Chapter 5

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Gibbs: tony can we tell teddy what we decided. Tony: you sure you can say it.Gibbs: yes I'm sure I can say it. Can't promise there won't be tears.Tony: Teddy a crier. Gibbs: definitely shed a tear or two. Teddy: What are you guys talking about your bed life. Jenny: what's a bad life.Gibbs: teddy seriously, Jenny it's sleeping and cuddles. Gibbs: teddy are you ready for the news. Jenny: ok.Teddy: smiles at Gibbs. Gibbs: ok here I go. We were wondering if you would like to be Jennys Godfather*tears up*.Teddy: Sure I'll do anything for you, Gibbs. Teddy: starts crying. Jenny runs up to teddy. yay teddy. Jumps into his arms.Teddy: oof* hey Jenny lets go get edible food. Jenny: yay food. Tony and Gibbs: be good Jenny. Teddy: she will. Tony: now let's see why your stomach is in so much pain. Teddy: *leaves with Jenny in his arms*. Gibbs: nods in ready doc. The doctor looks Gibbs over* where does it mainly hurt Gibbs. Gibbs: points directly below my belly button. Doc: ok.Doctor: ok I'm gonna press on certain parts. Tell me when it hurts ok and how bad. Gibbs: ok. Doctor: pulls my gloves on and starts pushing around his stomach before presses below his belly button. Gibbs: ow that hurt a lot. Tony: snickers a bit at Gibbs's reaction. Gibbs:*smakcs the back of Tony's head*. Doctor: ok I want to put a camera down your throat into your stomach. Sir, it's not nice to laugh at someone in pain. Tony: no it's he has never yelled in pain even after putting a bullet in his thigh. Gibb: no. Doctor: than that should say something about how much pain he's in. Gibbs: keeps mouth shut*. Tony: fine I'll be good. Doctor: good. Are you guys ok with the camera? Tony: I'm fine. Gibbs: *keeps lips shut*.
Doctor: Gibbs are you gonna be sick. Gibbs: nods. Doctor: hands him a bucket. Gibbs: sits up and vomits again. Tony: scrambles behind him and rubs his back. Gibbs: vomiting blood. Doctor: that almost 100%confirms my suspicion.Gibbs: sighs and lays down cuddling Tony's waist.Tony: a very raw throat. Doctor: shakes his head no sadly. I need to do a scope to confirm my suspicions. Gibbs: no scope
Tony: please Honey. Doctor: it's in your best interest that you do it. So we know what's wrong and can treat you so you can take care of your family. Gibbs: no
Tony: is there a test you can do that I will be with him for.Gibbs: yawns. Gibbs: vomits on the floor.
Doctor: jumps back. We can do an ultrasound. Tony: ok let's do that *rubs Gibbs's stomach*
Gibbs: sighs. Doctor: ill be back with it. Tony: ok
Gibbs: when can we go home. Doctor: I'm not sure. Gibbs: ok. Gibbs: cuddles Tony slowly falling asleep. Doctor: brings the ultrasound to his room. Let's get this done. Tony: moves Gibbs for the doctor* will that work for you Doctor: Gibbs: sleeping. Doctor: ya I suggest you wake him up this gel is cold unless I was it up. Tony: honey the docs back can you wake for me. Gibbs: groans I don't wanna. Tony: wake up or no fun later. Gibbs: bolts up. I'm awake.
Tony: holds Gibbs a bit down* they are going do an ultrasound.
Doctor: are you guys ready. It's gonna be a little cold. Tony: yeah
Gibbs: sure. Tony: yeah we're ready. Doctor: pull up his shirt to show his stomach, put some gel on and place the wand and moves around before sighing. Damn. Gibbs: it hurts. Tony: what's wrong. Doctor: screens shot the screen I'm going to talk to a college first. But I'll be back. Prints the image and hands them a cloth here you can clean him off. *walks away*. Gibbs: that hurt
Tony: I'm sorry *cleans Gibbs stomach off*. Doctor: walks back with a frown on his face. I have the results. Gibbs: so what's wrong stomach flu. Tony: yeah what's wrong. Gibbs: doc so what do I have. Doctor: I'm sorry to tell you this but it's not a stomach bug. It's cancer stomach cancer to be exact. Gibbs: I'm healthy I don't smoke I eat healthily I can't have cancer I just can't. Doctor: you don't have to smoke to have cancer. Gibbs: I don't have cancer I just don't.Doctor: I'm sorry sir but I'm afraid you do. Tony: Honey calm down don't get overworked up
Gibbs: I'm going back to work tomorrow full duty Vance is not going to know anything got it Tony or I'll wack you so hard your think twice of working for NCIS. Gibbs: *goes to get up to leave*. Tony: pins him down. You need treatment plz. Gibbs: struggles against Tony*. Tony: leans down and kisses him. I know it's scary honey but please you need treatment to even have a chance. Please do it for me. Gibbs: don't tell Jenny.Tony: Gibbs we have to we can't keep it from her. Why don't we just say You're sick? Gibbs: nods not the Team though.
Doc: know you guys are still processing the news but we need to do the surgery to put the port in and get the tumour out, The port is for Chemo treatment. Tony: Gibbs we can't keep this from the team they will find out sooner or later. Tony: if I have to I will tie you down at home if I must. Gibbs: I'm going to run the team just like before and nothing will change. Tony: if you not going to get treatment then I can't be with you. I'm not going to sit here and watch you die bc your too stubborn to admit you need sick leave. I love you too much to let you do that. Doc: it's going be in hospital treatment so you not leaving. Gibb: WHAT don't leave me I love you. Tony: then please get treatment. Gibbs: fine. Tony: thank God. I didn't want to have to leave you but I would if I had to.

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