to bed, please.Ted: nods. Gibbs: groaning in pain from his stomach. Mcgee: Ziva we don't have a bed. I'll bring you to the couch. *picks her up and walks over to the couch and lays down with her on my chest*. Ziva falls asleep. Gibbs: wakes up in a lot of pain
Teddy: yawns. Tony: love are you ok. ducky help him. Ducky: Gibbs don't move too much *gives Gibbs a few pain meds*. Gibbs: but it hurts. Ducky: I know Gibbs. Do you want me to sedate you so you don't feel it? Gibbs: just make it stop.Ducky: sedates him. It will go away soon. I'm just gonna check your wound. Gibbs: slowly falls asleep. Tony holds Gibbs's hand. Ducky: lifts Gibbs shirt and hisses* I know why he's hurting so much. Teddy: sleeping

iva: snoring. Ducky: he has a major infection.Tony: how. Mcgee: yeah how. Tony: sighs. McGee: can you treat it. Ducky: definitely. Tony: I'm guessing you'll stop treatment. Ducky: I haven't started the treatment yet. Remember we're going to wait till he doesn't have the flu. McGee: ok
Tony: yawns. Ducky: go lay with him and sleep or you'll catch the flu and won't be able to be with him during the treatment. Me Palmer and McGee got this. Tony: ok *goes ad lays down with Gibbs
McGee: so what we do Duck. Ducky: mainly just look after them and don't worry you can take care of Ziva. I've got a teddy. Right now Palmer and Gibbs are asleep.McGee: ok. Ziva: sleeping. Tony: SNORING.Ducky: sleep McGee. There all sleep. I'm going to have a wee nap myself. Abby: hey ducky. Ducky: shh abbs there sleeping.McGee: goes to sleep on the floor. Ducky: hey abbs why don't you go sleep on the couch with Ziva. I'll be back. Abby: ok Ducky *goes to sleep next to Ziva
Palmer: sweating a lot.
Ducky: walks out and grabs 5 cots.before walking back to the room and sets them up. Picks up the Abby and Lays her on one of the cots. Picks up Teddy and lays him on the second one. Picks up Ziva and lays her on the 3. Picks up McGee and lays him on the third one with Ziva. Knowing about his crush on her.picks Palmer up and frowns at the heat coming off him. Lays him on the fourth one. Picks up tony and lays him on the fifth on right beside Gibbs's bed. Lays down next to the Abby after putting blankets on all but palmer. Palmer: sweating buckets. Gibbs: having a nightmare. Team: sleeping soundly. Ducky: strips Palmer down to his boxers and soothes Gibbs. Gibbs: thrashing a bit. Ducky: Gibbs your ok tony's ok the team's ok. She wakes up Jethro. Gibbs wakes up vomiting. Ducky: aww man. Now I have to change. You ok Gibbs.Gibbs: sorry and yeah I'm good * yawn*. Ducky: um I did have any spare clothes. Gibbs: yeah the nurse gave everyone spare clothes. Ducky: stay in bed I've hooked antibiotics to your iv so be careful. I'm going to run and get everyone spare clothes that not scrubs. Gibbs: pouts ok. Ducky: walks out and runs to the store to grab everyone 5 sets of spare clothes and some light snacks. Before paying. Palmer: vomiting a lot when Ducky’s gone.Mcgee: bolts awake hearing the splash of vomit hitting the floor. Oh, Palmer let's get you to the bathroom. Palmer follows you* cold. Girls: sleeping soundly. Gibbs: sleeping. Mcgee: I'm assuming ducky stripped you bc you were sweating. Ok over the toilet you go if you still feel sick. I'll go grab you a blanket. Ducky: walks back into the room and frowns at the mess on the floor before getting to work in cleaning it.Palmer: nods.Mcgee: walks out and yelps. Jesus ducky you startled me. Palmer's cold and I was wondering if you would go and get him some shorts and a t-shirt.

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