Chapter 16

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Gibbs: how many have you had since we have been here. Tony: Um 6 *blushes*. Gibbs: when I think your daydreaming are they actually seizures and not work. Tony: sometimes. If my mouth or eye twitches then yes. There called absent seizures. Gibbs: have you had them for a few years or what. Tony: if you didn't notice I have epilepsy. *grabs a chain from under my shirt and shows him the epilepsy symbol *. Tony * since I was 6*. Gibbs: are you on meds for them and that's good you have a tag for it. Tony: shakes my head, no the only happens when I'm stressed and I don't usually fully convulse unless I'm really stressed. Gibbs: ok how we're you able to hide them during a stressful case. Tony: bathroom breaks. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, boss. No one at work except Vance knows. I didn't want to be treated differently. Gibbs: you wouldn't have been treated differently maybe the driving part but nothing else. Tony: see why I didn't tell anyone. I'm always careful. I pull over when I'm stress if I have to drive or I make others drive. If you take away my driving you take away my life. Gibbs: I met not have Ziva drive with you in the car I would have you drive with me or have you or McGee Drive with Ziva not driving. Tony: true that's scary. I had one when I was with them thankfully they didn't notice. Ok, I love you. Gibbs: you had one when Ziva first join the team and drove to and from a crime scene. Tony: nods a major one might I add. Gibbs: major what. Tony: major seizure. The full seizing and everything. Not sure how they didn't notice. Gibbs: ok now she's never driving with you again. Tony: and how do you suspect we tell him that. She will ask why. I'm pretty sure we're gonna have to tell her than tell the rest of the team. Gibbs: if you want to. Tony: do you think I should.Gibbs: it's fully up to you and I'll sit by you either way. Tony: I should it will probably be safer for me too. Gibbs: yeah plus if you ride with me we can always have fun on the way/from the crime scene. Tony: *smirks* definitely.gibbs: *smiles*. Tony: when should I tell then. Gibbs: maybe when they come back or now. Ziva: you didn't die McGee so quite you complaining about my driving. McGee: you drove over the legal speed limit. Tony: um guys. Ziva: hey how you guys doing. Tony: I got something to tell you when Abby and palmer get here. Ziva: ok. McGee: about what. Abby: we got food and a soda for Gibbs. Palmer gives food out. Tony: guys um I Gibbs I cant do this.*takes the chain off my neck and hands it to them* here this will tell you. Tony: stares into space twitching. Gibbs: Ton it's ok just lay down Pal can you help Tony lay down. Palmer: sure but why * leads him to the bed.
Tony: Gibbs its gonna happen again. Gibbs stands up out of bed being careful of the wires* lays Tony down just let it happen. Tony: but what will they t think
Ziva, McGee, Abby and palmer: let what happen. *Tony: starts convulsing violently *. Gibbs: sighs* he's epileptic. Ziva: what!!!!
Mcgee: I uuh what!! Abby: since when. Palmer: ok walks over to tony and watches over him. Gibbs: he has been epileptic since he was six and when's stress it's worse. Abby: SINCE HE WAS 6. WHY'D DIDN'T I KNOW. *storms off*
Ziva: wait did my driving.
Mcgee: why didn't he tell us sooner
Tony: still convulsing*. Gibbs: guys please no questions right now *just watches Tony*. Tony* convulsions slow down before stopping* groans* ow my arm. Gibbs: hey you're ok. Tony: my arm really hurts boss. Gibbs: you had a seizure. Tony: did my arm hit anything. Gibbs: the arm rail of the bed. Tony: groans just great the last thing I need is a broken arm. Gibbs: it doesn't look broken but let Palmer look at if you feel it's broken ok and you did really well *covers Tony's waist with the blanket*.Palmer* walks over and looks at his arm* it's not broken but I'm pretty sure there's a small fracture. An X-ray will be needed to confirm. Tony: pouts. Ziva: if you want I can press on it and see.
Tony: no I'm ok. Gibbs: Ziva no torture. Ziva: aww. I'm kidding. Gibbs: I think she went to get a pop or coffee *yawns*. Tony: I hope she's not mad at me for not telling her sooner. too much. Jenny: sleeping soundly. Gibbs: *yawning a lot*. Tony: um guys. Ziva: ya Tony. Tony: are you guys mad at me. Ziva: no we're not
McGee: not at all
Ducky: no but it would have been nice for me to know that way if you had a big seizure I could check on you at least.
Palmer: it's your life we don't care.
Tony: I just don't want to be given special treatment.  I didn't want to be taken out of the field.  It's my life besides Gibbs. Gibbs: yes but we like working with you a lot.Tony: I'm sorry guys. Can I be alone for a couple of minutes? Team: leaves. Gibbs sits on the bed feeling tired. Tony: lay down love I'm going for a walk. I'll be back in 10. Gibbs: I'll go with you *yawns*. Tony: Gibbs you need rest and I want to be alone to think. Gibbs: fine 10mins only but move Jenny over to keep me warm till your back ok. Tony: nods. Lifts Jenny up and lays her down.  Walks out of the room and up to the roof before sitting on the ground. Gibbs: cuddles Jenny and slowly falls asleep*. Tony: thinks about the day I was diagnosed with epilepsy and how my parents were so scared and sad and how I didn't understand it would stay forever * starts sobbing *. Gibbs: sleeping soundly with Jenny
Jenny: cuddling Papa as they sleep. Tony: sigh *still sobbing* damn it not now please.  *Starts twitching* no-no-no. G Gibbs hh hel...

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