Chapter 25

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Ducky: *smirks because he knows the real reason* ok. Let her sleep. McGee: ok *lays Ziva down then goes and lays down on the couch*.
Palmer and Abby: hi guys.
Ducky: go to sleep guys* points to a cot*. Abby: why. Ducky: bc it's 11 pm. And everyone else is sleeping.
Abby: ok night Ducky *goes to a cot*. Palmer: um Abby can I lay with you. Abby: yeah *asleep*. Palmer lays next to her and falls asleep. Abby: *cuddles Palmer to keep warm*. Gibbs: *sleeping all night*. Palmer: smiles in his sleep.
Tony: groans and starts seizing. Gibbs: holding Tony not knowing he's seizing. Ducky wakes Gibbs up. Tony: starts seizing even faster. Gibbs: mm not now TonTon *rolls to his other side*. Ducky: *lifts Gibbs up and lays him on a cot before tending to tony. Gibbs: sleeping.Tony: seizing. Ducky: walks over to don't and rolls him onto his side. Tony: choking a bit. Ducky: shifts his head over the bed and pats his back. It's I'm tony I got you. Tony: vomits. Ducky: gets covered in puke but keeps patting his back. It's ok tony. Tony: coughing a bit. Ducky: rubs his back. Tony: hisses in pain. Ducky; rubs his back. Your ok tony. Tony: pain in the back but feel numb in my feet. Ducky: ok let me check your back. *Lifts up his shirt before sighing*. Tony: why can't I feel anything below my waist. Ducky: Well from what I can tell there’s swelling near your spine. Well, have to see if it goes away. Also no walking for a while.
Ducky: if you walk before it goes away you might become permanently paralyzed. Tony: pain meds. Ducky: I can’t promise they won’t aid in making you paralyzed permanently. Tony: the pain hurts though a lot. Ducky: I’ll give them to you in a low dose to limit the chances ok. Tony: nods a bit fast. Ducky: gives him 5 mg of morphine. Ducky: you ok tony. Tony: just in a lot of pain. Tony: please get him. Gibbs: mm yeah. Ducky: Tonys awake and wants you. Gibbs: ok *slowly gets up and walks over to Tony* hey how you feeling. Tony: g Gibbs I can't feel the lower half of my body. Gibbs: it's ok will just figure it out as we go you can still work at NCIS. Team: sleeping. Gibbs: what you want Tony. Tony: m my b back hurts. Tony: I wanted you to cuddle me but never mind go away* hides my face and cries silently*. Gibbs: *gets into bed and holds you* just sleep your overtired and in pain just sleep I'm here with you. Tony: pushes Gibbs out of bed. I said go away. Gibbs: I'm not going anywhere no matter how many times you tell me to go away. Tony: Gibbs please just go lay in the other bed, please. I wanna be lone. Gibbs: nope. Tony sits up and shoves Gibbs off the bed before screaming in pain.* I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE. Gibbs: *just lays there in shock*. Tony: ducky can I go in a different room* writhes around in pain* screams in pain*. Gibbs: *gets up and goes to Tony again*. Tony: shifts away even tho it causes him pain* I said leave me alone. Gibbs: Tony I'm trying to help you. Tony: earlier you weren't too concerned about helping me. Tries to sit up again before screaming in pain.* falls into a coma*.Gibbs: Tony Tony wake up, please. Ducky: pushes Gibbs away. Go it's your fault he fell back into a coma. So go lay down. Gibbs: goes out of the room up to the roof and starts smoking. Mcgee follows him and rips the cigarette from his mouth. Quit that or I will tell tony. Gibbs: you give that back right now *coughing*. Mcgee: exactly my point. Gibb you doing nothing but hurting yourself and tony doing that. Mcgees: pats his back breath boss. Gibbs: *coughing hard*. Mcgee: picks him up and brings him inside. You're an idiot you know that. Gibbs: Tony. Mcgee: Gibbs it's your fault. You were snappy. You should have just cuddled him.  Gibbs: I didn't snap I just asked what he wanted me to so I didn't hurt him.  Mcgee: you asked him what he expected you to do about it and asked him what he wanted. What do you think he wanted? Gibbs: the only thing I was is the very last time I was here no one was there for me cause they were dead so I don't know what to say or do. Mcgee: it didn't matter whAt you did as long as you did it out of long. Tony sensitive. You probably never noticed bc every time you came he acted all rough trying to impress you. He worships the ground you walk on. He loves you, Gibbs. Even if you did hurt him he knows it wouldn't be on purpose not to mention if when he told you he couldn't feel his legs he wasn't worried about his job. He didn't want to leave him. Gibbs: coughing harder. Mcgee: sighs* your so stubborn brings him into Z ivas old room before grabbing an oxygen mask and puts it on his face. Breath boss. Gibbs: coughing still. Mcgee: don't make me go get the doctor to intubate you. Tony: heart stops
Ducky: presses the code blue button before performing CPR. Mcgee: damn it that's your rooms button boss. Nurse: comes running in* what happened. Ducky: his heart stopped again. Mcgee: runs into his room and gasps before running back to Gibbs. GIBBS. Tony died there trying to save him. Gibbs: have them stop if they can't get a pulse. Mcgee: WHAT! B but he'll be dead. Gibbs: his heart has stopped three times already. Mcgee: but if he does you will stop treatments and work. And I would miss him. Gibbs: all I cause is pain cause I'm scared of what happened with my first wife will happen again. Mcgee: are you sure you want me to tell them to stop.  Gibbs: I don't know. Mcgee: well I need to know. I know it's hard Gibbs. Gibbs: no you don't you don't know what i do at home when i'm not working.

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