Chapter 36

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McGee: ZIVA. Doc: waits onshore for them*. Nurse: want me to put an IV in Gibbs Tony. Ziva: *follows his voice before unlocking a door* Mcgee. Tony: yes please he's been consistently sick. Nurse: ok and that's not good *goes and gets an IV kit*. McGee: ZIVA. Ziva: McGee. I'm sorry it took me so long no one would help me. Let's go to the boat. I'll meet you there wanna make sure no one else is here's*walks to the other side of the boat*. Gibbs: snoring all curled up in the chair. McGee: let's just go I don't care I want off this ship. Ziva: McGee goes get in the speed boat ill be right there. McGee: no I'm waiting for you. Ziva: ok *walks to the other side of the boat and lets her facade down*wheezes a bit before leaning over the side and puking hoping to be quiet enough that McGee doesn't hear*.Ziva: *groans before being sick again* wheeze and sway a bit before falling in the water undetected.*. McGee: Ziva. Ziva:.*uncousious in the water slowly drowning*. McGee: *dives in after Ziva* comes back up with Ziva and gets her onto the boat. Ziva:*. McGee: *gives CPR*. McGee: Ziva come on I can't lose you or our baby*. Ziva: *still not breathing*. McGee: Ziva, please. Ziva: *coughs before vomiting water*. McGee: let's get you to land ok*. Ziva: m McGee I h have something t to t tell you. McGee: what's wrong. Ziva: I I'm d dying m McGee. McGee: no you can't be we just found out about our baby *crying*. Ziva: I'm sorry McGee. McGee: no you can't please no I've only loved you. Ziva: I'm sorry McGee I I j just f found out from my oncologist. I l love y you. McGee: you can get treatment. Ziva: m McGee I it's stage 4. T there's not m much treatment w while d do. McGee: what about the baby. Ziva: I should b be alive l long enough to g given birth. McGee: sits and holds you*. Ziva: cough before vomiting more water on McGee* s sorry. McGee: it's ok don't worry about me. Ziva: *stands up before peeing*. McGee: let's get back to shore. Ziva: I didn't pee*. McGee: what do I need to do then. Ziva: m my w water b broke * Screams in agony as contractions*. McGee: ok *holds out his hand* here hold my hand I'll drive one-handed. Ziva: no drive with two hands* leans over the side of the boat and vomits* screams in pain*. McGee: drives fast to the dock. Ziva: ow fuck*doubles over in pain before vomiting more water* collapses*. McGee: pulls up to the dock* Ziva.Ziva: m McGee I it hurts *screams in pain* AHHH. McGee: gets you out of the boat and to the doctor. Ziva: *cries in pain before screaming* AHHHH OW FUCK. McGee: here take my hand. Tony: *wakes up*. What the hell* sees Ziva been carried past his door* Gibbs wakes up Gibbs
Ziva: grabs McGee's hand and squeezes as a contraction passes through her* ahhhh. McGee: we're almost to a room. Gibbs: sleeping soundly. Tony: GIBBS WAKE UP. Gibbs: mm yeah baby. Tony: Ziva was just carried by my room screaming in pain. Did you know she was pregnant? Gibbs: no I didn't. Ducky: I did. Tony: what why didn't you. Tell me. Ducky: they didn't want too many people to know. Gibbs: *nods* I'm a go check on her* gets up to leave*. Tony: pain meds too, please. Ziva: leave only McGee. Gibbs: *sighs* ok do you need anything. Ziva: LEAVE GIBBS. Gibbs: *snarls* fine be a bitch*storms out*. McGee: come on just push Ziva. Gibbs: walks to the roof and sits on the edge*. Ziva: *pushes before screaming*. Tony: where's Gibbs with the painkillers *struggling to stay still*. Ducky: ill go look for him. Gibbs: slowly pushes off the roof before falling
Ziva: pushes again before hearing a baby cry. McGee: you did good sweetie you did so good. Ziva: *screams before pushing again*. Gibbs: *falls and hits the ground*
Ducky: GIBBS where are you. Tony: waiting for Gibbs and Ducky. McGee: what's going on Doc. Doc: apparently you're having twins. Mcgee: what. Ducky: *walks into Tony's room* I can't find him tony. Ziva: McGee now is no the time*screams*. Ducky: *walks into Tony's room* I can't find him tony
Ziva: McGee now is no the time*screams*. McGee: got it *holds your hand*. Ducky: sure*walks out and asks the nurse for more meds for tony*
Gibbs: *laying on the ground dead*. Ziva:* pushes before screaming*. Ducky: sure*walks out and asks the nurse for more meds for tony*
Gibbs: *laying on the ground dead*. Ziva:* pushes before screaming*. McGee: you're doing good. Nurse: walks in and gives tony some pain killers.
Ziva: pushes before laying back as she hears a cry. McGee: you did so good sweetie
Tony: crying in pain*. McGee: a girl is Shannon Kelly and for a boy Ziva what do you want to name him. Ziva: Leroy. Ducky: *walks into Ziva's room* where's Gibbs. McGee: what do you think for a middle name. DUCKY: I ASKED WHERE GIBBS IS. McGee: Ducky we asked Gibbs to leave and we thought he went back to Tony. Gibbs: . Ducky: Ziva did you yell him. Ziva: yeah I told him to leave cause I didn't want him to see me give birth. Ducky: that was stupid you know he is sensitive* has a bad gut feeling* oh dear. God, please don't have done it, Jethro. McGee: do what
Gibbs:. Ducky:* stares at McGee with scared eyes*. McGee: shoot *hands Ziva Leroy and Kisses her before leaving* damit you don't. Ducky: I hope he didn't. McGee: bolts to the roof*.-note laying there -. McGee: please don't boss *gets to the roof and doesn't see anything*.Tony: still crying in pain*. Ducky:* leans over the edge before gasping and stumbling back* No. McGee: what Ducky what's wrong. Ducky: h he I um. McGee sees the note* no boss why. McGee: hands Ducky the note not wanting to read it*. -Gibbs note
I feel certain that I am going mad again. I feel we can't go through another of those terrible times. And I shan't recover this time. I begin to hear voices, and I can't concentrate. So I am doing what seems the best thing to do. You have given me the greatest possible happiness. You have been in every way all that anyone could be. I don't think two people could have been happier 'til this terrible disease came. I can't fight any longer. I know that I am spoiling your life, that without me you could work. And you will I know. You see I can't even write this properly. I can't read. What I want to say is I owe all the happiness of my life to you. You have been entirely patient with me and incredibly good. I want to say that - everybody knows it. If anybody could have saved me it would have been you. Everything has gone from me but the certainty of your goodness. I can't go on spoiling your life any longer. I don't think two people could have been happier than we have been."-. Mcgee: what else does it say.

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